Friday, November 15, 2024

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, November 17, we will hear Jesus calling us (Mark 13) to build the present day with justice and joy from the future and not the past. 


So often we build the present out of the past.  When traveling in Europe or the Middle East it is possible to see stones from a Greek temple incorporated into a Roman bridge or used today as a foundation stone for a farmer’s house. The ordering of our personal worlds from fragments of the past is no different. In this lesson Jesus invites us to reverse that pattern and reorder our world from the future – from the coming reign of God.


Children will accompany the Senior Choir in singing "What a Wonderful World." Tineke Vandegrift will be our Generosity witness as we prepare to make our pledges next Sunday. And preparations for the Merrie Christmas Fair will commence.  Come, enjoy our common life and enrich our shared worship 


Hope to see you at Boxborough Church this Sunday at 9:30am in person or online.


Peace, Richard & Jill Edens


Sunday, November 17th, 2024 at 9:30 am

In person at UCCB also via Zoom


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 883 0675 3408

Passcode: 7387


Please note: our worship services are streamed live via Zoom and recorded for posting on Facebook and YouTube (




On Tuesdays at 10am, you are invited to a lively and

far-ranging conversation with the Pastors on the scripture for the coming Sunday.


On Tuesday, Nov 19, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, November 2, Reign of Christ Sunday: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 132:1-12; Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37


On Tuesday, Nov 26, we will NOT meet.

The meeting opens at 9:45 for visiting. Please join us. The Zoom link is: Passcode: 7387

Sunday Worship (9:30am) at UCC Boxborough

Nov 24  Reign of Christ Sunday/Thanksgiving Sunday Rev. Dr. Jill Edens preaching          


Dec 01     First Sunday of Advent   HOPE   Rev. Richard Edens preaching

Christmas Tree Sale begins the weekend of December 1

Select a freshly cut tree from Nova Scotia for your home.

"Giving Stars” begins December 1

Giving Stars” represent needs identified by the Framingham Dept. of Children and Family Services. We give to 25 of their neediest children and young adults, with church individuals and families shopping for each Star.

 Saturday, Dec 7, 7:30pm – Bluegrass Christmas Concert

Dec 08     Second Sunday of Advent  PEACE   Rev. Dr. Jill Edens preaching

 After worship with Liz Rust from the Concord Prison Outreach

  Longest Night Service on Wednesday, December 11, 7pm       

Dec 15     Third Sunday of Advent  JOY            Rev. Richard Edens preaching

       Advent Music Sunday with the Senior Choir and the Ding-a-Ring Choir

    Cookie Swap after worship

Dec 22     Fourth Sunday of Advent LOVE          Rev. Dr. Jill Edens preaching

        Senior Choir and the Sounds of Peace

Dec 24     Christmas Eve, 7pm

Dec. 29    1st Sunday after Christmas

Jan 05      Epiphany observed this Sunday  Rev. Catherine Michael preaching

                                                 Magi arrive 

Online Silent Auction


8 AM on November 13 through 6 PM on November 23

If you would like to check out the handmade items in person, stop by the

church Sunday after the service or weekdays when the office is open

(9 AM to 2 PM Monday through Friday), starting on November 13.

Huge thanks to all our donors for their wonderful gifts to the Silent Auction!



Our Christmas Star program continues this year, with 25 children and adolescents to cheer up with toys, clothing and gift cards arranged by Framingham Children and Family Services. Look in the Gathering room starting Sunday Nov. 17 for an in-person tree covered with stars that describe each child and their request. To get a match without coming to the church, I can also be contacted directly and collect a “star match” for you and relay the info via email.. Shop and place unwrapped gifts in a large bag/box with your star’s #/name in the Gathering room by Sunday Dec 11 (or sooner). Any questions? Contact Darcy Sidwell at

Generosity 2025

As we kicked off this year’s generosity season, we saw sidewalk chalk messages of welcome outside the church, messages provided by the youth the prior week. Then Catherine Michael inspired us to look around and see our brothers and sisters in Christ, reflected on those who welcomed her eleven years ago, and asked us to imagine together how a church full of faithful people can work together to make God’s love real in the world, here at home and in places far, far away. And then we enjoyed a quiche luncheon celebrating the saints who have come before us in this community of faith. What beautiful time we shared – thank you. 

On the second Sunday of this generosity season, we heard from Ron Vogel as he shared his history with UCCB, emphasizing the central role this congregation has played in his family’s life over the years. He articulated how both he and Mary Anne contribute to this community in so many ways – with their time, energy and financial commitment. Beautiful. 

The spiritual practice of generosity arises from imagining all that God calls us to do as a community. Our donations to our congregation make it possible to turn what we imagine into a reality. Through our annual commitments to our congregation, we imagine together all that we can do.

Through the month of November, we will celebrate the saints that have come before us and will hear testimonials from others about their spirit of generosity. Whether you are someone who has pledged annually in the past or are new to this practice, we invite you to consider how you may contribute financially to UCC Boxborough to keep our lights on in this corner of the world and continue to invest in our community. And, during this period of transition, let’s imagine together!

Please watch your email for donation information, pick-up a packet of written material at the church, check the church website or contact a member of the generosity team. We will receive and celebrate our gifts and pledges during Sunday morning worship on November 24, the day after our joyful community event – the Merrie Christmas Fair!

Yours in faith,

Generosity Ministry Team: Jeff Glidden, Kellie Senghas, Rev. Dr. Jill Edens and Rev. Richard Edens

Cheryl Glynis and Lee assemble gift bags for the CPO Holiday Gift Bag Project

Concord Prison Outreach Board Member to Speak at UCCB

The Faith in Action team is delighted to announce that Liz Rust, a member of the Board of Directors at Concord Prison Outreach (CPO), will speak at UCCB after worship on Sunday, December 8. Liz will talk about CPO’s Holiday Gift Bag Project (which UCCB has supported for many years), as well as some of the other programs CPO provides for incarcerated people in Massachusetts. Please mark your calendars for

Sunday, December 8 at 10:45 in the Sanctuary. Hope to see you there!

Cheryl Glynis, and Lee assemble gift bags

for the CPO Holiday Gift Bag Project.


AB Resource Center Needs You! Clothing Sorts, Tuesdays 10am

Are you free on Tuesday mornings, and would you like to do something to make a positive impact on our community? Then drop by the AB Resource Center at 15 Charter Road in Acton to sort clothing donations. Pina Madera, Volunteer Manager for the AB United Way, issued this open invitation: “I am excited to offer this open invitation to come join us at the Resource Center when we will be regularly running clothing sorts..

Every Tuesday morning from 10-12.

Put us on your calendar and come on down any week if you find you have an hour or two to join in the fast-action fun. Know that if it is Tuesday, we are sorting, and you are welcome to join!

Our donations are coming in gangbusters from generous donors and flying off the shelves as we see an uptick in both donated goods and client visits. We process about 70 bags of donations weekly, and this week we are on track to serve more than 20 families. There is a ton of activity!”

The AB Resource Center is also in need of donations. Please check out their website for a list of needed items and directions to the Center. Thank you!


Honoring Eleanor Voorhies with Donation to Undue Medical Debt

For the sixth year in a row, the Faith in Action Ministry Team will be directing the proceeds from the Eleanor Voorhies endowment to support the efforts of

Undue Medical Debt (formerly RIP Medical Debt). We make this contribution to honor Eleanor each November on her birthday, November 17. We’re sure that Eleanor would approve of this use of her bequest. Undue Medical Debt was founded by two former debt collection executives. Their idea was to use donations to buy large bundles of medical debt at a steep discount from collection agencies, then forgive the debt. Recipients receive letters that their debt has been canceled, with no tax consequences or penalties. Since its inception in 2014, the organization has erased more than $14 billion of medical debt.

Eleanor Voorhies was a longtime member of UCCB with a long and distinguished career in nursing and public health. More information about Eleanor’s life and work is available in the November issue of the Vestry News.

If you would like to contribute to Undue Medical Debt in honor of this remarkable woman, we will be accepting contributions throughout the month of November. Each dollar you donate buys approximately $100 of medical debt! Checks may be sent to the church, payable to UCCB. Please put “Undue Medical Debt” in the memo line. Alternatively, visit UCCB’s Giving page . Click the “Donate” button, and in the Special Collections section indicate the amount and put “Undue Medical Debt” in the memo.

Thank you for your generosity! 


AB Family Network Winter Family Dinner Saturday, December 14, 5:30pm Community Center

UCCB is excited to provide the venue for the first AB Family Network (ABFN) Family Dinner, on Saturday, December 14 at 5:30pm. “This holiday-themed community meal will celebrate with seasonal, plant-based courses perfect for kids and everyone else,” says Jennifer P., Community Food Liaison at ABFN.

So leave the bustle of holiday planning aside for a few hours, and relax with an evening of delicious, homemade food while forging bonds of fellowship with the wider community. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $9 for children aged 2 - 12 (children under 2 eat free). Purchase your tickets before they’re all gone! Questions? Contact

Hope to see you there!

Ornament Table


The Merrie Christmas Fair is fast approaching and final touches are being made on a variety of Christmas ornaments & decorations. We appreciate everyone who has been making ornaments and decorations at home over the last few months. All home projects are due in and delivered to Gloria Roe by Sunday, Nov. 17.

Items can also be picked up at your home before that date. This will allow enough time for pricing and packaging of ornaments/decorations prior to the Fair.  We are seeking people to help work at our table to sell ornaments for an hour or two during the day of the Fair between 9:00-1:00. Please let us know. Any questions, contact either Gloria Roe 978-502-9625 / or Connie Brown 978-391-4854/, Linda Morse 978-266-2836/

Please help us fill the Bake Table!

To all bakers! Once again we welcome homemade cookies, bars, pies, cakes, tea breads,fudge, cake pops, etc. Please kindly label your items and note if they contain nuts, are soy or gluten free, etc. If possible, please drop off the night before the Fair, November 22nd at the church or the morning of by 8:45 am. Contact Suzanne Boyden at:

Sugar Plum Cafe

Look for the signup for goods/food for the Sugar Plum cafe or contact Deb Simmons at or 508-439-2891

Knits and Gifts

There is a basket in the vestry for completed projects or contact Marlee Roberts. 

We need your help filling the BAKE TABLE!

You can help by baking and freezing those yummy cookies, pies, cakes, tea breads, etc. Remember to label your items and note if they contain nuts, or are soy or gluten free. Please drop off the night before or early 8:45am fair day. Contact Suzanne Boyden


Jewelry Donations accepted!

Any donations are much appreciated. There is a basket in the gathering room. Please call Mary Rohwer (978-621-9705) or Dianne Jaworski (978-263-0762) for pickup or with any questions..


Attic Treasures

Save those treasures in good, clean working condition! Ideally drop them off starting Thursday Nov 21 at Town Hall. Ideally, hold onto your items until Thursday, November 21 st for drop-off from 5-8 at the Town Hall or Friday from noon-5:00.Any gasoline powered equipment or other items that give off fumes must be left outside, near the back door of the Community Center or by contacting Kellie Senghas at

We take: household goods, kitchenware, small appliances, electronics, toys, games, sporting goods, linens, office supplies/equipment, tools, luggage. We cannot take: clothing, shoes, curtain hardware, used pet items, medical equipment.


Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 19 from 6 - 9:30pm.

The Town of Acton is hosting a screening of the documentary film, “Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America” at the Fine Arts Theatre in Maynard. UCCB is co-sponsoring the event, and is supporting the effort with a $100 donation.

Hope to see you there!

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