Welcome to Today's SFZ -
Spiritual Solutions You can Count ON!
Young kid emerging from a hole w/ sfz title


"For without

some degree of

humility, no alcohol-

ic can stay sober at all."

"Without it, they cannot live

to much useful purpose, or,

in adversity, be able to

summon the faith that

can meet any emer-

agency." (12 &

12 p. 70)


"We are humbled by

our imperfection - but let

there be no mistake; humil-

ity is the ideal state for an ad-

dict to be in. Humility brings

us back down to earth and

plants our feet firmly on

the spiritual path we

are walking." (It

Works, How &

Why p. 48)

"It belongs to the

imperfection of every-

thing human that man can

only attain his desire by

passing through its


- Soren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855) Danish philosopher

*HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself, like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.

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Zonr Suggestions:

Find a quiet place while you put aside all pre-judgments and open yourself up to the Universal Truths below that unite spiritual traditions from around the world. You may want to replace alcohol & drugs with your own struggles with smoking, food, sex, money, rage, work, or even love, in order to make each SFZ a closer, personal fit.

*For you and your HP (Higher Power)

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