
Research News & Funding Opportunities for Tulane Cancer Researchers - June 25, 2024

Inroads e-Newsletter: June Edition Now Available

To read the June 2024 edition of Inroads, please click here.

Tulane Med Insider: Dr. Lawrence Jenkins

In this Tulane Med Insider video, Larwence Jenkins, MD, MBA, FACS, Associate Professor, Associate Chair and Director of Men's Health in the Department of Urology, discusses the importance of addressing quality-of-life issues following prostate cancer treatment.


Limited Competition Opportunity - High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs in Clinical and Translational Science

Tulane University is a member institution in the Center for Clinical and Translational Science through our partner institution, the University of Alabama at Birmingham. As a member of this network, we are eligible to compete for limited competition awards which a) correspond with the goals of the center, and b) offer a much greater chance of success than a typical extramural opportunity by virtue of the limited field of eligible applicants.


One such FOA is soliciting applications for “High Impact Specialized Innovation Programs in Clinical and Translational Science.” The purpose of this program is to support the development and demonstration of unique hub capabilities, research platforms and/or resources to address in a timely manner critical gap areas and/or roadblocks in clinical and translational science.

Eligible programs might focus on digital health, decentralized clinical trials, pragmatic trials, artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithms, point-of-care clinical decision support systems, data science and statistical methods, real-world data and real-world evidence, innovative clinical trial designs, genetics and genomics, though this list is non-exhaustive.


Tulane University School of Medicine's Director of Clinical Research Programs Andrew Barton is a member of the CCTS team at Tulane and is happy to meet with any interested investigators and to help gather resources to support proposal development and submission. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact him via email at or phone at 504-988-9038.

Framework for NIH Reform Unveiled,

Stakeholder Input Requested

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) recently unveiled a framework that lays out the current challenges facing the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and contains recommendations for reform.

The framework covers the following areas:


  • Mission and Leadership Reform: NIH Mission and Leadership Must Be Accountable, Integrated, and Agile
  • Funding Reform: NIH Funding Mechanisms Must Be Clear, Responsible, and Reflective of Congressional Intent
  • Grant Reform: NIH Grant Research Must Protect Against National Security Risks and Threats, and be Independent, Innovative, Responsive, and Transparent


CLICK HERE to view the full framework.


Stakeholders wishing to submit any feedback on the framework or provide additional thoughts, ideas, or suggestions for reform can do so by emailing by August 16, 2024.

Happening TODAY

Forge AHEAD Pilot Grant Opportunity

The Forge AHEAD Program's new pilot grant opportunity -- made available through Tulane's partnership in the UAB Center for Clinical and Translational Science -- provides a 1-year, $50,000 award for applicants interested in conducting clinical, community, and population health research into cardiometabolic diseases. Interested applicants should also include health equity and social determinants of health components in their research plans.


The next deadline for letters of intent is TODAY


This flyer provides additional information, but please contact Andy Barton at or 504-988-9038 with any questions or to set up a brief call to discuss how your research might fit this request for applications. 

Happening This Week

Storm warning. Yellow warning sign of the storm. Storm ahead. Bad weather_ hurricane_ thunderstorm_ storm_ squall wind. Vector illustration.

Tulane University School of Medicine (SOM) Emergency Preparedness Seminar

Wednesday, June 26, 1:00 PM

Attend in person:

Hutchinson Auditorium

1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, 1st Floor

Attend via zoom:

Meeting ID: 944 9341 4687; Passcode: 611753

Tulane SOM will hold its annual Emergency Preparedness Seminar for Principal Investigators and their designees to go over research policies, emergency procedures and practices during an emergency closure.

Topics to be covered include:

  1. Recommendations for Emergency Readiness – Actions to Take NOW
  2. Plans and Policies for Emergency Events that Require Closure
  3. Responsibilities of On-Site Lead for Research Resources During an Emergency Closure
  4. SOM Freezer Farm Policy
  5. OEHS and Biosafety Policies During an Emergency Closure
  6. Generator Back-Up to Buildings
  7. Procurement and Receiving During an Emergency Closure

LSU / LCMC Health Cancer Center Faculty Candidate Seminar

Feng Jiang, PhD

Professor, Department of Pathology

The University of Maryland Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center

University of Maryland School of Medicine

Exploring Molecular and Biological Mechanisms Underlying Lung Cancer and Their Translational Potential for Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Thursday, June 27 - 9:00 - 10:00 AM

LCRC 1st Floor Auditorium

1700 Tulane Ave., New Orleans

Light Breakfast Available at 8:45 AM

Zoom Meeting ID: 914 8724 1060

Passcode: 231844

Approaching Deadlines for Department of Defense Award Mechanisms

Prostate Cancer Research Program

Idea Development Award

o  Pre-application submission deadline is June 28, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. Central Time

o  Full application submission deadline is July 19, 2024 - 10:59 p.m. Central Time

Pancreatic Cancer Research Program

Idea Development Award

o  Pre-application submission deadline is June 28, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. Central Time

o  Full application submission deadline is October 3, 2024 - 10:59 p.m. Central Time

Translational Research Partnership Award

o  Pre-application submission deadline is June 28, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. Central Time

o  Full application submission deadline is October 3, 2024 - 10:59 p.m. Central Time

To access the LAUNCHED RFA click here.

Plan Ahead

Budget Workshop for

Female Founders

July 15 - 4:00 - 6:00 PM

Salon 22

2407 Bienville St., New Orleans, LA 70119

Salon 22 and Tulane Adjunct Professor Jane Cooper are offering a Budget Workshop for early-stage company founders. The workshop teaches the basics of creating an annual budget, including defining customers, sales and revenue, product/service pricing, volume of sales, cost of goods sold, monthly expenses, and profit/loss. It is a five-week intensive course that ends with a 12-month budget for your company. For more information or to register, click here.

To register for this workshop, please click here.

Funding Opportunities

NCI Cancer Control and Population Sciences

New Notice of Special Interest

The Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program in NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences is sharing information about a new Notice of Special Interest, listed below. The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts notices provide more details and contact information for inquiries.

NOT-CA-24-031: Validation of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Tools for Improved Assessment in Biomedical and Behavioral Research 


100 & Change Challenge


Lever for Change recently announced its latest 100&Change challenge, which will ultimately award one, $100 million “feasible, evidence-based, impactful, durable, and just solution” to a critical problem of our time. All fields and disciplines are eligible.

While Tulane is able to submit multiple applications, we will once again be conducting an internal review of pre-proposals to determine best alignment, identify potential collaborators, etc. If you are interested in being part of this exciting opportunity, please complete the pre-proposal form and return it to Lou Franchina (Executive Director—Corporate, Foundation, and Research Relations) at by Friday, July 12.

CFR will work with those moving forward to register by August 15 and submit full applications by September 5. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your CFR representative if you have any questions, need additional information, or wish to discuss.

The Louisiana Cancer Research Center (LCRC) has announced another round of Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination Travel Awards to support student & trainee travel to professional conferences from July 1 - December 31, 2024.


This funding opportunity will provide awards up to a maximum of

$2,500 to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral trainees to enhance their cancer research training experience in LCRC-affiliated laboratories and to reinforce national exposure of LCRC research projects.


Please note:

  • The trainee's Principal Investigator must be an LCRC member.

  • Applicants must be presenting a poster or giving a platform presentation at the conference they are attending with the travel support funding.


The application deadline is July 15, 2024. You can apply for the

award even if your travel has already occurred in July 2024.


Read the full funding announcement & application instructions here.


Principal Investigators, please make your trainees aware of this funding opportunity. Funding could be used to attend local, national or international conferences.


For additional information on eligibility and requirements, please

visit the LCRC website:


CDMRP / FY24 Prostate Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Melanoma Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Pancreatic Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Rare Cancers Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Breast Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Lung Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Ovarian Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program



Researchers, students, entrepreneurs, and innovators with ideas for advancing the health and economy of the Delta region of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana are encouraged to enter the inaugural Delta Innovator Search.

The Rural Innovation Alliance, a multi-state initiative committed to transforming the Delta region through technology-based economic development, will accept applications for the search through July 30 at

The Innovator Search, part of a planning process launched in May 2023 and funded by the National Science Foundation’s Regional Innovation Engines program, will identify new solutions that have the potential to advance the region’s economy and contribute to better health outcomes for Delta residents. Solutions could include new goods or products, scientific or technical innovations, services, business models, financial strategies or other projects that help build the necessary infrastructure for resilient economic growth in the Delta.

Projects should align with at least one of three target categories:


Scientific or Technical Innovations — New approaches that address the Delta’s unique needs and opportunities, ranging from non-traditional rural health delivery to agricultural innovations such as specialty crop developments or resilient farming practices.

Economic or Financial Innovations — New business models or financial strategies designed to strengthen the region’s economic base by engaging and empowering Delta residents and communities.

Community Impact 2040 — Strategies thoroughly grounded within and committed to making a long-term, positive impact on local Delta communities, including advancements in economic resiliency and improvements in rural health outcomes.


Applicant Eligibility

Individuals, nonprofits, small businesses, entrepreneurs, students, faculty, cooperatives, teams, or other groups and entities with new ideas or solutions that could make the Delta a healthier, economically thriving region are encouraged to apply.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and residents of Arkansas, Mississippi, or Louisiana OR demonstrate authentic partnership with an organization from the area that serves residents.

Damon Runyon

Fellowship Award

The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation is a leading nonprofit organization that funds brave and bold cancer researchers. Damon Runyon’s mission is to identify and support the best early career scientists pursuing innovative research that has the potential to transform cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Their goal is to encourage new generations of outstanding researchers to pursue paradigm-shifting ideas and approaches as they begin highly productive, successful research careers.


Damon Runyon views cancer research very broadly, including the full spectrum of basic questions important to normal human biology and carcinogenesis, as well as development of new platforms and technologies. They encourage all theoretical and experimental research that has the potential to provide insights into cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies, and prevention for all types of cancer. 

They are now accepting applications for the prestigious Damon Runyon Fellowship Award.




The primary criteria used to evaluate applicants are:

  • the quality of the research proposal (importance of the problem, originality of approach, appropriateness of techniques, and clarity of presentation),

  • the qualifications, experience, and productivity of both the candidate and the Sponsor,

  • the quality of the research training environment in which the proposed research is to be conducted and its potential for broadening and strengthening the candidate's ability to independently conduct innovative and substantive research. The proposed research and training environment should represent a new opportunity for the candidate to expand their scientific skill set. Direct extensions of the candidate's graduate work (in approach, technique, or exact area of study) will not be funded.

Applicants must have completed one or more of the following degrees or its equivalent: MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM, DO. 


This four-year award provides $70,000, $72,000, $74,000, and $76,000 in stipend support for years one, two, three, and four, respectively. In addition, an annual $2,000 expense allowance is awarded to the laboratory in which the Fellow is working and can be used by the Fellow for their educational and scientific expenses. The Foundation also provides a Dependent Child Allowance of $1,000 per child per year. The award may not be used for institutional overhead or indirect costs.

To learn more about the Foundation and the Fellowship Award review process, view the virtual Fellowship Informational Session here

Pfizer Global Medical Grants Announces a New Education RFP in Cervical Cancer

Improving Care for Patients with Recurrent / Metastatic (R/M) Cervical Cancer

The goal of this RFP is to support education for medical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, pharmacists, eye care providers, nurse practitioners and physician assistants working in the oncology setting caring for patients with r/m cervical cancer relating to treatments, management of adverse events, and long-term outcomes.

To review the full RFP please click here.

Application Due Date: August 22, 2024

Tony Enterante, Senior Development Officer for Corporate, Foundation and Research Relations, is happy to work with applicants on their submissions. You can contact Tony at

Robert L. Fine Cancer Research Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Research Grant

Application Deadline: August 31, 2024

The Robert L. Fine Cancer Research Foundation distributes two awards every other year to outstanding young scientists dedicated to basic and translational pancreatic cancer research. The grant is intended to support research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. The topic of the requested grant applications will be for innovative translational pancreatic cancer research that focuses on bench to bedside advances. The grant mechanism supports different types of basic and translational projects, including pilot and feasibility studies, self-contained research projects, development of new research methodology and development of new research technology. This grant does not support solely clinical research.

The grant amount will be $250,000 to cover direct costs only. The length of the grant will be for two years payable in yearly installments. Pre-award costs are allowable, up to 30 days prior to the grant initiation date; however, the incurrence of pre-award costs imposes no obligation on the foundation to grant the award. Funding for awardees will start January 1, 2025.

For more information, click here.

Request for Proposals

Equity in Access Research Program

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has just released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for its Equity in Access Research Program, which is dedicated to funding health services research.

They are reissuing the RFP Building Evidence for Effective Interventions to Increase Therapeutic Cancer Clinical Trial Accrual: Promoting Access for Patients from Underrepresented Groups. Awards will be a maximum of $2.5 million each, over 5 years.

Specifically, they seek proposals that will implement and evaluate interventions designed to:

  • Mitigate multilevel barriers to therapeutic clinical trial accrual for underrepresented groups
  • Quantitatively measure the impact of these interventions on patient accrual

They are particularly interested in proposals that address systemic, institutional, and clinician-related barriers that impede clinical trial participation.

It is not necessary for applicants to have previously conducted research in blood cancer. The due date for Letters of Intent is September 12, 2024 at 2 pm CST. 

For more information, visit


2025 Macy Faculty Scholars Program

Call for Applications


Application Deadline: September 15


The 2025 Macy Faculty Scholars Program aims to identify and nurture promising early-career educators in medicine and nursing. Macy Faculty Scholars receive up to $250,000 of salary, project, and professional development support over two years to implement an educational project in their home institutions.


Visit thewebsiteto learn more about the program and get started on your application

Upcoming Fundraisers

Purchase your Death by Chocolate tickets here.

Cancer Crusaders Seersucker & Sass Summer Gala

Saturday, July 20 - 7:00 - 11:00 PM

Chateau Estates Country Club

3600 Chateau Blvd., Kenner, LA

Grab your best summer seersucker, dust off those dancing kicks and get ready to quick step for a cure at the Cancer Crusaders Seersucker & Sass Summer Gala – Saturday, July 20, 7:00 – 11:00 PM at Chateau Estates Country Club in Kenner, LA

Guests will enjoy a sumptuous dinner and groove with a purpose to the energetic and exceptional beats of The Top Cats, all while supporting cancer research.

Cancer Crusaders is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to supporting cancer research in the Greater New Orleans area. Proceeds from the Summer Gala and several other events and initiatives held throughout the year are distributed annually to Tulane Cancer Center and LSU's Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center to support each institution's cancer research efforts.  

So, let’s dance the night away at Seersucker & Sass. Purchase your tickets here:  

Cancer Crusaders - Seersucker & Sass Summer Gala (

Recent Member Publications

Quantitative proteomics reveals the dynamic proteome landscape of zebrafish embryos during the maternal-to-zygotic transition. Fang F, Chen D, Basharat AR, Poulos W, Wang Q, Cibelli JB, Liu X, Sun L. iScience. 2024 May 8;27(6):109944. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109944. eCollection 2024 Jun 21. PMID: 38784018

Topoisomerase I is an evolutionarily conserved key regulator for satellite DNA transcription. Teng Z, Yang L, Zhang Q, Chen Y, Wang X, Zheng Y, Tian A, Tian D, Lin Z, Deng WM, Liu H. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 17;15(1):5151. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49567-5. PMID: 38886382

Matas Library Resources

Unlimited Access to GIDEON

The Matas Library is now providing unlimited access to GIDEON, the Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network. Whether you're a researcher, faculty, or a medical student, GIDEON serves as your comprehensive hub for infectious disease data, research, and diagnostics.

With GIDEON, you can:

1. Access a vast repository of information on diseases, vaccines, and microbes.

2. Use a sophisticated probability engine and interactive decision tree to identify pathogens.

3. Construct step-by-step diagnoses tailored to your specific case.

4. Visualize data through dynamic charts and maps for enhanced understanding and analysis.

Visit GIDEON here.

Product Updates and Open Training Sessions from Elsevier

Explore the latest product updates and join open training sessions from Elsevier, featuring Complete Anatomy and Osmosis. Open webinar sessions are available all summer!

Learn more and register here.

Open Access Publishing Opportunities

Tulane University Libraries has negotiated agreements with publishers like Springer Nature, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, and Wiley to waive article processing charges (APCs) for Tulane contributing authors.

To learn more about these waivers and any associated restrictions, click here.

NEW! Connect with Us on Social Media

Please visit Tulane Cancer Center on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and follow us for all the latest news in cancer research, education and patient care.

You can access our profile pages by clicking on the icons below.

Support & Resources

Next Generation Sequence Analysis Core

The Tulane Cancer Center NGS Analysis Core team assists investigators with furthering their research through comprehensive processing and analysis of data obtained from widely used high-throughput sequencing applications.

More Information 

Cell Analysis Core

The Cell Analysis Core Facility is designed to collaborate with investigators and contribute to all aspects of the research process, including consultation in experimental design, data analysis and storage, troubleshooting, interpretation of results, and the preparation and production of presentation graphics.

More Information

Tulane Cancer Center Membership

Please click here for Tulane Cancer Center's membership guidelines and our online application form.

Subscribe to Nexus

If you know someone who is interested in subsribing to Nexus, a weekly round-up of news and information for Tulane cancer researchers, please have them contact Melanie Cross at

Send Us Your News / Share Your Feedback

Please share your feedback. Is this newsletter helpful? What other information should we include? And send us your news and announcements regarding seminars, workshops, funding opportunities, new grants, recent publications or events by emailing Melanie Cross at