Weekly eNews
September 20, 2024
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This Weekend & The Week Ahead | |
Sunday Forum: Called to be Christ's Hands & Feet
This Sunday, 9:15 AM
When was the last time you were Christ's hands or feet in the world? Join Rev. Matt as he utilizes scripture and faithful experiences to highlight the importance of how we can use our hands and feet to glorify God. In-person & online.
Children & Youth Sunday School
This Sunday, 9:15 AM
Multipurpose Room
All children will be joining for Sunday School with The Saint John's Bible team as they use colors and illuminations in the bible to help illustrate, express, and dive deeper into what our emotions are, what they feel like, and what they mean. Youth will be helping out with the children this Sunday.
As a reminder, when you are downstairs, please be sure to admire Owen's photo wall masterpiece of more than 350 photos of the many ways our children and youth come together to learn, grow, and play at St. Mike's!
Newcomer Luncheon
This Sunday, 12:00 PM
All newcomers are invited to attend the Newcomer Luncheon this Sunday following the 10:30 AM service. Please come and meet clergy and staff, as well as other newcomers and learn about St. Michael's. If you have never been able to make a newcomer luncheon before, we'd love to have you. You don't need to have joined St. Mike's to attend. Click below to sign up.
Daughters of the King Installation
This Sunday, 10:30 AM Service
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is called to serve God in His church and the world, and they pray without ceasing for all. St. Michael's is blessed to have two more parishioners who have completed the necessary year of study and have committed to being installed as members of the DOK at this Sunday's 10:30 AM service. And as is appropriate for celebrations of this kind, cake will be served following worship!
Other Events This Weekend
Widows Support Group
Saturday, 11:30 AM
The monthly meeting of the Widows Support Group will be tomorrow (Saturday) at Caspian Cafe (4375 Sinton Rd) at 11:30 AM. Please contact MaryDee Weigel at jmandmdweigel@aol.com with any questions and if you plan to attend. All are welcome!
Parish Kickball Challenge
Sunday, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
It's not too late to join for our kickball game this Sunday. Team 40s & 50s will take on Team 20s & 30s, with our friends from SMASH joining one of these teams or cheering ALL to victory! Even if you don't want to play in the game, you are invited as a spectator to enjoy this intergenerational fellowship opportunity.
Clergy Bible Study
Continuing Next Tuesday
8:00 - 9:00 AM, In-person only
Clergy Bible Study continues next Tuesday in the Chapel downstairs. All are welcome to join for a thought-provoking discussion of the upcoming lessons for Sunday led by our clergy. Together the group will explore the theological themes, historical context, and practical applications of the passages. Whether you're a seasoned Bible student or new to Scripture, this study will enrich your spiritual journey.
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Sacred Ground Small Group
Final, FINAL Call!
2 Spaces Available!
Sacred Ground begins next Wednesday, September 25, and there are two final spaces available! Don't miss out on this incredibly powerful and thought provoking eleven-part series focused on racial healing, reconciliation, and justice. This group will meet every other Wednesday through roughly mid-February from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, September 22
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour? Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir & ASL Services
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum - Called to be Christ's Hands & Feet
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
12:00 PM Newcomer Lunch
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour and Fellowship after each service.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
St. Michael's Day of Service
Next Saturday, September 28
As part of our St. Michael's Weekend, we invite you to take some time to give back to our community and "Make Christ known beyond our walls!" next Saturday, September 28.
- Habitat for Humanity Build
Many thanks to those who have already signed up to assist with this build. We are still needing three more volunteers for the morning (8:30 - 12:00) and five more for the afternoon (12:45 - 4:30) to help construct a home for a local family!
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Participants of all ages are invited to join in the largest watershed clean-up in the state of Colorado. As we take seriously our call to "Care for Creation," we invite you to get outdoors and help out in our community.
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YES (Young Episcopalians in Service) is once again offering an opportunity for middle and high schoolers from around the diocese to come together and serve. This fall's opportunity will be with the HAAT force, which meets the needs of those experiencing homelessness in Denver. Transportation is not provided, but we can set up a carpool.
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Creating Space
Next Saturday, September 28
9:00 AM - Noon
This month's Creating Space meeting will feature a lesson on Zentangle. Zentangle is meditative doodling. "It is a door to a beautiful, quiet, and nurturing space." (Quote from Zentangle Primer vol. 1 Molly Hollibaugh) Now it can be your space! Come doodle, or as always, you are welcome to bring any project of your choosing to work on in this space and time.
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Switchbacks Game
Next Saturday, September 28
ONLY 10 Tickets Left!
We have a group of 30 strong signed up to celebrate St. Michael's Weekend at a Switchbacks game! Don't miss out....we have 10 tickets remaining. The Colorado Springs Switchbacks, our local USL Professional Soccer Team, are making their push to the playoffs. Cheer them on with your friends from St. Mike's on this epic night. Tickets are $20, and the game starts at 6:00 PM.
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St. Michael's Day Celebration
Next Sunday, September 29
During & After Worship!
We invite you to come celebrate the feast day of our patron saint, St. Michael!
Stations of the Cross Dedication
At both services, we will be dedicating 14 Stations of the Cross plaques that will be permanent fixtures enhancing and blessing our sanctuary space.
Special Worship Opportunities
Children are invited to sign up (click below) to volunteer in worship alongside adults. Elementary-aged children are also invited to sing. Email Amalia at amalia@stmikeschurch.com for information on this. During the 10:30 AM service, Rev. Matt will invite the children up to hear a special sermon geared toward them.
St. Michael's Day Carnival
Following the 10:30 AM service, all are invited to stick around for the St. Mike's Carnival! We will have a plethora of carnival games, Illegal Pete's burritos for $5, Jackpot Coffee Truck, and a fan favorite... Pie the Priest!
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Episcopal Essentials
Sundays, Beginning Oct. 6
9:15 - 10:10 AM
New to the Episcopal Church? Want to be Confirmed, Received or Reaffirm your Baptism? Join our clergy team for an in-depth six-week course covering different topics of faith that include theology, doctrine, and history of the Episcopal Church. After this six-week course, those desiring to make a deeper commitment to their faith can participate in these sacramental rites when Bishop Kym Lucas visits St. Michael's on November 17. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore, grow, and deepen your faith while learning more about the Episcopal Church.
Child Enrichment Center Snack Ministry
2025 Volunteers Needed
We are still needing more volunteers to either buy and deliver healthy snacks or donate money to buy snacks one or two weeks of the year for the children at the The Child Enrichment Center (CEC). This is an important, easy, and rewarding way to make a difference beyond our walls! For more information or to join for 2025, please contact Judy Morrill at j_l_morrill@msn.com by October 1.
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SMASH Outing
Friday, October 11
Our SMASH (St. Michael's Active Seniors Happening) group has another wonderful outing planned for the morning of Friday, October 11. Please join for a tour of two exhibits, 50% of the Story (Women Expressing Creativity) and COS@150 (Exploring Colorado Springs' Story through Objects), at the Pioneers Museum at 215 S. Tejon Street. (Fun fact: The daughter of St. Mike's parishioner, Marilyn Wright, is one of the artists featured in the 50% of the Story exhibit.) The tour starts at 10:00 AM and lasts about one hour. After the tour, the group will have lunch at a place to be confirmed next week. Click below to sign up.
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Creation Care
"Sweet Conversation"
October 16, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Interested in learning about how you can better care for God’s Creation but unable to commit to an 8-10 week program? Join us over dessert for our first Creation Care Conversation – a 90-minute discussion on October 16, with Alli Schuch, Executive Director of the Fountain Creek Watershed Protection District. Alli will present and lead a discussion on ways we can help protect OUR WATERSHED. Please sign up so we plan appropriately for our yummy desserts!
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Friday, October 18
6:00 - 8:00 PM
The BBQ Ministry is once again hosting their annual German-themed Oktoberfest for all in the parish, grilling up brats with all the fixings! Beer and non-alcoholic beverages will be available and Lederhosen is always encouraged! Suggested donation of $10 per person/$20 per family.
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Owen Copps
Next Step & Seminary Fund
As we trust you know, Owen's last Sunday with us will be October 6 as he heads off to continue in the next steps of his ordination discernment process. As is customary for a church that sponsors a seminarian, St. Michael's has established a Next Step & Seminary Fund to support Owen. To make a contribution, please do so by October 1 by including "Owen Seminary Fund" on the check memo or CLICK HERE to access our giving portal. In the "Fund" field, select "Non-Pledge Contribution," and in the note field please indicate "Owen Seminary Fund.” Join us on October 6 when Owen will be preaching, and we take time to wish Owen well and celebrate his ministry time at St. Michael's.
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Birthdays This Week:
September 22 - Judy Jager
September 22 - Emma Lager
September 23 - Ellen DiSilverio
September 24 - Jennie Wandfluh
September 25 - Mary Harbin
September 25 - Chris Rauer
September 26 - Linda Ramsay
September 26 - Beckett Spencer
September 27 - Aaron DeJoia
September 27 - Tammy Pohle
September 27 - Lisa Seekings
September 28 - Eric Shutt
September 28 - Peggy Toldy
September 28 - Diné Wiedey
Anniversaries This Week:
September 25 - John & Julie Waidelich
September 26 - Ray & Sara Ferguson
September 27 - Emily & Jonathan McElyea
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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