Stephen Sondheim's and Hugh Wheeler's tasty, thrilling, Tony Award-winning theatrical treat has simultaneously shocked, awed and delighted audiences across the world. In this infamous black comedy, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to nineteenth-century London, seeking unspeakable vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife.
The show is staged by the Devonshire Teen Performers.
Saturdays, November 16 & 23, 7 p.m.
Sundays, November 17 & 24, 3 p.m.
Devonshire Playhouse
4400 Greenwood St.
Director: Tyler Skafgaard
Musical Director: Becca Goldberg.
Choreographer & Stage Manager: Kayleah Wilson
Adults $23
Seniors & Students $18