Thursday, May 30, 2024

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Congratulations Graduates!

Our 8th grade graduation Mass is tomorrow evening. Please join us in prayer for them:

Loving God,

We pray for our graduates today and thank you for the work you are continuing to do in their lives.

Keep their footsteps firm and remind them that you are with them, always.

Let them be a light to their friends and neighbors.

Allow every gift and treasure you have placed inside their lives to grow, develop, and flourish, to bring you glory.

Remind them every day how much you love them, that they would find security and confidence in you.

Give them a compassionate spirit and the wisdom to look beyond appearances to the heart within.

Surround them with friends and leaders who would challenge them to press closer to you.

Protect them and fill their days with laughter and joy.

Give them courage to face challenges set before them.

Shine over them, fill them with your spirit, and bless them with your peace. May they be instilled with hope for the new roads you have in store.



Friday 5/31

8:00 am Mass

5:30 pm 8th Grade Graduation Mass

Saturday 6/1

4:15 pm Reconciliation

5:00 pm Mass

Sunday 6/2

8:00 am Mass

10:00 am Mass

3:00 pm Wedding: Gambro/McKinney

Monday 6/3

8:00 am Mass

Tuesday 6/4

8:00 am Mass

9:00 am Facilities Committee

10:00 am Breaking Open the Word

4:00 pm SJS Alumni Gathering

7:00 pm Holy Hour of Prayer

Wednesday 6/5

Last Day of School!

8:00 am Mass

7:00 pm Music Ministry End-of-Year Party

The church will be open 30 minutes prior to any scheduled service for private prayer.


Vacation Bible School

Tuesday, June 11th – Friday, June 14th

Registration is open! Introducing a brand new theme for rising Kindergarten through 4th Grade students: Scuba! Plus new this year - a special PreK3 program just for our youngest kiddos. Volunteers are needed in any capacity, please email Nathan for details at

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Bring Your Talents to the JosaFEST Planning Committee!

Our parish festival – JosaFEST – is scheduled for September 14 & 15, 2024. This annual FUN-raiser celebration promises an exciting weekend of food, entertainment, family and friends!

JosaFEST is organized and executed by volunteers from our parish community. Whether you’re a parishioner, school or religious education parent, teacher or a member of the alumni, we welcome your help. St. Josaphat school parents consider this a great opportunity to fulfill their volunteerism requirement. Planning is already in progress and we have open positions to fill on our JosaFest Committee. Bring your ideas and talents to one of our largest parish fundraisers of the year! Our next committee planning meeting is June 12 at 7pm in the Red Door Room.

Contact Jim Malooly with questions or for details.

Volunteer and Read More

Refugee/Migrant Ministry News

Baby Equipment Needed

Do you have an infant stroller or car seat that you’re no longer using? If it’s still in good condition, please consider donating it to the Refugee/Migrant Ministry where it will be put to immediate use. Contact Jean Bystedt ( for dropoff/pickup details, and thanks!

Backpack Project

Now through Sunday, July 28th

Many of us want to do something that directly helps children but can’t find a way. We have made it easy for you! The Refugee/Migrant Ministry is joining other LPOT (Lincoln Park/Old Town) parishes to provide backpacks with school supplies to migrant children entering Chicago Public School next school year.

The goal is to prepare the 2,300 school age children in Chicago shelters for the coming school year. We are collecting now through July 28th. Please leave your donations in the back of the church. 

As always, thank you for your generosity.

Questions? Contact Judy Lovero,

Donate your gently used goods

Are you ready to do some late Spring cleaning? Do you have extras to share? Please consider donating your new/gently used goods to the “store” at the Church of the Ascension. Their “store” is open Wednesdays and offers goods free of charge to migrants and all of our community members in need.

Most wanted items:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Anything kitchen including dishes, small appliances, flatware, cooking utensils, pots and pans and bakeware
  • Men’s jeans, especially small sizes
  • Bedding including sheets, pillow cases, pillows, blankets, and comforters
  • Strollers
  • Luggage
  • Anything baby including car seats, cribs/porta cribs, high chairs and children’s clothing
  • Toiletries 
  • Sweatshirts for all ages/sizes

Please call Liz Kohlbeck at 920-254-4735 to arrange a drop off. Church of the Ascension is located at 1133 N LaSalle, Chicago. Drop offs are accepted at the alley door behind the church off Elm St between LaSalle and Clark. Liz is always looking for volunteers to sort donations. This might be a meaningful summer activity for you and your school age children.

Thank you for sharing your abundance! Questions: call Judy Lovero 714-381-4163

Parishioners old and new - send us your selfies!

Thank you to all our parishioners who have sent beautiful photos of themselves and their families. It has really helped Fr. Carlos to recognize you in church and we have been able to update our systems in the office as well. If you have not done so yet, please send your photos to


Wedding Season is Upon Us

Would you be interested in training to be a Wedding Coordinator to help at our weddings? Contact the parish office

Can You Help with Laundry?

We have a number of tablecloths that need to be laundered and folded from our recent Alpha series. Have time to do several loads at home? Let us know!

Liturgical Ministries

Finance Council

Facilities Committee

JosaFest 2024

Vacation Bible School

Hands of Mercy: Aging Ministry

Hands of Mercy: Don's Helping Hands

Hands of Mercy: Refugee/Migrant Ministry

Hands of Mercy: Prison Ministry


Letters from Fr. Carlos

Daily Bible Readings

Scripture Reflections

Give Central

Have news to share with our parish?


Sunday Offering

Thank you for your continued support of our parish! You can donate any time - just click here or text SUNDAY to 312-625-5666.

Mass Times: Sat at 5pm, Sun at 8am & 10:am, Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri at 8am

The Parish Office is open M-F 9am - 5pm

773.327.8955 |

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