Don’t be Scared, Be Prepared!
West County Fire & Emergency / Public Safety Resource Fair
Tomorrow 5/29 in Guerneville
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Join Supervisor Hopkins Wednesday evening May 29, from 5:30 - 7:30 in the Multi-Purpose Room at Guerneville Elementary to learn about emergency and public safety resources in West County.
Visit with representatives from Sonoma County Fire, Sonoma County Sheriff Eddie Engram, Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management, WiConduit / General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), Sonoma County Neighborhood Auxiliary Communication Service (NACS), Sonoma County Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS), West County Health Centers, Permit Sonoma Environmental Justice & Safety Element Team, Safer West County, Sonoma County Office of Education, Sonoma County Aging & Disability Resource Hub, Cal Water, Sonoma County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD), West County Community Services, Sonoma County Health Services, Wildfire Adapts, 2-1-1 Sonoma County, Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO), HALTER Project and more!
Childcare will be provided by Las Raizes Promotoras and Tacos San Juan food truck will be selling food in the parking lot. Enter a free raffle to win an emergency backpack. See details here.
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Indigenous Peoples Center Pilot Youth Training Program | |
Supervisor Hopkins is proud to contribute funding to Alliance Redwoods Conference Grounds (ARCG) in Occidental to support their launch of a pilot program in partnership with the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians. The Indigenous Peoples Center Pilot Youth Training Program is an Indigenous leadership development program for tribal youth. The goal of the pilot program is not looking at our County tribal society and culture as simply historical, or something which belongs behind glass in a museum, but in active stewardship of Sonoma County’s indigenous culture and looking towards an inclusive future.
The Kashia were the first inhabitants of the coastal Sonoma County area, living in lands that extended from the Gualala River in the North to Duncan’s Point south of the Russian River, and extended west-to-east from the Pacific Ocean 30-miles inland to the confluence of the Warm Springs Creek and the Dry Creek. Initially, Kashia youth will be recommended by their tribal council and cultural liaison, and then the pilot program will broaden out to include all Sonoma County tribes, and then eventually to our Black and Spanish-speaking communities.
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Wildflower Season is Here! | |
Sonoma County Wildflower Guide
Wildflower season is well underway, with early blooms abounding at local regional parks known for their brilliant spring wildflower displays. Now is a great time to check out one of the new parks in our area, like Chanselor Ranch or Monte Rio Redwoods Regional Park and Open Space.
But can you name the flowers? To help you identify some of the more common varieties, Regional Parks has created a handy guide that you can download to your phone or computer. The 34-page guide organizes flowers by color, and contains links to fun facts about each variety and other details.
Access guide here.
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Tree Ordinances Approved by Board of Supervisors | |
On April 16, the Board of Supervisors approved an expanded version of the county’s tree protection ordinance, which will preserve more of the county’s trees and help to combat climate change given that woodlands pull carbon from the atmosphere.
The updated Tree Protection Ordinance protects more native species, lowers the size threshold of protected trees to support forest health, and exempts removals for public safety, defensible space and basic property maintenance.
A second ordinance specifically enhances protections for oak woodlands, a sensitive and valued natural resource. The original Tree Protection Ordinance, adopted in 1989, protected 11 tree species with trunks nine inches in diameter or greater. The updated ordinance includes 31 tree species with trunks six inches in diameter or greater. The protected species include: big leaf maple, black oak, blue oak, boxelder, California black walnut, California buckeye, canyon live oak, coast live oak, two cottonwood species, interior live oak, madrone, Oregon ash, Oregon oak, red and white alder, valley oak, two willow species, two cypress species, grand fir, six pine species, redwood, western hemlock.
To mitigate the impact of removing trees, the ordinance requires new trees to be planted or payment of an in-lieu fee. The supervisors increased the fees based on changes to the Consumer Price Index since 1989. Fees in the original ordinance ranged from $200 to $1,400, and are now $500 to $3,500 per tree removed, depending on the size of the tree.
A use permit would be required for the removal of protected hardwoods greater than 36 inches and redwoods greater than 48 inches, and an appraisal would be required to determine the fee for removing those trees. For more information and to read the text of the adopted ordinances please visit the Comprehensive Tree Ordinance Update website.
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Sanitation Rate Relief Program | |
At the May 14 Board of Supervisors meeting, Lynda pushed back on sewer rate increases and successfully fought for Sonoma Water’s Rate Relief Program to apply to a larger number of people. The Rate Relief Program is now live, and applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on July 10, 2024.
The Rate Relief Program is a reduced rate (50% of your total Annual Sewer Service Charge). Individuals living in owner-occupied homes making 75% or less of the area median household income and 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that provide housing to low-income renters can apply for rate relief. You can find more information and see if you’re eligible for relief on Sonoma Water’s website here: Questions? Contact Sonoma Water at (707) 521-1885. Please be aware, you must renew your complete eligibility application every year.
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RioFest – A Celebration of Community and Music!
Saturday, June 15 | Noon to 6PM | FREE | Monte Rio Amphitheater
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Presented by the Friends of Monte Rio and the Monte Rio Recreation and Parks District, RioFest is a vibrant FREE all-day outdoor event held at the scenic Monte Rio Amphitheater.
RioFest began as an event to celebrate the reawakening and re-gathering of our community after the long isolation of the pandemic and continues as a way to welcome summer and new neighbors and visitors each year.
Immerse yourself in the beauty and warmth of the lower Russian River community, where you can join local hula hoopers, admire extravagant costumes, dance amidst bubbles, and soak in the lively atmosphere. Be sure to stop by the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council table to learn about what the MAC does, learn about County initiatives, and provide input through your representatives.
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Angel Foundation of Sonoma County | |
Supporting Youth
Angel Foundation of Sonoma County was founded in July of 2022. Their mission is to support youth by providing monthly events, mentorship, and creating a sense of community along with opportunities for them to flourish and grow. Supervisor Hopkins is looking forward to being a keynote speaker at this event on Sunday June 23. Learn more at the Angel Foundation website.
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Upcoming Meetings & Events | |
Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241
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