Summer 2024 Click here to view as a webpage.

Summer is (Only) Halfway Over

For many of us, summer is the time of year we look forward to the most. For others, not so much. Some are eagerly awaiting a summer at camp, vacations, an amazing summer internship, or just getting to sleep late and hang with friends. For some, summer means being bored, working more, or just more of the same day-to-day monotony of the rest of the year. Either way, we all see summer through the lenses of our own experiences. Those lenses provide perspectives that can shape our present experiences in both positive and negative ways. Did you know that you have the power to choose and change those perspectives? You can transform your experience from a negative one to a positive one with just a slight shift.

Take a minute to ask yourself:

  1. What was I excited about before summer started?
  2. Am I still as excited as I was before? Why/why not?
  3. Am I framing things in negative or positive ways? ("I have to..." vs "I get to...") How about the people around me?
  4. Can I make it a goal to shift my perspective?

If you are struggling to shift your perspective to a more positive one, ask for help! Set a goal with a friend to start framing things in positive, encouraging, and uplifting ways. Ask someone to hold you accountable when you are tempted to complain. Take time to rest, recover, refuel. Reach out to Walt and me anytime!

We are always here for you. We are here to listen to, pray for, guide, and just love on you. Whether you are thinking that this summer is flying by or that summer is only halfway over, let's finish strong. "Wherever you are, God is." You are surrounded by your creator who loves you and believes in you. You can do great things. Don't forget to have fun!

Happy Summer!

Tami Woods

Director of College and Young Adult Ministries

College and Young Adult News and Events

End Your Summer at Summer Camp

Summer at our Camps and Conference Centers is in full swing! Families, campers, clergy, teachers, and staff are having a blast sharing in the joy of Christ's love. If you didn't apply to work at one of our camps this summer, don't you worry! There may still be time to volunteer to work an end of summer session.

For more information, contact:

Sarah Carlson at Camp Capers

Tammie Shelton at Mustang Island

Connor Goff at Duncan Park

Learn More

College & YA Ministries Fall Retreat, September 13-15

Join College & Young Adult Ministries for our 2024 Fall Retreat at Camp Capers! Enjoy good food, good friends, and a relaxing break from the stresses of life. We can't wait to hang out with you at one of our favorite places on Earth. See you September 13th at Camp Capers!

Contact Tami Woods or Walt Buzzini for more information.

Register Now

DWTX Bishop Eras Shirt Request

This year's College & Young Adult Ministries' DWTX Bishop Eras T-shirt was such a hit that we sold out early! We have had several requests for a reprint, but we are not sure if we have enough interest. If you are interested in buying a t-shirt (or a few), please tell us what sizes and quantities you would want to order. Shirts will be $25 for one or $20 each if you order two or more. (Payment upon shirt pickup.) We will make a decision about whether we will reprint or not in mid-August and will notify you either way.

Request Now

Pilgrimage on Camino de Santiago May 29 - June 9, 2025

We are going to Spain! Prepare yourself for an extraordinary adventure. The Camino de Santiago is far more than just a trip. This legendary pilgrimage, dating back to medieval times, attracts individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and traditions. This pilgrimage is not merely a walk – it’s a profound spiritual journey. We invite you to join us as we journey together on this deeply meaningful adventure.

Click the link below to read the trip brochure for more details about the itinerary, cost, terms, and registration.

Trip Brochure   
Ministry Highlights

Manos de Dios Missionary, Dani Jaime, and life-long Manos participant from Honduras, Alejandro Carcamo, pose in front of a cabin at Camp Capers where both will be serving on summer staff this summer. - photo by Patricia Perea

First-Ever Manos Exchange Happening Now!

Manos de Dios and College & Young Adults have partnered up yet again as ministries, and this time with help from Camps & Conferences of the Diocese of West Texas to bring to life a wonderful opportunity for Alejandro Carcamo, a young adult from Honduras who has been involved with Manos de Dios his entire life. This summer, he has been granted the opportunity to return the service by traveling abroad to our own diocese at Camp Capers. 

We invite you to keep them in prayer and to remind others of what God is accomplishing through our ministries and how they can be a part of it. 

To learn more about how to serve and be involved, email Manos de Dios at and ask about the Young Adult Travel Award to Honduras in January 2025.

~Article submitted by Dani Jaime, Manos de Dios Communication Coordinator & Missionary

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St. Helena's YAMs Thrive in Boerne

The Young Adult Ministries group is a ministry of Saint Helena’s Episcopal Church in Boerne. Those who partake in this communal ministry - affectionately referring to themselves as YAMs - work together to love, serve, and learn about Christ and to broadcast His light out into the greater community. The ministry is headed by Cayce Mann. Through her devoted stewardship, the YAMs group continues to grow and flourish in new and exciting ways.

At least twice a month there is a rotating Bible study hosted by different members who help to moderate discussion and provide food for the group. One fun quirk of these bible studies is how the YAMs bring different types of Bibles and use the differences in the translations to further their discussions and inquiries as they delve deeper into the nitty gritty of scripture.

For information on future YAMs gatherings, contact Cayce Mann.

~article submitted by Walt Buzzini, DWTX Campus Missioner

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Employment Opportunities

We have amazing job opportunities around the diocese. From internships to Youth Ministers, we have a variety of roles available. Don't miss out on this chance to launch your professional journey. 

Click here to see job openings around the diocese.

Meditation Minute

"We, too, shall die without finishing what we began. Each of us has in our life at least one moment of insight, one Mount Sinai - an uncanny, otherworldly, time-stopping experience that somehow succeeds in breaking through the grimy, boisterous present, the insight that, if we let it, will carry us through our life. But like Moshe or Martin Luther King, though we may remember that we 'have been to the mountaintop,' we do not enter the Promised Land, but only glimpse it fleetingly. 'Nothing that is worth doing,' wrote Reinhold Niebuhr, 'can be achieved in our lifetime, therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith. Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love.' That accomplishment is intergenerational may be the deepest of all Hebrew insights."

 ~ Thomas Cahill, The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels, 169-170.

Photo Gallery

Council Video

Did you miss the College & Young Adult Ministries report at Council? If so, then you missed getting to hear from some of the students and young adults in and from our diocese. Click here to take a look!

Dates to Remember

Are you doing ministry to, for, with college and young adults? Let us know!

Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media for announcements for additional Spring gatherings.

University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley


Tami Woods

Corpus Christi


The Rev. Doug Wasinger

TLU, Seguin


The Rev. Stephen Shortess

TX State, San Marcos


Susan Hanson

UTSA, San Antonio


Walt Buzzini

Central San Antonio

Every Sunday at 10am at Christ Church, San Antonio

7/15: Dinner/Study (Lindstrom home)

8/5: Dinner/Study (Lindstrom home)


Susan Lindstrom

Young Adults

Contact the following people for details about Young Adult Ministry at their church.

St. Helena's, Boerne

Cayce Mann

Christ Church, San Antonio

Susan Lindstrom

St. Mark's, San Antonio

The Rev. Matt Wise

St. Paul's, San Antonio

The Rev. Brian Fox


Share your college students' or young adults' updated contact information, so College & Young Adult Ministries staff can support them this Spring. Don't worry, we won't spam you!

Click here to update our database with your newest contact information.




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