Taste and see that the Lord is good!

The last three months have been so exciting serving with Mary Ann Nuñez and seeing her accept the calling that God has for her in Mexico! Having a partner to travel with in Tijuana is wonderful. Pastor Daniel and Luz are also more than excited to have Mary Ann and Javier Nuñez join the team.

They got their feet wet on Saturday at the youth event at Parque Morelos in Tijuana. Lots of fun, food and fellowship with our youth who rarely get to leave the colony. The Nuñez have committed to helping grow the youth ministry both spiritually and in numbers. In May they are having an event where the youth can invite their unchurched friends to see how we roll. Kristy Struska with the Connections House ministry. connectionshouse.org has been bringing ministry teams to our Fuentes location regularly. We even had a group come from Kauai (Hawaii!) Check out the video of our kids learning Hawaiian dance. What a great difference between Hawaii and Fuentes! I'm sure they had compassion when they saw how people live in our area.


Some people say Fuentes is similar to the conditions in Africa but it is 30 minutes from the United States border. We refer to it as our Fuentes Hope Zone. The children receive food, education, playground fun, clothing, medical assistance and love. Now if that isn't bringing hope to a desperate community, I don't know what it is!

My most exciting news is that starting this week STORY CLUBS began at our two tutoring clubs! The kids have a 30 minute class once a week using the model that Kids Around the World has developed. This is a methodology called KIDStory that uses Jesus’ method of teaching through Biblical storytelling, interactive experiences and meaningful discussions.  Mary Ann kicked off the Clubs officially this week and will be training our youth leaders, adults and me to teach!

Most of these are unchurched kids and this is our way of reaching them with the gospel. The parents also attend our special events. Mary Ann has served extensively with Kids Around the World which is an amazing ministry that donated the playground that we have at Fuentes.


I just finished a leading a six-week study teaching our Women's Bible study on Galatians. It was a wonderful time of truly understanding what God's GRACE means and how grace changes our lives and how we live. Not by works but by grace we are saved. (Ephesians 2:8) When we fully understand grace, everything we do becomes an act of worship and love for God coming from our hearts and not from the laws of the world. 


Our women's breakfast was a great success with Mary Ann sharing the Word and I was in charge of arts and crafts. That is ironic as I never like to do crafts, but God has put it on my heart to help others enjoy art. It can be therapeutic for those that have difficult lives. It is also a time to build community among the women.

PASTOR DANIEL ...............................................................VERSE BY VERSE STUDENT

Pastor Daniel teaches a Verse by Verse class for men that is preparing these men to lead. The students will each have an opportunity to lead the devotional at our Tuesday night worship and prayer service. They are growing in their knowledge of the Word and also taking the risk to teach others from the pulpit. Please pray for God to reveal who He wants to raise up as an Assistant Pastor and/or youth ministry leader for our church!





Jose Luis is serving weekly at the Tijuana La Mesa prison on Tuesdays. It is a long but blessed day as they have two or three services inside with the men in one day. They also bring hygiene products, food and sweets once a month. He is still working at Walmart full-time, which makes it possible for us to live in Lakeside and commute to Mexico. 

Javier is working on his 2-year Administration of Justice degree at Grossmont College and is in the application process with TSA for a part-time job at the airport. He has been working at Dick’s Sporting Goods while in school and part of the leadership of the Skyline Church young adults’ group! He is an amazing young adult as many of you know!!


I am working on out new website and will try my hand at some short reels with the goal of providing more engaging methods of sharing what God is doing and reaching the younger generation. Our hope and prayer is to raise up more ministry teams to come serve with us. Mary Ann has a lot of contacts and only God knows what He has in store, but I know He can do more than we can ask or imagine!! Ephesians 3:20  

I am so blessed to used by God in Tijuana! 18 years ago (on May 3) I came to Mexico with my plan of staying for 2 months to see if I could help a few kids. "A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9


To Jesus be the glory and honor! 



 We can’t do it without you!!! You mean so much to us. 

Please send us any prayer requests or questions.

May the Lord shine His face upon you!

With much gratitude,


Cindy and the GDC Team!



  • An assistant to Pastor Daniel
  • Ministry teams to help with building repairs from the rain
  • Mary Ann to raise a support team for her needs
  • Outreach teams to help us reach more people
  • U.S. Tourist Visas for Pastor Daniel and his family (their appointment is on September 17)
  • Jose Luis’ health


All gifts are tax deductible. Thank you for partnering with us!





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