Area Leadership Advisor focuses on Dementia and Alzheimer's care support

New podcast and audio book are resources for a growing population of caregivers

HenschelHAUS Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of the audiobook of “Mom’s Gone Missing: When a Parent’s Changing Life Upends Yours” along with a new podcast and blog by the author, Susan A. Marshall, a leader in the area of Alzheimer’s/dementia caregiver support. Her interest in this topic was born out of her own personal experience, which also spurred her to write the book which chronicles her father’s decade-long Alzheimer’s journey and her mother’s lightning-fast dementia decline. (The complete press kit is available at

In addition to being an author, Marshall is a sought-after public speaker and leadership advisor whose professional experience spans four decades, bringing much needed resources and support to the Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia care world with her new Compassion Chat Podcast. The podcast guests are professionals with up-to-date information, tools, and techniques for those tasked with caring for loved ones suffering from these prolonged diseases. 

You can find the full press release included in her media kit available at:

Author Susan Marshall

Contact: Valerie Biel, publicist


Phone: 608-235-1966 (call or text)
