Issue 14, Summer 2024

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in this issue

message from the president

in the news

upcoming events/calendar

about vapdc

message from the president

I am excited about the opportunity to serve this coming year as VAPDC President. To think about the good work that is going on in our PDC regions across the state for more than 50 years is even more exciting. VAPDC itself has not been around quite that long, but has a strong history. Let’s take a quick look.

The Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions was established in 1987 as a nonstock corporation comprised of the then-22 PDCs/RCs. When the Southeastern Virginia Planning District Commission and the Peninsula Planning District Commission merged in 1990, the Hampton Roads PDC was formed, making a total of 21 PDCs.

The purpose of the Association is to promote coordination and cooperation among the PDCs/RCs to heighten their effectiveness and efficiency; provide mutual assistance and the exchange of ideas; and promote understanding for how PDCs/RCs can help save their regions and the Commonwealth time and money.

The bylaws of the Association continue to provide that the officers of the Association be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer, who are elected at the annual meeting for a one-year term. The Board of Directors has 11 directors including the four (4) officers, the past president and six (6) additional directors, who also are elected at the annual meeting. In recent years, the Board has been a near-even mix of elected officials/Commissioners and PDC Executive Directors. To support the Association and its functions, the VAPDC has contracted for many years for association management services, and about six years ago, contracted for its first ever, part-time Executive Director services.

I hope you will continue to engage with VAPDC or reach out to us if you haven’t before. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer.

Dwayne Tuggle

Dwayne Tuggle

VAPDC President

in the news

VAPDC’s annual business meeting was held virtually earlier this month. Dwayne Tuggle (CVPDC) was elected as President for this coming year and Mike Hankins (CRC) is the new First Vice President. Also elected was one new member to serve on the Board of Directors, that being Chip Boyles of the George Washington Regional Commission. Kim Callis rotates off the Board after having served as both a director and as President. The Board of Directors also met following the business meeting and is looking ahead to its annual Leadership Retreat sometime in the Fall.

In July, over $41 million in 2024 Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) funding was announced. In all, 10 broadband construction projects serving 20 localities throughout Virginia were funded, including two awards to PDCs totaling $15.5 million. PDCs have long played a leading role in working with broadband providers across the state to apply for and administer grants. In late 2021, when about $700 million in federal dollars were available through the VATI program, more than half of our PDCs were grant winners, receiving a total of about $500 million. 

Several PDC Executive Directors met recently with staff of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to discuss regional broadband projects funded by VATI. The conversation focused on the state’s efforts in broadband deployment, which JLARC has been asked to examine. We were able to provide JLARC with some good feedback about PDCs’ work with service providers and with the state/DHCD to provide high speed internet service across the state.

Several other PDC representatives also were part of a meeting with Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) staff and other stakeholders as DHCD begins its work to craft a statewide housing plan. There was a lot of good discussion around increasing housing production and the state’s role in providing resources to support that.

The Local Government Direct Loan Program provides a flexible mechanism for the Virginia Resources Authority (VRA) to support infrastructure projects that would otherwise be inefficient to finance through other existing VRA programs. Examples include small loans with fixed rates and 20-plus year terms; short-term bond anticipation notes (BANs); and grant anticipation notes (GANs). VRA’s Board recently expanded this program to allow for revolving credit facilities, which may interest PDCs that may benefit from a revolving credit facility while managing the timing of reimbursements under grant awards.

upcoming events/calendar

September 09

September 11

September 20

October 13-15

October 21-24

October 23-25

October 29-30

VAPDC Training Session III - Communications—Telling the PDC Story

VAPDC Board of Directors meeting

Executive Directors Committee meeting

VML Annual Conference

NADO Annual Training Conference

Governor’s Transportation Conference

Governor’s Summit on Rural Prosperity

Would you like to see your PDC newsletter or job listings on the VAPDC website?

about vapdc

The Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions (VAPDC) is an organization comprised of the 21 Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils in Virginia. The PDCs joined together to create the VAPDC to share best practices and further regionalism across the State. VAPDC works to bring diverse resources together at the regional level in partnership with local, state and federal entities to strengthen regions and the Commonwealth.

The purpose of the Association is to promote coordination and cooperation among the Commonwealth's Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils to heighten their effectiveness and efficiency; provide mutual assistance and the exchange of ideas; and otherwise promote understanding for how PDCs/RCs can help save their regions and the Commonwealth time and money. 


association contacts

David Blount, VAPDC Executive Director


Linda Brunick, VAPDC Administrator


thank you to our commonwealth partner for 2024 - 2025

thank you to our virginia partners for 2024 - 2025

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view our partner profiles here

thank you to these sponsors for 2024 - 2025

Gold Training Series Sponsor ~

B&B Consultants, Inc. ~ Silver Training Series Sponsor

RiverLink Group ~ Silver Training Series Sponsor

VT Center for Economic and Community Engagement ~ Winter Series Sponsor

Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions | Website
869 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 113 #244
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452
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