WCA Sept. 5 Town Meeting
The Sept. 5 WCA Town Meeting will be our last regular meeting of the year due to the fact that our October 10 meeting will be our General Election Candidate Forum at Kahilu Town Hall, our November 13 town meeting will be our Annual Mahalo to First Responders gathering, and in lieu of a December town meeting we invite everyone to enjoy the Christmas Parade on Sat., Dec. 7.
The Sept. 5 meeting agenda is already chock full including:
An update from Innergex which has been building a solar farm here in Waimea on Parker Ranch land.
HELCO will brief the community about the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) plan that they have in place.
State Dept. of Transportation Director Ed Sniffen will join us in person to discuss roads, harbors and airports.
Keith Kato, Executive Director of Hawai’i Island Community Development Corporation (HICDC), will brief the community on the affordable housing project down Kawaihae Road on the lands that Marc and Lynn Benioff donated to our community.
This meeting will be at the new Waimea Community Center (former Mamane Bakery) and will be hybrid. All invited.
Celebrating WHO We Are:
Paniolo Festival - September 21-22
Great news! Aloha Festivals Island of Hawai’i is returning! The plan includes a year-round series of priceless cultural experiences and recently, they held a super successful Moananui Ocean Festival including poke contest and paddling races. Next up will be a revival of Waimea’s beloved Paniolo Parade and Ho’olaule’a followed by an all-day Rodeo – Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 21-22, 2024.
As in the past, Aloha Festivals celebrates Hawaiian culture, language, arts, and traditional Hawaiian customary practices striving to keep alive century-old traditions, historical protocols, and celebrations. Through a series of exciting events, the program aims to teach, engage and share with kamaʻāina and visitors alike about Hawaiian customary practices.
We are all invited to participate – as parade spectators – OR – by entering a unit in the parade for your school, faith group, club, business, ranch or farm – you name it! More details will be posted to the event website this week: There is no charge to enter and it’s a meaningful way to support and nurture Waimea’s heritage while also helping perpetuate cultural practices and values. This is our KULEANA!