Welcome to the Weekly Newsletter!

Below you will find all the most up to date information on Sunday Service, our Weekly Rhythms, and Upcoming Events! We also often answer financial questions, recap celebrations, and share "God is Good" moments as a way of leaning into our core values of Adventure, Discipleship, and Authenticity. If you ever have any questions or a need you can email those listed in an applicable section below or send us an email HERE. May Jesus meet you gently as you live into His call this week.

We can't wait to see you for Worship on Sunday!

Service at 10:00am - Worship Center & Online

If you or someone you know is NEW to Adventure, please stop by the Welcome Center to pick up a Welcome bag!

Services stream live to three places: our website, our app, and YouTube!

Need help with accessing our livestream? Check out this instruction video or email Sam. If you are watching live, please join the chat to connect! If the livestream has issues please remember to exit your browser or app and restart it. An uninterrupted replay of Sunday service is loaded to our website, app, and youtube channel as soon as possible after service each Sunday.

Sunday, September 8th: Connection Sunday

During and After service!

Sermon: As human beings we were made for connection, for community. It’s not good for us to be alone, but so many of us find ourselves either alone, feeling alone, or settling for connection that is less than it could be through Christ. We think community is something that is found, something we must look for rather than something that we build. Finding community with other human beings takes effort. Building that community is challenging. Sustaining that connection is toilsome. Maintaining that unity is arduous. To live as the Scriptures call us to will take effort, and it will be difficult, but in doing so, we become a reflection of hope for a world that desperately needs it, especially in this coming season.

After Service: Every year before we start in the fall, we take time together as our Adventure family to equip people in connecting well to our church body as a whole, to our various ministries, and to each other as individuals. This doesn't just happen during service but after! Join us for a provided lunch in the Friendship Center immediately after service followed by some intentional activities that foster connection. Our hope is that this time will allow us all to experience connection and learn about different ways to connect at Adventure! Please come be a part of what we are doing!

Questions? Contact Candice!

Daily Prayers, Digging Deeper Guide and coordinating Life Group Curriculum are available each week on Sunday to further explore this Sermon Series. You can find those resources (for this week and ALL previous weeks) HERE or at the Welcome Center on Sunday.

Adventure:Kids News

This week in Adventure:Kids, the children will be learning about how Peter, one of Jesus' disciples, boldly shared the gospel despite facing persecution. They will discover that just like Peter, we too are called to tell others about Jesus. 

Key Passage: How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? - Romans 10:14

We can't wait to see you this Sunday!

Sermon notes and challenges for families are available on the Adventure:Kids Facebook page, OR click here for a pdf version.

The Amazing Race

NEXT Wednesday, September 11th

Mark your calendars for the return of... The Amazing Race!

BaseCamp is hosting, but ALL are welcome to participate!

This event will be a series of challenges and clues taking place here at Adventure of Faith with a couple of optional excursions into our community. These activities are for the purpose of enjoying time with one another, to learn more about our church, to pour out some love on our community, and a fun opportunity to invite someone new to join us! Team up with your family, your youth group friends, your life group or other friends and meet us here to race!

Feel free to bring your own picnic dinner and eat here at 5:30.

The Amazing Race itself will start promptly at 6pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Sam!

Bible Study Fellowship

New Study starts next week!

Bible Study Fellowship is coming to Adventure of Faith early in September to start their new study: Revelation, the Hope. Come join us! We have a Men's BSF on Tuesday nights from 6-8pm starting on September 10th, and a Women's BSF on Friday mornings from 10-11:30am starting on September 13th. Contact Fred Parr for more info about the men's group and Mary Pugh for more info about the women's group.

Adventure: Equip Fall Session

New Classes begin Sunday, September 15th, 9:00-9:45am

Adventure: Equip is how we seek to dig in further to learning and practicing what we believe. These classes aim to prioritize understanding the Word, our theological beliefs, and spiritual practices. Our aim is not just to understand more, but study together and practice alongside one another so that our lives can be transformed. From those just beginning their adventure with Jesus to those that have traveled far with Him, there is a place for you here as we seek to be more like Jesus and become a stronger Biblical community.

There are five classes in total coming for our Fall Launch, a kids class and four classes for adults and teens. CHECK OUT THE DETAILS FOR FALL CLASS OPTIONS HERE! Questions? Email Us!

Let's Do Lunch at Uncle Dave's Cafe

Thursday, September 19th, 11:30am-1:30pm

This group is for older adults to enjoy conversation, delicious food, and sharing together! Come laugh and lunch with us at Uncle Dave's Cafe. Last time we were here we filled every seat in our section, so please get your RSVP in as early as possible, but at least by Sept 16th. We'd love for you to join us!

To RSVP or ask questions: Text/call 360-443-2206, or email Marilyn.

SAVE THE DATE: Fall Church Clean-Up

Saturday, September 21st from 9:00am-Noon

All are welcome! Stay for as little or as long as you can and help us as we steward what God has so generously provided. There are going to be inside and outside projects that people can help with. Even tasks kids can help with, like dusting inside, or helping clear some small rocks from one of the fields. If you have rakes, gloves, (maybe even a chainsaw if you are good at that) those might be great tools to bring with for that morning. If you have any questions, talk to Mark!

SAVE THE DATE: BaseCamp Session 1 Kick-Off

Wednesday, October 2nd at 5:45pm

We are really looking forward to another year of BaseCamp! Join us around the table as we equip, encourage, support & challenge each other into the mission God calls us to in every aspect of our lives.  If you've never checked out BaseCamp before, this is a perfect time and place to get connected to this biblical community.

BaseCamp starts at 5:45pm each Wednesday in the Friendship Center starting October 2nd.  We will participate in a family style meal paired with questions and activities to help us connect and engage in Jesus-centered discussion and fellowship.  

Want to know more about BaseCamp? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions on the website page HERE for answers to things like: "What does a typical BaseCamp Night look like?", "What about kids? And youth?" and "What is the commitment or cost?"


Weekly Schedule:

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9-2:30, and Sun 8am-Noon

Sunday, September 8th:

Adventure Awakens Cafe open before and after Service

Sunday Service, 10:00am

Connection Sunday Event, right after service, see above for info

Monday, September 9th:

Ambassadors Life Group, 1pm, contact Caroline for info

Young Adult Life Group at Williamson House, 5:30pm, contact Callie or Cory for info

Tuesday, September 10th:

Prayer Night Fellowship, 5:30pm, contact Bill, Bruce, or Craig

Adventure Prayer Night, 6:00pm, contact Craig for info

Men's BSF, 6:00pm, contact Fred for info

Wednesday, September 11th:

The Amazing Race, 6:00pm race start, see above for details!

Thursday, September 12th:

Grief Share, 10:00am, contact Jean R. Scott for info

Game Knights, 5:00pm, Cafe, contact Shane for info

Scripture Out Loud, 5:00pm, contact Amanda or Tish for info

Friday, September 13th:

Women's BSF, 10:00am, contact Mary for info

Saturday, September 14th:

Emmanuel's Clothes Closet, 9am-Noon, contact Marcia for info

Looking Further Ahead:

September 15th: Adventure:Equip Fall Session begins!

September 19th: Let's Do Lunch

September 20th: Family Kitchen

September 21st: Fall Church Cleanup

September 28th: Emmanuel's Clothes Closet

October 2nd: BaseCamp Session 1 Kick-Off!

October 6th: Baptism Class

October 11th-12th: Covenant Partnership Retreat

Don't worry if you haven't heard of some of these yet...

put them on your radar and know more details are coming!

This section is a weekly reminder that God is Good!

He is good to us every single day & we will praise His name!

This week's God is Good moment is shared by our Preschool Director, Marita:

This week Adventure Preschool had their first day of school and we were ready to start the year off right! The staff has been working hard to prepare for the school year with awesome support from our church too! We have a large number of returning families and some new ones that are now a part of our ever growing Adventure Preschool family. It is amazing to see how God continues to work through this ministry. So many cheerful faces returning to learn and grow with Jesus.

Would you join us in praying for our upcoming school year? Pray for our staff and students, pray for smooth transitions and peaceful classrooms, pray for hearts changed and lives transformed by God. Amen and Amen!

God is Good!

This space in the newsletter is a small way we continue to celebrate the goodness of God all year long, and practice being aware of His presence in our lives. So, if you have stories of God's goodness big or small, hit reply to this email and send them our way. We would love to hear them, pray in praise over them and talk to you about sharing them.

To spur your thoughts to God's goodness start by asking yourself these questions:

What Good have you witnessed recently?

What Good has God brought into your life?

What Good has God prompted you to do for one another?

God is Good!!

360 876-0061

Financial questions -

General questions -

Prayer chain requests -
