2nd/3rd Grade Eagles in Action 2024
Our school theme verse this year is “Endure” from Hebrews 12:1-3. Eagles in Action service projects will give us all the opportunity to live that verse this year and in training for life as followers of Jesus. During this school year, 2nd/3rd grade will use chapel offerings we collect in August and September to purchase food and non-food items every month we’re in school for the LaGrange Area Food Pantry. Snap or Link cards don’t cover items like toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, toilet paper, or diapers. So each month, we’ll focus on one non-food item to buy and donate. We will also use a portion of the money each month to purchase sale items on foods like cereal, pasta, and canned goods.
Thank you for helping us serve in our community, and grow in our faith as disciples of Jesus.