April 25, 2024

This week's activities:

Sunday, April 28:

Sunday school - 9-10am in the Youth Room (Room 11); building faith by looking at scripture and discussing it together.

gYg Meeting - 5-7pm This week we're heading out to visit some of our members who can't get out much to bring them smiles, cookies, conversation, and joy! Then we'll come back to the church for pizza and to discuss our visits while we eat together. Please try to be on time so we can head out around 5:05 for our visits.

Please answer this poll:

Are you coming this Sunday evening? (We need to have enough drivers!)

Invite a friend! Friends are always welcome at Grace & gYg events!

Highlights of Upcoming Events

May 19: Youth and parents meeting: 5-7pm, Come get details about summer trips (High School Montreat, Middle School Montreat, and our Mission Trip to Louisville, KY) AND hear about an exciting possibility for 2025...an international mission trip to the Dominican Republic with our Grace members Javier and Lauren Abreu! We'll have spaghetti and salad for anyone who would like to eat and maybe even play a few parents vs. youth games too. Should be fun and informative. (Parents, if you can't attend this meeting and you have questions about our summer trips please email, text, or call me so everyone is prepared and has all of their questions answered. We can do a Zoom session at another date if that's needed.)

This was not on our previous calendar...so add it to yours!

Graduate Recognition Sunday - Sunday, June 2: Youth families eat together with our graduates and their families (please bring a dish if you don't have a graduate in your family) during the 9am-10am hour and graduates are recognized during the 10:15am worship service.

VBS: June 24-28 - High schoolers are encouraged to help with VBS at Grace; Middle schoolers are invited for a week of service in the community during VBS hours (more details coming soon).

Service Opportunity

Our friends in Temple Solel are looking for some help setting up and/or taking down and resetting the Sanctuary for the Seder meal on Saturday, April 27. Setup will start between 4:40 and 5pm (the event begins at 6pm) and clean-up would begin around 8pm and go for a hour or so. Steve Yaffe from the temple will be the contact person and can sign any papers needed to show service hours. If you plan to help please email Jason by Thursday, April 25 so he can let the Temple know how many hands they can expect.

Everyone is invited to attend the Seder, but must register and there is a fee for the catered event. See details for that in "Grace to You" or call the church office 803-548-0800.

Montreat Still Available

We can still add anyone who would like to go to the Middle or High School Montreat Youth Conference. High School Montreat is June 9-15 and Middle School Montreat is July 17-21. High School Montreat is for rising 9th grade through just graduated 12th grade; Middle School Montreat is for rising 6th grade through rising 8th grade. If you want to be added let Jason know ASAP. Thanks!

Get the Spring/Summer 2024 Youth Activities Guide

If your child or spouse is not getting these emails and it would be helpful for them to get them, please let me know and I'll add them to the list! Thanks! It is important that as many people as possible know what is going on with gYg!

Remind App Groups

I send a weekly update on what is coming up for following weekend using the Remind App. I recommend everyone join the group for parents or youth so you are up-to-date on what is coming up!

To join the Remind group for youth: text @gygyo to the number 81010

To join the Remind group for parents: text @parentgyg to the number 81010

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Jason Davenport, cell: 803-517-3827, email: jason@gracefortmill.org