GreenMatter News
August 12, 2024

Regional Report
Alberta Report
It is hard to believe that August is already here. It does not seem that long ago that areas of Alberta were still dealing with snow and cold temperatures. Early on in the year, water restrictions were the hot topic in Alberta due to lower-than-normal snowpack in the mountains resulting in below average flows in the rivers. The cold spring delayed snow melt, but fortunately much of the province experienced wetter than average conditions as cool wet conditions were the theme through May and much of June. 
Some Content you will Find in This issue:
  • Fall Field Day Registration Open with BCGSA Exchange Tournament
  • National Tournaments
  • November 30 Award Deadlines
  • CGSA's New Family Assistance Program
Membership News
Registration is Open - Two Great Events - One Registration
Register now to be a part of this great opportunity to play two excellent golf courses! The CGSA Fall Field Day and the BCGSA Exchange Event will take place from September 22 - 24, 2024 at Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club and University Golf Club. Registration will include 2 days of golf, meals, awards and educational seminar.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Tee Sponsorships are available for both golfing days. Book both days and save $200!
If you book a tee sponsorship for the Fall Field Day and The Exchange you will have your logo proudly displayed on a tee for both of these amazing events. Your company will also be featured as a sponsor in both GreenMaster and The Dogwood as well as featured on both association websites.
National Tournament Program
As part of the ongoing effort to recognize the role of the superintendent at the golf facility, the CGSA sponsors the National Tournament Program for members that host these prestigious events. Our members are an essential part of the team that ensures that the golf course provides fair and consistent conditions for competition.
CGSA President John McLinden, AGS (R) was in attendance to take a photo with Terry Shinkewski with his CGSA plaque during the CPKC Women’s Open at Earl Grey Golf Club.
Tyler McComas, CGSA Saskatchewan Director (L) and Golf Canada Chair, Laura Small (R) present Terry McNeilly 2nd from L and Doug Campbell, AGS 3rd from L with their CGSA plaques for co-hosting the 119th Canadian Men's Amateur Championship, presented by BDO, photo courtesy of Golf Canada.
Tyler McComas, Doug Campbell, AGS, Superintendent at Riverside Golf & Country Club with Terry McNeilly, Superintendent at Saskatoon Golf & Country Club. Photo courtesy of Golf Canada. Click here to read more.
CGSA 2024 Awards - Nominate or Apply for One of These Great Awards-November 30 Deadline
     John B. Steel Award
     Gordon Witteveen Award (GreenMaster articles submitted including the Winter issue)  
New Members
Please join the CGSA in welcoming the following new members and/or members who re-joined recently.
Bryce Allan, Arva ON 
Kenden Backhouse, Rocky View AB
Nicholas Bryan, Kelowna BC
Mike Cameron, Chilliwack BC
Sean Clapham, Calgary AB
Ken Cote, Calgary AB
Dallas Degenhardt, Victoria BC
Eric Fladhamer, Chestermere AB
Marc Francoeur, Chilliwack BC
Mark Hingley, Olds AB
Cody Hurlburt, Saint Andrews NB
Lonnie LIster, Portland OR
Aaron McCreanor, Victoria BC
Scott Menzies, Coquitlam BC
Thomas Morrison, Coquitlam BC
Todd Olson, Calgary AB
Kyle Peterson, Penticton BC
Jess Pietrzak, Conestogo ON
Zane Sheldon, Morden MB
Patrick Tracey, Lloydminster SK
Shai Wilson, Chilliwack BC  
Phil Song's team after 2 days of fixing water washout at Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre.
Members-in Memory
CGSA is saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. Clay Switzer, a long-standing honourary member who will be greatly missed by all. For more information, or to read Clay's obituary, please click here.
Jessica Aytoun April 1985 - August 2024. CGSA sends our deep felt condolences to Jessica Aytoun's family and friends. Jessica's loving nature and kindness will be missed by all. Click here for her obituary.
CGSA retired member Paul Voykin passed away peacefully on August 1,2024. Paul has been a long-standing member of CGSA and was well-known to all in the industry. For more information on Paul click here.
CGSA's New Family Assistance Program
Kii by CloudMD CGSA Member and Family Assistance Program
(Formerly HumanaCare)
Kii is CloudMD’s new integrated care program which combines all our best-in-class services into one exceptional connected experience for CGSA members.
Some highlights include: 
  • Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) with enhanced mental health support, and Workplace Health & Safety services are all available via one plan – and one provider. Designed to assist members who are experiencing personal and job-related problems that affect work performance, general health and wellbeing.
For more details, please click here. Sign up today by checking off the box for $50 when renewing your CGSA membership dues or contacting Lori Micucci at: 1-800-387-1056/416-626-8873, ext. 27. She will get you signed up to receive access to these support services that will better support you and your family through any work-life challenges you may face. 
Save More than the Cost of Your Membership Through the Golfmax Purchasing Program
Are you taking advantage of your Golfmax savings and rebates? An average annual savings greater than $900 was seen by members using Golfmax programs. More than 200 members saved moved than the cost of their membership last year.
More Than Turf Photo Contest
Submissions for the More Than Turf Photo Contest continue to come in. Make sure to send your photo submission. Maybe wildlife, course scenery, individuals working, projects, or hobbies you may have. Please make sure to include a description of your photo. Submit your *photo to be eligible for the prizes and “bragging rights”. (photo - 2023 winning submission - Craig Moody, Superintendent, North Bay Golf and Country Club).
Industry News
Turf Care Products Canada adds Pumps Plus to its Group of Companies
Turf Care Products Canada has added Pumps Plus to its group of companies.
Turf Care acquired Pumps Plus on June 1, 2024, rounding out its turf equipment, irrigation, golf car, and parts offerings to now include pump station sales, installation and service across Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic provinces. For more details visit the link to Turf & Rec here.
Lori Micucci, Manager, Member Services ex. 27
Kathryn Wood, Chief Executive Officer ex. 23
Barb Manifold, Events and Administration ex. 25
Jenn Rozek, Communications Manager (
Guylaine Richard, Education ex. 29
Terri Solodan, (
Jeff Calderwood, Strategic Advisor ex. 24
PH: 1-800-387-1056, Fax: 416-626-1958