English District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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God in All Things - Without Borders | |
Bishop Jeffrey Miskus and Bishop Emeritus David Stechholz attended the St. Michael Liturgical Conference and participated in the Monday morning Divine Service. The conference had over 205 attendees and was held at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Detroit, MI. | |
Our English District has been blessed by having Pastor David Tannahill serving in the area of Evangelism. He has worked hard to listen to what others were doing, then producing a monthly update that reflected ideas and programs being implemented in our District. However, Pastor Tannahill is no longer serving in this capacity,
We believe that God will always supply what we need. We are praying for God to raise up individuals passionate and bold, to work together as our District Evangelism Team. We are asking you to join in this prayer.
If you have a heart for sharing the Gospel with those outside of the Body of Jesus, connecting with individuals for whom Jesus died on the cross, and are interested in working with a team to encourage and strengthen others to also share this good news, then maybe this opportunity is for you.
Please contact Pastor Derek Mathers for more information or to express your willingness to be part of the team.
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As we gather to receive God’s gifts in His Divine Services to us, we affirm His presence among us in the Invocation of His Triune name. Click here to read how we proclaim the sanctity of life every Sunday, making every Sunday "Life Sunday." Click here for more information on Lifeline.
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Pennsylvania March for Life | |
New Jersey March for Life | |
Pastors and parishioners from English District and New Jersey District LCMS congregations marched for life at the State House in Trenton, New Jersey. Also present were students and staff from Princeton University. Pastor Martin Erhardt, who serves at Lutheran Church of the Messiah in Princeton, is the Lutheran chaplain for Princeton Pro-Life (PPL) and also serves as an advisor for PPL. | |
Missionary News from the Kreys | | |
We are very thankful for all of your prayers and support as we continue to serve the church in Latin America and the Caribbean. Click here to read our September newsletter.
In Christ,
Rev. Ted & Rebecca Krey,
Esther, Matthias, Natalia, Evangeline, & Azariah
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Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is the LCMS’s program to facilitate church worker recruitment through its many free resources. Click here for the SAS August Report to the Synod President, featuring the Summer 2024 SAS Youth Survey results and information on the SAS All Nations Summit. Also in the report are links to past weekly discussions of SAS on the KFUO Coffee Hour. | |
Building a Culture – a white paper on the history of church work formation.
I AM the Alpha and the Omega – a Bible study that introduces SAS.
- A quarterly SAS newsletter.
Click here for more information on these and other new and soon-to-be-released resources…all for free!
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We lift in prayer Rev. Roger Yoder of Messiah, Parker, AZ that God will grant him His comfort and peace.
District daily prayers for October 2024 are located on our website.
Your prayer concerns are important to the English District. If you have a prayer request you would like shared in this newsletter, email the district office.
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Lutheran Federal Credit Union | | |
For more information, please contact our Operations Department at 314-394-2790 | |
Chapel of the Cross, Mission Hills, CA
Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church will be celebrating the congregation's 70th anniversary on Saturday, October 12th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Lloyd Willweber will be the guest speaker. All are invited. If you are able to attend, please R.S.V.P. to Sara Delarosa at 818-968-3006.
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Mount Olive, Tucson, AZ
The members of Mount Olive have had several reasons for recent celebrations. A young couple, new to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, delved deep into Lutheran doctrine a couple of years ago. As a result, they became members and decided they wanted all four of their children to be baptized. Since then, the congregation has been able to welcome two more children from this family into the family of Christ through baptism—the most recent is the sixth baby, Charlotte Robin.
Also at Mount Olive, members celebrated two birthdays...one of a member who turned 92! We pray for God’s continued blessing on the congregation–especially the littlest members–as they grow in faith to love and serve the Lord.
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Trinity, Erie, PA
Trinity Lutheran recently held its Rally Day event. Congregation members invited friends to a picnic near the Erie Zoo. Rally Day had 19 people in attendance. The original plan was to visit the zoo after the picnic. However, there was such great fellowship that everyone remained at the park.
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Church of Saint Matthew, Toronto, ON
Members of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saint Matthew recently celebrated the congregation's 70th anniversary. Rev. Neville Mirtschin (Pastor Emeritus) delivered the sermon and Rev. Raymond Kirk (Pastor Emeritus) read the Scriptures. Those in attendance numbered about 100 and enjoyed food, fellowship, and gifts. We join in celebrating this anniversary and pray that God will continue to bless the congregation.
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Connections Conference for Educators | | |
Join 1,300 educators from the English, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio Districts for a time of fellowship, worship, and professional development. Registration is now $190/participant and $140/spouse or emeriti. Schools that wish to apply for Title Funds from their local district should contact the LEA office (708.209.3343) by October 25. For more information and to register, click here.
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Please share the information from Servant to Servant with members of your congregation.
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- They can subscribe by clicking on the "Sign up for our emails" link at the bottom.
Thanks for spreading the word!
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Please share the unique ministries of your school or congregation with the rest of the English District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to llinthicum@englishdistrict.org by Wednesday at 12:00 noon ET.
We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is showing the love of God to those in your community and around the world.
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