Weekly Newsletter

September 27, 2024

Homecoming Plans for

Tonight and Tomorrow

You are invited! 

This afternoon we will kick off Homecoming Weekend with a Spaghetti Feed, a Carnival, and a Bonfire!

Family and friends are invited and there are fun activities for all ages.

The festivities begin with the Spaghetti Feed at 4 pm in the auditorium. This is a junior class fundraiser for Prom. 

The Carnival begins at 5 pm. Tickets for rides and food booths will be for sale. Tickets are $1 each. 

At 8:00 pm we will have our Homecoming Bonfire where Fall Sports teams are recognized. 

On Saturday, soccer will play early at McKinleyville and then we will have our Homecoming football games at Crusader Field. 

Before the varsity game begins, we will be celebrating the undefeated 1964 football players, coaches, and cheerleaders.

At halftime of the varsity game, our Homecoming Court will be introduced and the Queen and King will be crowned. 

Please join us as we celebrate our community and our history!

Paul Shanahan and Catherine Scott

Picture Day - Wednesday and Thursday

All students will be photographed for picture day, so please complete the photo form even if you don’t plan on purchasing pictures. 

Photos are used for student ID cards as well as yearbook photos.

Middle school students should be in their uniforms for pictures. 

If purchasing photos, money must accompany your order forms on the day of pictures. Order forms are in the office. 

Seventh Grade Retreat

On Friday, October 4th, we will have our Annual Seventh Grade Retreat at Sacred Heart Church in Eureka, 2085 Myrtle Ave.

Standard free dress code still applies. Please have them dress for outdoor games.

Students will need to bring a bag lunch, as it will not be provided. Microwaves are not available at this location. Please have your child bring a water bottle as well.

If you feel inclined to help, the best thing you could do is send your child with a snack to share. This can be chips, donuts, cookies, cut vegetables or any other snack you think appropriate.

You will need to arrange a ride for your student to arrive at Sacred Heart Church. Please have them there by 9:00 am, and arrange for their pick up at 1:00. We will have a teacher onsite by 8:30 for those who need to drop off kids early.

SBA Swag Shop Open

Until October 7th

Click here to see the shop.

Sacrament Preparation Classes Available

We will soon begin our classes for those preparing for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation! At the parish, these classes are a two year program, but as our students are already taking religion classes every day at SB, Fr. Bernard has been kind enough to authorize us to have a one year program. Classes will be held weekly, hour long after school session, and will culminate at the reception of Confirmation in May. Weekly Mass attendance is required for this program, and students must be in at least 7th grade to be accepted. If you are interested in your child attending these classes, please let Deacon Dance know at:

Middle School Sports

Friday, September 27th

5:00 MS Soccer vs Sunny Brea at Sacred Heart

8th Grade Volleyball at Pacific Union Tournament.

Monday, September 30th

5:00 MS Soccer vs Rio Dell

Tuesday, October 1st

5:00 6th/7th Grade Volleyball vs NPA

6:00 8th Grade Volleyball

Wednesday, October 2nd

4:00 MS Soccer at South Bay

5:30 8th Grade Volleyball at Winship

Thursday, October 3rd

4:00 MS Golf at Eureka Muni

5:00 6th/7th Grade Volleyball vs Costal Grove

6:00 8th Grade Volleyball vs Cresent Elk

Friday, October 4th

8th Grade Volleyball SBA Tournament.

High School Sports

Saturday, September 28th

11:30/2:00 JV/V Football vs Ferndale (Homecoming)

1:00 Boys Soccer at McKinleyville

3:30 Girls Soccer at McKinleyville

Tuesday, October 1st

3:30 Girls Tennis at McKinleyville

4:00 Boys Soccer at Del Norte

Wednesday, October 2nd

4:00 Girls Soccer at Del Norte

5:30/6:30 JV/V Volleyball at Arcata

Thursday, October 3rd

11:00 Girls Golf at Beau Pre

5:30/6:30 JV/V Volleyball at South Fork

Saturday, October 5th

10:00 Girls Tennis at EHS

1:00 Girls Soccer at EHS

3:30 Boys Soccer at EHS

V Volleyball at The Stockton Classic Volleyball Tournament.

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 27th

Homecoming Bonfire Rally

4:00 - 7:00 Spaghetti Dinner

5:00 - 8:00 Carnival

8:00 Bonfire Rally

Saturday, September 28th

Football Games

JV: 11:30

Varsity: 2:00

1:30 Pre-game Alumni Recognition 

Half Time of Varsity: Homecoming Court - King and Queen announced

High School Homecoming Dance, 8 - 11

October 2nd and 3rd

Picture Days

Friday, October 4th

7th Grade Retreat, Sacred Heart, 9:00 am

Friday, October 18th

End of the First Quarter

8th Grade Retreat

Authors' Festival - Martha Brockenbrough will be on campus

Monday, October 21st

Teacher Work Day - No School

Click for school calendar

Homecoming Happenings

Musical Chairs

Pajama Day

Hungry Hippos

Anything but a backpack

Deacon Dance blessed all the fall athletes.

"Drop kick me Jesus throw the goal post of life."

St. Bernard's Academy does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin, age, gender or disability in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs.

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