September 22, 2024

Asbury Sunday Worship:

9:00 & 11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary

10:00 am: Sunday School

11:00 am: Live-Streamed Worship

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Men's Breakfast. 8 am in the Library. Bring your own breakfast!

Help Serve Lunch at Lazarus Table. 10 am at Linwood Church. Click here to learn more and sign up!


Midwest Mission Distribution Center Trip begins. Please be in prayer for our 5 Asbury folks traveling to Springfield, IL!

Words Matter Luncheon. 12:15 pm in Hager Hall. Click here to learn more.


Bible Study with Pastor Jeff. 10 am in Room 208. All are welcome.


We are going to wrap up the Spiritual Oddities: Embracing the Mystery of Church sermon series this weekend by exploring the oddity of baptism. If you have been baptized, when was it? How did you feel during the sacrament of baptism? We are always filled with great joy whenever we ourselves are baptized or witness someone being baptized and professing their faith. It is absolutely a special moment for everyone who decides to follow Jesus. But think about this: Can’t we profess our faith in front of people without being immersed in the pool? Why water? Why do Christians have a religious ceremony involving water? It may seem rather odd, especially to those new to church culture.  

Following the sermon, we’ll be taking a moment to reaffirm our baptismal covenant. You will be invited to come forward to touch the water. For those who have been baptized, I hope this time will be a chance to recall your vows. For those who have not been baptized, I hope this time will be an opportunity to anticipate your baptism in the future. See you all this Sunday.  

Also, five Asbury folks - Dan Clevenger, Tam Smith, Ginni and Steve Duggan, and I - will represent Asbury at Midwest Mission in Springfield, IL, next week. Please keep us in your prayers while we join other volunteers in processing, revitalizing, and assembling the donated items that will be sent to every corner of the world where people lack simple resources that could improve their circumstances.


Pastor Daekyung

We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Judy Larson, who passed away on September 13. Judy was a longtime member of Asbury.

A celebration of life is being planned for November 23 in the Sanctuary. Click here to read Judy's online obituary.

Words Matter: Sunday, September 22

Join us for Words Matter on Sunday, Sept. 22 from 12:15-2:00 in Hager Hall, as we hear personal stories from our friends in the LGBTQIA+ community and answer questions. Lunch is provided.

If you identify as LGBTQIA+ or are an ally, please join us for this conversation. Your presence and your words matter to us in ensuring we continue to faithfully live out our mission of ‘All Means All.’

Please RSVP by calling the church or by emailing Phyllis Williams at

Intergenerational Gathering: Sunday, September 29 at 10 am

On 5th Sundays, all ages are invited to join together in Hager Hall at 10 am for an intergenerational gathering.

We hope you will join us on Sunday, September 29. We'll enjoy food, fun, and friendship as we learn and grow together. For more information, please email our Director of Family Ministries, Heather Jackson, at

"Award-Winning Spiritual Music" Luncheon: Sunday, September 29

United Women in Faith will be hosting a musical program and salad luncheon in Hager Hall on Sunday, September 29 at 12:15 pm.

The program is "Award-Winning Spiritual Music." All are invited to attend! Please RSVP by calling the church or emailing Phyllis Williams ( by Wednesday, September 25.

Dine Around is Back! Dessert Party Kick Off: Monday, September 30

Click Here to Sign Up

Click on the above video to watch a short promo!

Do you enjoy food and fellowship? Want to get to know some more people at Asbury? Then join us for "Dine Around!"

Participants will be placed into a group of 6-8 people of all ages: including young adults, seniors, singles and couples. This is a great way to meet new people and stay connected with friends!

You can choose to host a group in your home, or to eat in homes or in restaurants. Just fill out a short form, and we'll match you up with people who have similar interests. Then on Monday, September 30, we'll host a kickoff at 6:30 pm in Hager Hall, where you bring a dessert to share, meet your group members, and decide the best times for your group to have dinner together! We'll provide childcare for the kickoff party.

Groups will meet about 4-5 times throughout October 2024-May 2025. The deadline to sign-up is Friday, September 27. Questions? Contact Pastor Jeff at

Kids Ministry Snacks Needed

For the next couple of weeks, we will be collecting pre-packaged snacks for our kids ministry in the Welcome Center.

Pirate's Booty, Cheez-Its, veggie straws, chips, Scooby snacks, mini muffins and Goldfish (no rainbow or other dyes) have been some past favorites. If you have any questions on what is most needed, please contact Katherine Newman at

Thanks so much for your donations and helping out our Asbury kids!

2024 Election Candidate Meet & Greets

Meet the candidates running for office in Kansas! There will be several meet-and-greets held between now and Election Day. All events are from 6-7 pm, and are free, family-friendly, and open to the public.

Tuesday, October 1 at Shawnee Mission Unitarian Universalist Church (9400 Pflumm Rd, Lenexa, KS 66215)

  • District Attorney, District 10
  • Johnson County Commissioner, District 2
  • Johnson County Sheriff
  • Kansas House of Representatives, Districts 14, 17, 18, 30, 39, 117
  • Kansas Senate, Districts 6, 9, 10
  • State Board of Education, District 4

Calling All College Students to Vote!!

Confused about how/where to vote in the upcoming election? Here is some helpful information:

  • A college student can register to vote using either your college or home address, or both addresses if you are not sure where you will be when you are going to vote. It is perfectly legal to be registered in both places.
  • A college student can only vote AT ONE ADDRESS. It is illegal to vote in two places. Make sure you vote at the address you want to.  
  • October 15: The deadline to register to vote with home/college addresses. Simple, easy online:

Parents: Please share this important information with your college students.

Questions? Contact Julia Cotter, Asbury Voter to Voter Ambassador Team Leader, at or 913-660-8160.

2nd Annual Boarding School Remembrance

The Great Plains Conference’s Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM) invites you to an event honoring Native Americans who endured the trauma and indignity caused by parochial boarding schools as children.

This second-annual gathering is scheduled for 10:00 am Saturday, Sept. 28 — the National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools — at St. Paul United Methodist Church (1144 M St) in Lincoln, Nebraska. Click here for more information.

2024 OIMC Immersion Experience

The OIMC Immersion Experience scheduled for October 2-6, 2024, will provide history, context, and unique perspectives on Native peoples in The Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference and their involvement with The United Methodist Church.

In addition, the Native communities will proudly share their traditions and culture throughout the event. Click here for more details.

Sharlynn Verner, your Director of Communications, is getting married on October 5! She and her fiance, Elam, are looking forward to spending some time in Vermont with friends and family.

If you have anything you would like to submit for the Alive Newsletter between Monday, September 30 through Sunday, October 13, please submit it to Sharlynn ( by Wednesday, September 25 for publication while she is out of town. Otherwise, she will be happy to see you all when she returns back to the office on Monday, October 14!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out anytime before September 30 to 913-432-5573, ext. 481, or email Sharlynn at Regular calendar submissions and/or updates can always be called in to Phyllis Williams at the front desk or by emailing Phyllis at Thank you!

  • Electronic Fund Transfer
  • Online through Easy Tithe
  • Text the word 'Give' to 913-774-6060

Asbury Ministry Grants Update

The Asbury Endowment Committee awarded six $1000 ministry grants during the third quarter grant period. Grants were awarded to:

  • Four Asbury youth participating in the Great Plains Leadership Lab. The funds will be used to support travel costs for their Greece Pilgrimage.
  • Asbury Women in Faith were awarded a grant to serve as seed money for LED lighting upgrade in Hager Hall. Additional funding efforts are underway.
  • Words Matter is a new ministry to help Asbury become better LGBTQ+ allies. A grant was awarded to support monthly meetings and to provide a stipend for guest speakers.

The fourth quarter grant period begins November 1. Application deadline is December 1. For more information, please click here or call Dan Clevenger, Director of Generosity & Stewardship, at the church office (913-432-5573).

Help Serve Lunch at Lazarus Table on Saturday, September 21

Click Here to Sign Up

We need 8 people to either help serve lunch or assist in the Lazarus Boutique on Saturday, September 21 from 10 am - 1 pm at Lazarus Table (Linwood United Church, 3151 Olive, KCMO, 64109). Come out and help with a wonderful mission opportunity!

Lunches are served 'restaurant style,' so kitchen volunteers can assist with hosting, greeting, plating, and/or serving. Lazarus Boutique volunteers serve as personal shoppers to guests, assisting people one on one in finding clothing, hygiene items, linens, or other household goods they may need.

Click here to sign up online, or call the church at 913-432-5573 to sign up. Thank you!

Come Volunteer with the Asbury Food Pantry!

We’d love to have you on our team! Food Pantry hours are M-F, 9 am-4:30 pm. You can pick your own flexible hours and your own schedule. Check out some of our ongoing tasks!

  • Shopping at Aldi’s Food Market
  • Picking up donations at Lenexa Costco
  • Recycling boxes in the Pantry Store Room
  • Storing donated food items
  • Composting dated items

There’s lots to do and lots of ways to help. Like to be social? Grab your partner or your BFF and make a shopping trip or pick up a donation. Like to help out in the background? You can help us keep our shelves clean and stocked and compost any food needing to be tossed!  There’s a place for you. 

Please contact Roseann Sanders, Director of the Asbury Food Pantry, at or 913-593-7177 if you are interested in helping out. Thank you! 

Sunday Nursery Hours: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

9 am: The nursery is open for children who need it, up to 3rd grade.


11 am: The Nursery is open on Sundays for children aged infant through 5-years-old (if they haven’t started Kindergarten yet). Children who have started Kindergarten are encouraged to join Children's Church.

Kids Hour: Sundays at 10 am This Week - Cooking Rotation

Kids' Hour is a great way for kids to make friends and build community while learning Bible stories. Kids (PreK - 5th grade) are invited to join the fun of exploring Bible stories through weekly rotations such as art, music, games, cooking, drama, science, and videos. 

Children's Church: 11 am after the Children's Time

Kids PreK - 3rd grade are welcome to join us for Children's Church after the Children's Moment at the 11 a.m. service in the kids' wing (3rd floor east). We might make a craft, play a game, watch a movie, or learn a new song and dance. No matter the activity, kids will have fun learning and growing together!

Save the Date!

Kids Sing: Begins Sunday, Sept. 29

Kids' Sing Rehearsal begins Sunday, September 29 during the 11 am service. The kids will offer their song in worship at 11 am on Sunday, October 20.

Trunk-or-Treat: Sunday, October 27

Join us for food, fun, and games at our annual Trunk-or-Treat in the Asbury parking lot.

The games and Trunk-or-Treat are FREE and food will be available for purchase from the Tamale Kitchen's food truck (

Come join the fun on Sunday, October 27 from 4-6 pm. All are welcome!! For more information, email Heather Jackson, our Director of Family Ministries.

Coffee and Convos

10 am on Sunday in the Youth Lounge. Join us for treats and discussion!

Youth Group: 5:30-7:30 pm at Power Play (Sunday, September 22)

Unlimited play on arcade games and indoor attractions plus an all you can eat pizza buffet. Cost is $25 per person. We’ll load buses at 5:30 pm and head to Power Play. 

Leadership Lab

We are forming our next Leadership Lab cohort. In Leadership Lab, high school students engage in a web of relationships, resourcing, and experiences that culminate in eligibility for a triennial pilgrimage with other students, their mentors, and key conference leaders. Eligibility is determined by completing the Leadership Lab curriculum.

This discipleship and leadership program empowers young people to use their gifts both in the church and the world. Youth must be members of Asbury to participate. To register or to discuss the program, contact our Director of Family Ministries.

Save the Date!

Sunday, October 13: Messy Games Night (6:00-7:30 pm)

Come to the Asbury parking lot for Messy Games Night!!! Dinner will NOT be provided, and everyone is asked to bring a can or two of shaving cream.

We’ll have a color war and play some shaving cream whiffle ball!