Parish Weekly- July 25, 2024
Mission: St. Thomas' Episcopal Church is a welcoming spiritual community dedicated to following the teachings of Christ Jesus. We grow through learning, celebrate joyful worship, and serve our neighbors.
Vision: We open hearts and minds to create community in Christ.
Summer Parish Office hours continue through September 6. The office will be open from 9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m., Monday through Friday.
During the summer, the Parish Weekly is emailed every other week for the summer. Look for the next edition in your inbox on August 8.
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Community Engagement News | |
Be a Part of St. Thomas’ Sunday School!
Would you like to help share our Christian story with children and help them learn about God’s and Jesus’ love for them and for all creation? There’s a place for you in St. Thomas’ Sunday School, which kicks off on September 15!
If you would like to find out more about being a teacher an assistant, or helping in the nursery, please contact Maggie Detty at or 585-703-0330.
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Community Engagement News | |
Episcopal Night at Innovative Field on July 26
Enjoy a summer evening with all our friends! Episcopal Night at Innovative Field will be held tomorrow! The Rochester Red Wings will challenge the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. The pregame fun starts at 6:45 p.m. Stick around after the game for the fireworks!
Tickets can be purchased today or tomorrow until 2:45 p.m. for $10 by clicking here.
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Brighton Food Cupboard Summer Needs
Breakfast and lunch staples needed!
We are collecting cereals, peanut butter and jellies through August.
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Donate School Supplies for RCSD #8
We're collecting school supplies listed below for Rochester City School #8. Please drop them in the boxes in the Highland Ave.entrance through August.
- Composition notebooks, looseleaf college ruled notebook paper, and construction paper
- Crayons, 16-24 packs
- #2 pencils, pencil sharpeners, and rectangular pink erasers
- Kleenex (boxes)
- Glue sticks and 12" rulers
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St. Thomas' at Roc Pride Parade
A big thanks to those who represented St.Thomas' in the Roc Pride Parade on July 20.
Participation was huge! Local media reported approximately tens of thousands marched in the parade this year, which began at Science Parkway and ended at Highland Park.
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Packing Food Bags
Awesome teamwork! On July 16, members of St. Thomas' Community Engagement Ministry packed food bags for the neighborhood food ministry of St. Mark's and
St. John's Church.
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Pollinator Garden
The vibrant flowers you've recently seen just at the end of the driveway loop at St. Thomas' is a pollinator garden the youth of St. Thomas' planted a month or so ago with our Creation Care Ministry and Gardening Group. Bees are already happily humming amongst the cosmos, beebalm, salvia and perennials.
Want to help water this and our other gardens this summer? A sign-up sheet is available on the Highland entrance bulletin board. Questions, contact Lisa Hand at
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Weekly Financial Report 07/25/24
Budget Pledges Year to date: $206,345.76
Actual Pledge Payments Year to date: $211,714.44
Year to Date Financial Report to 07/25/24
Year to date Revenue: $401,140.13
Year to date Expenses: $413,378.59
Net loss to date: ( $12,238.46)
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Summer Choir Sunday on August 4
Come one, come all, adults and teens! You are invited to participate on August 4 in a "pick up" choir that involves just one rehearsal, one anthem, no robe, and plenty of good cheer. It's an enjoyable morning, starting promptly at 9 a.m. We will prepare Hal Hopson's arrangement of "How Firm a Foundation."
Email me at if you'd like to let me know you will participate or if you wish to look at the music in advance. If you decide to participate at the last minute, without a chance to communicate, please join us anyway.
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Altar Flowers
If you enjoy the beauty of altar flowers, have an occasion to give thanks for, want to celebrate an event, or remember a loved one, you can sponsor flowers for our weekly worship. We have many openings for the coming months that offer you the opportunity to donate. Signing up is easy and fast! Click here or you may call the parish office (442-3544).
Questions? Please contact Vicky Rupley at or by calling
(585) 233-2546.
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An Invitation to Ministry through EfM
Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year program that prepares participants to respond to the call to Christian life and teaches them to take up the work given to them by God, by loving and serving Him and our neighbors as faithful witnesses of Christ.
The study of Scripture, the history of the Church, and the exploration of theological themes and issues form the basis of the curriculum. Supplemental readings invite members to consider what these texts mean for their lives as 21st-century citizens.
EfM at St. Thomas' meets two hours weekly from mid-September to late May. The meetings will be on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon for the 2024-25 class year.
Contact Cathy Dahler at or (585) 410-3045 for more information.
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Get Ready for Sunday
Read the Revised Common Lectionary for The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost: Click here
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Parish Weekly Deadline
The deadline for submitting articles for the Parish Weekly is Monday at 2:00 p.m. Please send articles to Patty Corvaia at
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- Sunday Live Stream Service at 10:00 a.m. is available on our YouTube channel - St. Thomas Episcopal Church of Rochester, NY. This can be viewed any time after 10 a.m. throughout the week.
Daily Devotional (Forward Day by Day): click here for link.
For prayer requests click here or on the gray box at the right of this page.
The Monroe County Department of Health recommends the following:
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Practice physical distancing and stay home when sick.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Cover your cough or sneeze using a tissue or your sleeve.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched services.
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Emergency Contacts
- New York State Mental Health provider hotline: (844) 863-9314.
- Rochester AA support: (585) 232-6720.
- Rochester Domestic Violence hotline: (585)222-SAFE.
- National Child Abuse hotline: (800) 342-3720.
- National Suicide Prevention: 988.
- The Trevor Project (for LGBTQ youth (13-14): 1-(866) 488-7386.
- Interpersonal Violence Hotline: (585) 275-HEAL
Centers for Disease Control:
Monroe County Department of Health:
Episcopal Relief & Development, faith-based response to epidemics:
NYS Office of Addiction Services:
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St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church of Rochester, New York stands behind the “Racism is a Public Health Crisis” declaration by the Greater Rochester NY Black Agenda Group. As a community of faith and followers of Jesus Christ we believe that every person is continually made in the image of God beautifully and wonderfully. We are committed to do the hard work of love. We are dedicated to the practice of growing and learning how to know and love our neighbors as we seek to create community. We hold the hope that love does win through forgiveness, kindness, and transformation. We desire to be a people who work for the equity of all. We work to acknowledge our complicity and part in racism, and we are committed to work together to tackle injustice in our life, in our church, in our community and in the world. We are proud to stand with the Greater Rochester Black Agenda Group and its declaration that “Racism is a Public Health Crisis".
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Copyright ©2014 St. Thomas' Church of Rochester, NY. All rights reserved.
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