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Feature Stories

Hundreds Gather for School of Medicine Class of 2028 White Coat Ceremony

WC-Anastasia-Wass image

Hundreds of family and friends gathered to celebrate a time-honored tradition in medicine – the annual White Coat Ceremony. This year, 203 students from the School of Medicine Class of 2028 received their short white coats – a symbolic milestone marking their entry into the health professions.

Georgetown Faith Leaders Welcome New Medical Students

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Faith leaders from Georgetown’s Office of Campus Ministry, representing Jewish, Muslim, Dharmic, Catholic and Protestant communities, were invited to greet medical students as they gathered on campus for a special luncheon during new student orientation.

Medical Center Faculty Members Learn from Immersive Experience at U.S./Mexico Border

Medical Center Faculty Members at a church at the US Mexico border

Participating in an immersive experience at the U.S./Mexico border gave faculty members from the School of Nursing and School of Health a better understanding of the immigration process and a renewed appreciation for the humanity and dignity of migrant people.

A Brain Fingerprint: Study Uncovers Unique Brain Plasticity in People Born Blind

This image represents different people with blindness. Each one’s brain is of a different color - representing how diverse brain organization is in blindness

A study led by Georgetown neuroscientists reveals that the part of the brain that receives and processes visual information in sighted people develops a unique connectivity pattern akin to a fingerprint in people born blind. Led by postdoctoral researcher Lenia Amaral, PhD, and Ella Striem-Amit, PhD, the Edwin H. Richard and Elisabeth Richard von Matsch Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, the study was published in PNAS.

Strengthening Global Regulatory Capacity for Equitable Access to Vaccines in Public Health Emergencies

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Three high-impact steps could be taken by global health leaders to reshape the global regulatory framework and help address the pressing need for equitable access to diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines during public health emergencies, write School of Health professor Sam Halabi, JD, and George O’Hara, a Georgetown medical student and David E. Rogers Student Fellow, in their “Perspective” published August 3 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Promotions and Achievements

Waite Inducted as a Fellow in the Academy of Diversity Leaders in Nursing

Headshot of Roberta Waite

The National Black Nurses Association inducted Roberta Waite, EdD, RN, dean of the School of Nursing, as a 2024 inaugural fellow in the Academy of Diversity Leaders in Nursing during a ceremony at the 52nd Annual NBNA Institute and Conference on July 25 in San Francisco. Waite was honored as a “Luminary Fellow” in recognition of her more than 30 years of nursing experience and noted expertise in the areas of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion throughout her career.


Submit Nominations for the GUMC Staff Community Award

Gold Star

The GUMC Staff Community Award honors colleagues who show positivity, perseverance and resilience in their work, and go above and beyond on behalf of our community. Nominations may be submitted by students, staff, administrators or faculty members, and the awardees will be chosen by the GUMC Staff/AAP Caucus Committee and select others. Up to two awardees will be selected each quarter to receive a $1,250 award. Learn more about the award and submit nominations here by 5:00 p.m. on August 16.

Apply for the AAMC Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar

Medical-Dental Building exterior

Two applicants will receive financial sponsorship (reimbursement for registration, parking, meals and incidentals) to attend the AAMC Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar. Both non-university employed and university employed faculty from the School of Medicine, School of Health and School of Nursing are eligible to apply. To apply, please review the sponsorship application requirements and process, and submit a digital copy of your CV/biosketch and a 1-page letter of interest to by 11:59 p.m. on August 16.

Applications Due August 16: GUMC Faculty Wellness Group Coaching Program

Flowers in front of Dahlgren Chapel

All GUMC faculty are welcome to apply for the GUMC Faculty Wellness Group Coaching Program, an opportunity to receive group coaching to support faculty wellness and enhance career satisfaction and engagement. The program will consist of six 90-minute sessions led by a certified coach. The sessions will take place 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. every other week starting September 30. 

The fall 2024 program is now open for applications for 2-3 groups of 5-10 participants in each group. Applications are due August 16. Please contact with any questions.

Grants and Awards

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders "Investigating functional changes to the visual word form system in post-stroke alexia" Sara Dyslin (F31DC022513)

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke “Predoctoral Training in Integrative Neuroscience” Ludise Malkova and  Ashley VanMeter (T32NS041231)

GUMC in the News

The Cancer Letter Solving problems doctors can't fix; How Georgetown's medical-legal partnership saves lives by including lawyers on cancer care teams (Louis Weiner, Vicki Girard)

The Cancer Letter How a Georgetown med school student found her calling in surgery, law, and health equity (Francisca Finkel, M'24)

WUSA BellRinger ride and the need for cyclists to join the fundraising event (Louis Weiner and Ritu Amarnani, M'27)

TCTMD Olympic Hearts: Screening for CVD Among Team USA’s Athletes (Ankit Shah)

WTTG Blood Test To Detect Colon Cancer (John Marshall)

Calendar of Events

Find more Georgetown seminars, talks, concerts and other activities on the university’s events website.

Summer Clinical Research Education and Training Series 

Monday, August 5

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

This series covers topics of interest to those working in the area of clinical research compliance. This week's seminar will focus on AE/Safety Monitoring Documentation. Sponsored by the Office of Human Subject Protections.

“The Immune Response and its Modulation by Microbiota During Colorectal Cancer” 

Tuesday, August 6

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Research Building W302 and via Zoom

Presented by Jigarkumar Desai, PhD, assistant member of the Center for Discovery and Innovation at Hackensack Meridian Health. Part of the Summer Seminar Series in Cancer Biology, which showcases Georgetown Lombardi research.

Canvas, Part III: Collaboration

Wednesday, August 7

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Learn how to encourage student-student and instructor-student interaction and assign group projects using the collaboration features in Canvas, including groups, group discussions, group assignments and peer review assignments. Presented by Dahlgren Memorial Library.

Clinical Research Coordinator Seminar Series 

Wednesday, August 7

12:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Designed for clinical research professionals and others vested in the care of research participants, this series provides opportunities for professional development and updates on Georgetown policies, procedures and operations related to clinical research.

Canvas, Part IV: Communication

Friday, August 9

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Workshop participants will learn about communication tools in Canvas including announcements, chat, notifications and discussions. Presented by Dahlgren Memorial Library.

Summer Clinical Research Education and Training Series 

Monday, August 12

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

This series covers topics of interest to those working in the area of clinical research compliance. This week's seminar will focus on RNI Reporting. Sponsored by the Office of Human Subject Protections.

New & Enhanced Zoom Features for Effective Online Teaching

Wednesday, August 14

11:00 - 11:50 a.m.

Via Zoom

Explore the latest Zoom enhancements designed to enrich your online teaching experience, including how to control presentation slides seamlessly, engage students through new chat functionalities, and ensure accessibility with automated captions. Presented by Dahlgren Memorial Library.

Special Lecture: “Precision Imaging”

Thursday, August 15

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Via Microsoft Teams

Martin Pomper, MD, PhD, Distinguished Chair of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at UT Southwestern, delivers a special guest lecture on prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) imaging. Sponsored by Georgetown’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

New & Enhanced Canvas Features

Friday, August 16

11:00 - 11:50 a.m.

Via Zoom

This workshop on the latest updates to Canvas focuses on the revamped Discussions, Quizzes, Collaborations, and Gradebook tools. Presented by Dahlgren Memorial Library.

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