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August 29, 2024


Pueblo y Salud hosts Fentanyl Training for PESA Staff

In recognition of National Fentanyl Prevention & Awareness Day on August 21, PESA employees and interns participated in a comprehensive drug prevention and education training hosted by Pueblo y Salud. The training emphasized the importance of overdose prevention, providing participants with a deeper understanding of the opioid crisis and equipping them with practical harm-reduction skills.

Elizabeth Sosa, who coordinated the training, highlighted its significance: "The speakers gave us a breakdown of the history of opioid use, the laws and protocols surrounding it, and the staggering statistics about opioid-related deaths. We delved deep into the dangers of fentanyl, learning how just a small amount can be lethal."

The workshop didn't just focus on theory — it also provided hands-on training. "It was definitely more than just an informational training," Sosa explained. "We had the opportunity to practice using the opioid antagonist (NARCAN) and that helped us better understand how to administer it during an overdose, especially in cases involving fentanyl.”

The training also underscored the importance of continuing to make NARCAN available at local schools. As the speakers noted, “California has recently passed a law that ensures NARCAN is available in every public college and university, which is crucial given how fentanyl can be laced into recreational drugs. Our young people are particularly vulnerable, and being prepared could save lives."

PESA has long been committed to addressing pressing community issues, and this training aligns with that mission. Sosa remarked, "It's vital for non-profits like PESA to participate in these kinds of training. We need to understand the risks and impacts of fentanyl, especially on young people, and how we can help prevent overdoses in our community."

Looking ahead, PESA plans to continue collaborating with Pueblo y Salud, with another training scheduled for September. "This partnership is just beginning, but it's already clear that Pueblo y Salud is an amazing organization," Sosa said. "We're grateful for the opportunity to learn from them and look forward to future collaborations."

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