HOVC Scouter Newsletter | August 9th, 2024

The Richmond 50-Miler is five days of hiking on five different trails in the Richmond area. Each day, Scouts hike roughly 10-miles along those trails, stopping to complete conservation service hours along the way. Completing all five days helps those Scouts complete requirements for the BSA 50-Miler Award. This year, Scouts hiked the Old Dominion Trail, Byrd Park, Huguenot Flatwater, Pony Pasture, the Wetlands, James River, Buttermilk Loop Trail, Forest Hill Park, the Richmond Slave Trail, Frederick Douglass Trail, Bryan Park, and the Virginia Capital Trail.

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Seasonal Scout Shop Hours

We are so excited to extend our Scout Shop hours effective August 12thNovember 2nd in an effort to best serve you during this busy recruitment season. Take advantage of the new hours and our Uniforming Sale, where you'll enjoy 20% off matching uniform bottoms with the purchase of a uniform top. Plus, snag 20% off all socks in August!

[Visit the Scout Shop]

Product Sale Kick-Off Events & Costume-Making Workshop!

Register your Unit, pop on by to learn about this year's fundraiser and enjoy some snacks at one of our kick-off events:

🍿 Tuesday, 8/13 - Huguenot Trail District, 7 PM, St. Michael's Episcopal, Bon Air

🥜 Thursday, 8/15 - James River District, 7 PM, Council Leadership Center, Henrico

Have some fun at the Costume-Making Workshop on September 7th from 9 AM - 12 Noon. Popcorn-Selling Units can make a fun popcorn costume to help promote their sale!

[Register for a Kick-off]

[Popcorn Costume-Making Workshop]

Glow Trail Run 5K and Kids 1-Miler: October 5th

Ready to light up the night? Join us for a unique glow-in-the-dark race where you can run, jog, or walk through our stunning

all-terrain trail course, all under the stars! Don't miss out on this unique after-dark adventure! The 2nd Annual Glow Trail Run 5K and Kids 1-Miler takes place on October 5th at Cub Adventure Camp and Camp T. Brady Saunders and is open to everyone (so bring a buddy or two)!

[Get Glowing!]

Cub Scout Program Changes Orientation Session: August 14th

Changes to the Cub Scout Program have arrived, and on August 14th at 7:00pm,we are hosting an Orientation Session for Roundtable Commissioners, Staff and the individuals who have been identified to serve as a trainer or resource for units. The session will be 45–50 minutes long and will provide an overview of the new program that rolled out on June 1, 2024. 

[Register Today!]

Troop Weekend Experiences Virtual Workshop August 15th at 7pm

Do your Scouts love the programs offered at camp? Wouldn’t it be great if you could offer the same amazing adventures to them year round? Weekend Experiences offer Troops and Crews the opportunity to customize a program specifically tailored for their Scouts. Choose from several different programs including Aquatics, Fishing, Range & Target Sports, COPE Challenge Course, Climbing and Rappelling, and more! Join us for a Virtual Workshop on August 15th at 7:00pm!

[Register to Attend]

"Not to be cheered by praise, not to be grieved by blame, but to know thoroughly one's own virtues or powers are the characteristics of an excellent man."

- Satchel Paige, American professional baseball pitcher, inducted into the

Baseball Hall of Fame on this day in 1971.

Scout Shop Hours of Operation

Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm

Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

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Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive

Henrico, VA 23228



Prepared. For Life.

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