Monthly News & Updates

MAY 3, 2024


With a month to go until the filing deadline of June 3rd, our team has been contacting each precinct man and woman to provide information and the filing form for this election cycle.

Johnson County has more than 600 precincts and needs a man and woman to serve as the neighborhood Republican leader in each of them. Precinct Committee men and women are the foundation of our Party. They help us distribute information about elections, candidates, and current issues to Republicans, and often Independents, in their precincts. They are our warriors in our GOTV (Get Out the Vote) strategy. They vote for Party leadership, electing the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, as well as delegates to the 3rd district.

In the event of an unplanned vacancy in a Republican elected seat, the precinct people vote for who will fill the seat for the remainder of the term. The Precinct Committee position is vitally important! In many states, these are coveted positions that result in robust competition during the election cycle. If you want to make a difference in your local Party, you can file here.

If you would like more information about the responsibilities of a precinct man or woman or if you need help with filing, please email

We will have a Super Saturday on June 8th. We'll meet at the JCRP office, hear from some of our candidates, then spread out to some key precincts to help our candidates. Stay tuned for more details. Meanwhile, check the list of dates for May events. We have a LOT going on this month!

See you soon!

Maria Holiday, Chairwoman

Johnson County Republican Party


Get Out The Vote

Last year we learned the power of voter guides. Senior living facilities and gated communities are often nearly impossible to enter to share information. A mailer to these Republican voters is vital. Help us prepare to reach voters that might otherwise be overlooked! You can donate to this cause by clicking on the link below.

Please Note: Zero, not one single penny, goes to the RNC. Moreover, the RNC does not fund the JCRP in any way. Every dime we take in is carefully spent to help candidates right here in Johnson County. Thank you for giving!

Donate Here

Biblical Citizenship Class Begins Next Week

Wednesday, May 8th, will be the first of an eight-week Biblical Citizenship course. According to the Patriot Academy website, "Now, more than ever, our nation is in need of Biblical citizens who grasp the dynamic unity of citizens of the Kingdom of God and citizens of this great nation!

This course offers a quick-start guide to the longest-standing Constitution in history, complete with an overview of all the Articles and Amendments. What sets this apart from other U.S. Constitution courses is the interactive, fast-paced presentations; the fabulous locations of Independence Hall and the WallBuilders Library; and, finally, our Biblical heritage intricately woven throughout the entire course!"

Our own Rose Gerringer will be the instructor. Learn more about the course, class dates, and how to register here. This class will be held at the JCRP office.

Learn More Here

Special Meeting for Election of RNC National Convention Statewide Delegates

Due to the large number of schedule conflicts for delegates, alternates, and executive committee members, it has been decided to hold a virtual meeting at 2:00 pm on Sunday, May 19th, 2024.

A robust voting process has been developed that will ensure simplicity, transparency and efficiency. More information will be sent prior to the meeting with instructions. 


Get the latest scoop straight from the Kansas State GOP Chair, Mike Brown! Who are our delegates to the RNC? What will the RNC be like for our Kansas delegation? What is the difference between a delegate and an elector? AND what did he learn at a very special meeting in south Florida? Be the first to hear all about it!


It's almost picnic time! The JCRP will host the annual Republican picnic on Sunday, June 30th, from 4:00-8:00 pm at Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park in Lenexa. We will have dinner for all and some very special speakers. We will also host the 2nd Annual Pies for Politicians auction! Representative Adam Thomas will be defending his title. Let's see whose pie brings the most this year! More details to come in next month's newsletter.


May 6: Olathe Republican Party 6:30p @ Olathe Community Center

May 8: Biblical Citizenship Class 6:30p @ JCRP office

May 11: Sunflower Club 9:00a @ JCRP office

May 13: NEJCRW 11:30a @ Pegah's on 87th St in Lenexa

May 14: Young Republicans 7:00p @ JCRP office

May 18: Starlight Women's Club 6:30p @ the VFW on Pflumm in Lenexa

May 21:

- Elephant Club 11:30a @ JCRP office

- NWJCR 6:00p @ Shawnee Reformed Presbyterian Church

- JoCo & WyCo Young Republicans 6:30p @ JCRP office

May 27:

- NEJCC 6:15p @ JCRP office

- CRSJC 6:15p; Location TBA

Details on events can be found on our webpage at


Signs are $10 ($9 for Elephant Club members).

We also have bumper stickers. Hats and flags are on the way!

Stop in the office to get yours!

Corporate Opportunity - Candidate Nest Sponsorship

It's not too late to be the May Candidate Nest Sponsor!

Each month, individuals or companies can sponsor the front office suite, earning advertising on our newsletter, our social media channels, and in the JCRP office for the year. The Candidate Nest is available for candidates or small groups to use on a first come, first served basis.

If you would like to sponsor the Candidate Nest, please contact treasurer Amy Prater at

Your Input Is Needed!

What would you like to see?

Please share your input on what you would like to see in our newsletter or on our website. We value your ideas and feedback regarding content. Let us know here.

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