Weekly eNews
October 4, 2024
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This Weekend & the Week Ahead | |
Owen Copps
Celebration of Ministry
This Sunday, October 6
This Sunday will be a most bittersweet one as we celebrate Owen’s years of ministry with us and wish him well as he embarks on the exciting next steps of his ordination discernment process. He will be preaching at both services and joining for a time of reflection and sharing at the Sunday forum. If you would like to offer Owen written well wishes, supplies to do so are located in the hallway outside of the church. Join in-person or online.
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Blessing of the Stuffed Animals
This Sunday, 8:00 & 10:30 AM Services
In honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, children of all ages (and children at heart) are invited to bring a stuffed animal to church this Sunday to be blessed during announcements at the 8:00 or 10:30 AM services. All animals were loved by St. Francis, just as we know your stuffed animals are loved by you!
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Blessing of the Animals
This Sunday, 4:00 PM on the Plaza
In addition to having your stuffed animals blessed, you also have an opportunity to get your pets blessed on the Plaza at 4:00 PM this Sunday. We will have a brief liturgy followed by a special blessing for each animal in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. All are welcome!
Wonder, Love and Praise Hymnal
Oct. 6 - Nov. 24
We continue our journey through the Episcopal Church’s authorized hymnals with Wonder, Love and Praise (WLP) beginning this Sunday through the remainder of Pentecost. WLP is a continuation of The Hymnal 1982, and its numbers begin where the H1982 leaves off. WLP seeks to encourage congregational participation with simple contemporary songs that draw from many musical styles and cultures. The title is taken from the final phrase of Charles Wesley's hymn text "Love divine, all loves excelling" in an effort to affirm the need of every Christian to praise God in song.
Episcopal Essentials
Beginning This Sunday
9:15 - 10:10 AM
Want to learn more about the Episcopal Church or be Confirmed, Received or Reaffirm your Baptism? Join our clergy team for a wonderful opportunity to grow and deepen your faith through this in-depth six-week course covering theology, doctrine, and history of the Episcopal Church. After this course, those desiring to make a deeper commitment to their faith can participate in these sacramental rites when Bishop Kym Lucas visits St. Michael's on November 17.
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Young Adults Theology on Tap
Tonight, October 4
6:30 - 8:00 PM
All young adults are invited to join at Goat Patch Brewing this evening (Friday) for a conversation with Rev. Candace Woods from United Church of Christ centered on the idea that each one of our lives and our individual experiences can be places for theological reflection. No RSVP needed.
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137th Diocese of Colorado Convention Announcement | |
This Thursday through Saturday, October 3 - 5, at the 137th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado in Fort Collins, St. Michael's is being represented by: Convention Delegates - Linda, Rich, Rachel, Chad, Aprel & Aviana; Alternate – Amy; Exhibitors - Bill & Rod. Also attending from St. Michael's is Nancy Jones, Diocesan Treasurer and Cathedral Ridge Board Member. We are grateful for their service, and we ask you to please keep them in your prayers. | |
On the Calendar
This Sunday, October 6
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour? Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
4:00 Blessing of the Animals
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum - Called to Remember
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
9:15 AM Episcopal Essentials
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour and Fellowship after each service.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Creation Care
"Sweet Conversation"
October 16, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Interested in learning about how you can better care for God’s Creation but unable to commit to an 8-10 week program? Join us over dessert for our first Creation Care Conversation on Wednesday, October 16 with Alli Schuch, Executive Director of the Fountain Creek Watershed Protection District. Alli will present and lead a discussion on ways we can help protect OUR WATERSHED. Please sign up so we plan appropriately for our yummy desserts!
Gloves, Hats & Scarves Drive
October 13 - 20
Each year St. Michael's Outreach Committee collects new hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, and ear warmers for those in need in the Pike's Peak area, specifically schools in D-20, D-11, and Harrison D-2. This year our drive will run from Sunday, October 13 through the following Sunday, October 20. Please drop off your items in the basket in the Gathering Space during this time. If you can help with the delivery, please contact Pam Morton at Panda77770@outlook.com. Thanks in advance for your support!
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Friday, October 18
6:00 - 8:00 PM
The BBQ Ministry is once again hosting their annual German-themed Oktoberfest for all in the parish, grilling up brats with all the fixings! Beer and non-alcoholic beverages will be available and Lederhosen is always encouraged! Suggested donation of $10 per person/$20 per family.
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Pumpkin Fest
At Cathedral Ridge
Saturday, October 19
Mark your calendars for Cathedral Ridge Camp and Conference Center's first ever Pumpkin Fest! Admission is $5 per person or $20 (max) per family. Five free pumpkin games will be included with admission, pumpkins and concessions will be available for purchase, and for $5+, you can participate in a Pumpkin Launchin'. There will also be a Lucky Pumpkin Launch with a grand prize of $500! Click on the flyer to download it and scan the QR codes to learn more. Sign up below to let us know you're coming and if you can be a volunteer before, during, or after.
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Chili Cook-off & Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 28
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Join us for intergenerational fall fun at St. Michael's! Children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes and travel car to car on a Trunk or Treat adventure. All others are encouraged to provide a trunk and/or compete to win a prize in the Chili Cook-off. Click below for more details and to sign up. Candy donations are also needed! Please bring non-peanut candy to the church office on Sunday mornings or Monday - Thursday between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
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Saint John's Bible Illuminator Visit
October 20, 1:30 PM
We are excited to welcome Suzanne Moore, Lettering Artist and Designer for The Saint John’s Bible, to St. Michael’s on Sunday, October 20. Suzanne is particularly special to St. Michael’s because she created the beautiful dedication page in memory of The Rev. Melissa Kean for our Heritage Edition of The Saint John’s Bible. Suzanne will share her knowledge and expertise about the creation of The Saint John’s Bible at a presentation that is open to all. No RSVP required.
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Soul Shop Training
Suicide Prevention
October 26 & 27
We are fortunate to partner with David Galvan, St. Michael's Mental Health First Aid In-Resident Trainer, for this invaluable workshop designed to train faith communities on how they can care for people's minds and bodies as well as their souls. David likens this training to CPR, hopeful that giving people the information and insights they need to help troubled souls contemplating suicide will save numerous lives. Person after person who has been through this training describes it as critical, eye opening, and powerfully transformative!
On Saturday, October 26 from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, David will offer his more in-depth workshop which will be held at St. Michael's but is open to the greater Colorado Springs community.
| On Sunday, October 27 from 12:00 - 2:30, David will offer Soul Shop for Congregations which is available only for members of the St. Michael's community. | |
Baptism Interest?
Upcoming Baptism Dates
Are you or a family member interested in being baptized this year?
We currently have baptisms planned for All Saints' Day on November 3 and upon the visitation of Bishop Kym Lucas on November 17, and of course more dates will follow in 2025. If you would like to be baptized, please click below to complete the Baptism Request Form.
Vestry Nominations
November 1 Deadline
Do you know a fellow parishioner who would be a strong candidate to serve on the Vestry? If so, please nominate him or her by contacting our Senior Warden, Russ Howell, at russelldhowell@gmail.com. You may also self-nominate. We will be electing new Vestry members during our February annual meeting.
November-December Archangel
Article Deadline, October 15
It's hard to believe planning for Advent and Christmas is already upon us, but it is indeed! Please send any submissions for the upcoming November - December Archangel newsletter to comm@stmikeschurch.com by end of day Tuesday, October 15.
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Creation Justice
October E-Tip
Hybrid & Electric Vehicles
New hybrid cars have efficiencies from 40 mpg up to 58 mpg. Hybrids save money on fuel costs and lower both climate emissions and air pollution. Extra money in your pocket, cleaner air, and a safer climate—what could be better? Well, not much, except an electric car. Electric cars have 100-135 mpg, more than double a hybrid mpg. They are fun to drive and save on average $1,000 or more per year on fuel and maintenance. Ranges have extended to up to 200 miles per charge or more, making EVs an option for almost all driving needs. For more information check out these links from the Episcopal Church
Hybrid vehicles https://www.sustainislandhome.org/actions/72
Electric vehicles https://www.sustainislandhome.org/actions/73
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Birthdays This Week:
October 6 - Rachel Clark
October 7 - Dean Logemann
October 7 - Gwen Weddington
October 8 - Anderson Holcombe
October 8 - Harper Sutherlin
October 9 - Deborah Farmer
October 9 - Phil Fredrickson
October 9 - Leonard Himes
October 11 - Denny Hoban
October 11 - Thomas Johnson
October 11 - Alan Sherlock
October 12 - Tom Clarke
October 12 - Linda Page
October 12 - Sam Thomas
Anniversaries This Week:
October 9 - Deborah & Jonathan Farmer
October 10 - Alan & Jennifer Sherlock
October 12 - Curt & Jean Brewer
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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