August 2, 2024
Sermon Video Now Available
A video of the gospel reading and sermon will be made available by the Monday after the service. This is in addition to videos of both services in full, which will still be posted immediately after the services. To watch the sermon from last Sunday, please use this link.
Reminder: Summer Worship Schedule Change
Please note that our services have switched and will continue this way for the rest of the summer.
July 28 - September 1
9:00 am - Contemporary
10:30 am - Traditional
Sunday, August 4 – 11th Sunday After Pentecost
Come and hear God’s Word and share in the Lord’s Supper. We worship at 9 am and 10:30 am. We will livestream both services and will then post them on our video channel later in the day. On this Sunday, Pastor Kessinger will explore what it means to have enough in a culture that encourages us to keep wanting more. Come and worship! All are welcome.
Thank you! This week we have all of our worship leaders in place. You can always sign up for the upcoming weeks.
Bulletins and Announcements
Link to Livestream the 9:00 am Service
Link to Livestream the 10:30 am Service
Link to volunteer for worship any other week
Educational Opportunities – 10:15 am
Table Talk (adult class) will meet this Sunday.
Doughnut Sunday on August 4!
We will be offering a coffee hour with doughnuts between services. Doughnuts and coffee will be offered the first Sunday of each month. We look forward to enjoying some fellowship between services.
Day of Prayer is next Monday – August 5
Every quarter we have a “Day of Prayer” from 8 am to 8 pm. People can sign up for a 30-minute segment so that we have one continuous prayer over this 12-hour time frame. A resource document with prayers written by Redeemer members and including scripture and audio files is available at the link below. This time we will center our prayers on the changing climate.
Link to the sign-up for Day of Prayer
Link to Day of Prayer resource document
Little Food Pantry — Your Support is Needed
Right now, we are in need of cans of fruits, vegetables, tuna, and chicken. Please put a can or two in the pantry, or you can leave them on the cart at door 10 or the bin in the Crossroads. If you have any questions or would like to participate in keeping the pantry organized, please contact Kim Wenk.
Registration now open for Faith Formation, Confirmation, and High School Class
Faith Formation, Confirmation, and the High School Class will begin on September 8. Families need to register each child individually and can do so online, or physical forms will be made available at the Kids’ Corner table in Crossroads on Sundays before and after services. To register online, please use this link.
Faith Formation Mentors Needed
We are in need of Faith Formation mentors for the upcoming school year (September 2024 - May 2025). Specifically, we need help in the Pre-K / Kindergarten and 1st / 2nd grade classes and 3rd / 4th grade class. No prior teaching experience is necessary! Mentors are fully supported with training, a weekly curriculum, and supplies. Reach out to Shelly Brennan if you are interested in signing up or if you have any questions!
Job Opening: Evening Facilities Host
Redeemer is planning to hire a part-time person at the church to replace Milo Engel, who will be starting a new full-time job out of the area. This position involves providing for the overall safety and security of the building, and assisting groups that meet in the church. The schedule would be weekday evenings. If you are interested in the position or know of someone to recommend, please contact the office.
A Day with PSK: Museum of the Bible:
Our visit to the Museum of the Bible on Wednesday, July 31 was a success! In total we had 11 in our group and enjoyed exploring the history and impacts of the Bible. Please see below for details about our next "Day with PSK”.