August | 2024

Videos and photos posted on our website

We are once again supporting the “Injured Veterans Golf Tournament,” in Lake Wildwood. It’s been a huge success in past years. You can participate and golf in it for $140 per player. You can register at, or contact Dan Pray at, or Brad Crumpley at

We are supporting the “Official Unveiling Ceremony” at McKnight Crossing, on Thursday, 1 August, Ceremony at 4:00 PM. There will be a Bud Anderson Statue unveiling. And it will also be at 10:00 AM, on Friday, 2 August.

Coming up will be our Executive Board Meeting, on Tuesday, 6 August, at 5:00 PM, in the Remembrance Room. Hope to see you there

All for now…


Coming Events

National Night Out

This year's National Night Out in Nevada county will be held in Pioneer Park, 721 Nimrod St, Nevada City at 6 - 7:30pm.

The VFW will be attending. Wanna Help out?

Nevada County Fair

Thousands of people attend the Nevada County Fair each and every year. It’s a good event to see and to be seen at.

Several Veterans Organizations will be present to help promote the activities and events we are Part of. If you can volunteer a few hours at the fair contact The VSO’s office. They will direct you to the organizations that will be present and can use some help.

Saturday August 10th is “Military Appreciation Day” at the Fair. Veterans from various eras will be recognized and honored starting with a 10am ceremony at the flag

The VA Mobile Health Clinic

VSO David West is coordinating with the VA for this mobile clinic to visit Grass Valley.

Learn what events Adjutant Mike is planning for the initial visit.

The scheduled date is August 29th, 11am - 4pm. Details on our website calendar

9/11 ceremonies 

This year ceremonies will be held in downtown Grass Valley at 9am on Mill Street

Honor Our First Responders

Stand Down 2024

October 11th & 12th, doors open at 8:30. Call to pre-register: (530) 278-5343


The 130 Dispatch Team

Your VSO

Veterans Health & Wellness Fair

On Thursday, August 2, 2024, at the Grass Valley Veterans Memorial Building the Nevada County Veterans Services Office in collaboration with the Veterans Benefits Administration’s Oakland Regional Office and the Veteran’s Health Administration’s Mather Medical Clinic, will be hosting a “Veterans Health & Wellness Fair”. 

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Last Honors

These are the steps necessary before performing Last Honors...

Learn More

Honor Guard

Missions This Past Month

Karaoke in the Bunker

August 11th & 25th

12pm - 4pm

Members Birthdays

Your Birthday not on the list?

Let us know and it will get fixed! ll g

Birthdays This Month 

Officer List

Fiscal Year 2023-2024

American Legion Post 130


Claude Hessel

(530) 432-0425

1st Vice Commander/PIO:

Corbin Smith

2nd Vice Commander/ HG Commander:

Pete Vasilakos

(530) 432-6594

Finance Officer: 

John Madeiros

(530) 273-4988


Mike Hauser

(530) 913-9594

Executive Committee Members:

Dick Corn

Dale Gurley

Dave Craigen


Corbin Smith

(530) 728 - 3258

Sons of the American Legion

Squadron 130


Bob Gault

(408) 607-4434

Finance Officer: 

Frank Maricich

(760) 662 0484

American Legion Riders Chapter 130

President/Vice President: 

Tim Sheriden


Frank Maricich


John Chase

(408) 726-7378

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 130


Melise Munroe

(530) 277-2660

1st Vice President: 

Debbie Sullivan

(530) 273-0212

2nd Vice President: 

Janet Hessel

(530) 277-2988


Lorraine Gordon

Executive Committee Member: 

Donna Matson

(408) 891-7158


Linda Robertson

(916) 834-0689

Other Positions

Bar Manager: 

Linda Robertson

Kitchen Manager: 

Tom Munroe

(530) 277-6228


Laurie Stanton

Judge Advocate:

Robert Smail

Join Up and Join In

By paying your dues, you are part of the largest veterans organization in the USA. We fight for veterans benefits in Congress, and without you in our organization, we can't help our veterans. Now we accept all veterans. It doesn't matter if you were in war or not.

Hey everyone, don't forget to renew your membership if you haven't! I'm sure you want to help your local post stay active, and the fastest (and easiest) way is to make sure you've paid your dues for 2023. If you aren't sure, or if you have any questions, call the office at (530) 575-7002.

Membership dues not only help keep the post running, but allow us to continue to assist local veterans in need. We thank you for your continued support and membership. Together, we are continuing to look out for all our veteran family

Recent Events

Fourth of July Parade in Nevada City

More Photos

McKnight Crossing Unveiling Ceremony

The Post’s Color Guard provided flag honors as the DAR Plaque was unveiled.

First responders from Grass Valley Police and Nevada County Sheriffs perform honor guard.

The dedication of WWII Ace Colonel Bud Anderson Bronze Statue

Photos posted on

Editor’s Note

(Mike Hauser)

It’s my pleasure to help produce the Post 130 newsletter...and WE HEAR YOU !

We mail printed newsletters to members not actively on the Internet or email capable. Everyone needs to know what’s going on and we need you to participate in some really great activities.

If you would like to submit an article for future editions, please mail or email me with your input prior to the 15th of the month. Photos always make a story more interesting...hint... hint If you are not email connected, give me a call at my office number and we’ll make it work. I take fine dictation..... E news will come from

If you are a new member and don’t see the news call me right away and it will get fixed.


(530) 575-7002

The VA Mobile Health Clinic, BBQ and Fun

Read about these and all upcoming event here

Adjutant Mike