St. Rita School inspires students in Pre-Kindergarten through grade eight to achieve academic excellence in a safe, nurturing and faith-filled Catholic environment.

We prepare students to be morally responsible, innovative thinkers who, in today’s technology-guided global community, live and share the Love of Christ.

From the Desk of Mrs. Tiezzi

Dear St. Rita Parents and Guardians,


Today, May 1, marks an important date in the Archdiocese of Hartford. Today, Archbishop Christopher Coyne officially assumes his role as the 6th Archbishop of Hartford. In his press conference this morning, Archbishop Coyne spoke of his role as a “Pastor not a politician” and vowed to work with everyone to help further the mission of the Catholic Church. He spoke specially about the importance of Catholic schools and thanked and saluted all our teachers, administrators, students, and pastors –“who have done so much to make our Archdiocesan schools a source of pride and a choice worth making.” Please keep Archbishop Coyne and all the priests and people of the Archdiocese in your daily prayers.

St. Rita School is proud to participate in “The Greater Give 2024”, a greater New Haven community event that supports non-profit organizations. This event lasts for 36 hours only and will end tomorrow, May 2. Your help is needed to make this event a success for our school. Please share this link with your friends, neighbors and family members and ask them to consider making a donation to our school. Your support of this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

The on-line auction sponsored by our HSA is open and awaiting your bid. Your support of the auction and our other fundraisers helps to bridge the gap between the cost of tuition and the actual cost to educate a child at St. Rita. Your assistance is needed to help HSA achieve their goal of $60,000. Thank you for your continued support.

Our Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, May 6 and we are looking for additional golfers. If you or any of your family, friends, and neighbors are interested in participating in the Golf Tournament at the Vue CT (formerly Laurel View Country Club additional information and registration is available here: The HSA golf committee is pleased to announce that Quality Life Health Care is offering a new NISSAN ROGUE to the winner of the Hole In One competition! So come golf with us on May 6. Play begins at 9 AM and meals are included with golf.

Our students and staff have been practicing school safety drills. All parents are asked to speak with their child about the need to follow the school safety and fire drill protocols as a number of our students seem not to realize their personal role in keeping themselves safe. On a daily basis, I am correcting them for making poor choices regarding their safety in various situations such as running in the hallways, jumping down the steps, not following recess or playground rules, etc. Many of our children feel they are invincible and nothing can happen to them, yet we continue to have students in casts or walking boots, with concussions, and with bumps, cuts and bruises brought about by not following safety rules and practices. Thankfully most of these injuries do not occur during the school day, but nonetheless we need to remain vigilant. Your support is essential for helping to keep your child safe.

Next week, May 6-10, we will celebrate our marvelous and dedicated faculty during Teacher Appreciation Week. Also next week on Wednesday, May 8, we will celebrate National School Nurse’s Day. A number of events/treats have been planned for our faculty and staff. Please take some time over the next few days to encourage your child to write a thank-you note/card/picture to give to their teacher during Teacher Appreciation Week, and if they are a frequent flyer at Mrs. Palma’s office, a special card/note for her on Nurse’s Day, as well!


Our Lost and Found is overflowing with items including many expensive water bottles. We have taken the items and are displaying them on the stage to make them easier to claim. In order to assist us with returning lost items to their owner, please label your child’ s belongings. If items are not claimed by the end of the week they will be donated to our donation shed at the church.


Parents are reminded that the school year is quickly coming to a close and all monetary obligations such as tuition, fees, lunch, and aftercare and before care costs must be paid in full in order for your child to participate in graduation, PreK and Kindergarten celebrations, to receive their final report cards, or to re-enroll for the new school year. Thank you for bringing your account up to date.


Enjoy this beautiful Spring weather. Thank you for entrusting your child/ren to our care. 

God Bless,

Mrs. Tiezzi

Thursday, Friday, & Saturday

May 16, 17, & 18

Click HERE to order tickets!

Update Coming Dates

MAP Testing - Thursday, May 2

HSA On-line Auction - Monday, April 29 - Monday, May 6

Changeover to Summer Uniform - week of April 29-May 3

Teacher Appreciation Day -Tuesday, May 7

School Nurse’s Day - Wednesday, May 8

May Crowning - Friday, May 3 after the 9:00 A.M. Mass and Awards

Shred Day - Saturday, May 4 9:00 A.M. -12:00

Golf Tournament - Monday, May 6

First Communion Parent Meeting - Tuesday, May 7 @ 5:30 P.M.

Plant Sale - Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9

Ascension Thursday - May 9 - Mass TBD

Mother-Son Event - Friday, May 10

First Communion - Saturday, May 11 @ 9:30 A.M.

Play - Thursday, May 16, Friday, May 17, and Saturday, May 18

Early Dismissal - Friday, May 24 - No Aftercare

Memorial Day - May 27 - No School

Spring Concert - Tuesday, June 4 @ 1:15 P.M.

Graduation - Friday, June 7 @ 6:00 P.M.

HSA Family Ice Cream Social - Monday, June 10 @ TBD

PreKindergarten 4 Celebration - Tuesday, June 11 @TBD

Last Day for hot lunch and aftercare - Tuesday, June 11

Last Day for Prekindergarten 3 - Wednesday, June 12

Early Dismissal Day - Wednesday, June 12 @12:00 Noon

Kindergarten Celebration - Thursday, June 13 @ TBD

Early Dismissal Day - Thursday, June 13 @12:00 Noon

End of School Year Mass - Friday, June 14 @ 9:00 A.M.

Last Day of School - Friday, June 14 @ 12:00 Noon

Parents - Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 classes are approaching capacity and will close soon.

If you would like to enroll a NEW student

please access the application using the

FACTS Family Portal.

Recycle your Eclipse Glasses!

Please send in your eclipse glasses - we will collect them and send them to a company in Utah who will distribute them to schools in Central and South America for their upcoming eclipse on October 2, 2024.

Financial Aid for the

2024-2025 School Year

The financial aid portal is now open for the next school year. To apply, please sign in to your FACTS Family Portal, then click on FINANCIAL in the left-hand menu, then on APPLY FOR GRANT & AID.

Please note that you must be current on this year's tuition, and re-enrolled for the next school year in order to begin the application.

Re-Registration for 2024-2025

If you haven't done so already, please visit FACTSMGT.COM to set up your Family Portal for the

2024-2025 school year.

Instructions were sent to each family.

Re-enrollment will take place online

through the FACTS Family Portal.

Click HERE to Register for Crusader Camp 2024

We are currently accepting new enrollments for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. If you know of a family who is interested in learning more about St. Rita School, please have them contact Mrs. Brunoour admissions director, to set up a tour or learn more about our wonderful school. Our parent referral program is now open and details on how to receive a $250 referral tuition credit for the upcoming school year can be found on our website.

Visit our Family Referral page for more information:

Click HERE to sign up for Before/After Care
Click HERE to sign up for Hot Lunch


Home/School Association

Click HERE to Sign Up
Click HERE to Sign Up

Hello Friends,

Our online auction has started and bidding is officially open!

Please visit 

to participate and bid on your favorite items!

Our goal is to get 100 bids. Whether big or small, bid on something today to help us reach that goal.

Forward this email to your friends! There is something for everyone - day trips, sports memorabilia, electronics, family vacations, golf gadgets, home living goodies and more!

Every bid and every donation counts; come help us reach our goal!

Thank you,

St. Rita HSA

Click HERE to Participate!

Saturday, May 4

9:00 am to 12 noon

Click Here to Register
Click HERE to Sign-up

The hospitality committee and HSA would like to provide lunch for our wonderful teachers and staff on May 8th.

Let's show them how much we appreciate them by providing them with a hot lunch. Please consider donating to this special event.

Donations can be sent to Robin Innaimo by venmo at robin_innaimo, or sent to school in an envelope with her name. Thank you

Click HERE to Sign-up

Nurse's Corner

Hamden Public Schools and St. Rita School will now be following the new respiratory virus guidelines set forth by the CDC and our local health department.

COVID will now fall into the same category as the flu and RSV as a respiratory virus.

If your child develops symptoms of a respiratory virus (cough, fever, runny nose , congestion, fatigue), they should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication and their symptoms are improving. They can return to school and we would encourage the use of a mask for 5 days. 


Required physicals for PreK , Kindergarten and Grade 7:

Please remember to send in your child's physical if they are entering grade 7, PreK, and/or Kindergarten .These are required for entry into school in August. 

Medication reminder: as allergy season approaches:

Please do not send medication into school with your child. This includes any Over The Counter medication (Advil, Tylenol, Midol, cold medicine, allergy medicine, etc). Medication that needs to be taken during school hours must be brought into school by an adult along with a medication order from the physician. 

If you wish to have cough drops available to your child please send them into school with a note. The nurse will keep them in her office and administer them to your child as needed. 

Thank you for your cooperation 

Summer Programs at Mercy & Xavier

We offer various summer programs in academics, athletics, and in the arts for students grades 6-8.

  • Girls grades 6-8 - Learn more and register today at this link!
  • Boys grades 6-8 - Learn more and register today at this link!

Join us for a First Look

High School Search and Admission Summit at St. Joseph High School on

Wednesday, May 22 from 6:30-8:00pm

This event is meticulously crafted to equip both parents and students with the necessary tools to confidently navigate the high school search and admission process.


We cordially invite rising 8th graders, transfer students, and their parents to join us for an informative evening of exploration. During the event, our Student Ambassadors will provide interactive tours and activities for students, while parents will have the opportunity to engage with our Director of College & School Counseling for personalized insights into this pivotal family journey.


Register today or visit 

to learn more!

Please pray for all the deceased members of our

St. Rita Community.

St. Rita School
1601 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: (203) 248.3114
Fax: (203) 248.1016
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