April 27, 2024

Dear Beloved St. Paul’s UMC and Wesley Foundation Family,


Grace and peace, church! This weekend brings us to the last weekend in April, and as the Spring unfolds, we continue to find ourselves in the season of Easter, exploring what it means that the resurrection isn’t an event in the rearview mirror, but something we are living in right now. As we practice resurrection, we sometimes get caught up in the blight of busyness, striving harder and harder to achieve and accomplish, while feeling disconnected and isolated. This weekend, we will be reminded of words Jesus spoke about vines, branches, and fruit, and how we might allow ourselves to just be sometimes, instead of always having to do. Our hope is that this weekend’s service won’t make us feel like we have yet another thing to do, but to find a kind of Shalom-based rest in our very being together.

cherry tomatoes ripening on the vine with the words just abide and john 15 1 through 8 overlaid

Here is our schedule for tomorrow, April 28th:

9:00 AM: In-person Service of Word and Table in the sanctuary

9:00 AM: Sunday School for all ages in-person

Seekers and Servants Class in-person in Wesley Lounge or on Zoom. Join by clicking here or use Meeting ID 83292105478 and Passcode 522152.

10:30 AM: Hybrid Worship Service with Children's and Chancel Choirs, in-person and livestreamed here

Please remember that since this service is filmed and live-streamed, you or your family members may be on our worship recording, which is streamed and archived on our YouTube channel.

11:30 AM: Discussion Group, in-person and on Zoom

Join by clicking here or use Meeting ID 87591478033 and Passcode stpauls.

Grace | Peace,

Pastor Greg

Discussion Questions

  • The slogan “Just do it” became so famous, in part, because it resonates with our U.S. American values. How does this feel true to you? What does our faith bring to this?

  • What difference does it make that Jesus is the vine, not us, and that we are branches of the vine, connected to Christ? How does this change the way we understand the invitation to fruitfulness?

  • Today’s message reminded us of the call to abide in God, or in Love, as 1 John says. We heard that to abide is to “make our home” in. Try reading our passage again (John 15:1-8) but every time you come across the word “abide” try saying “make a home” instead. How does this enhance or change the meaning of the metaphor and the invitation for you?
Order of Worship

Prelude: “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” (Pepper Choplin)

Mary Bahnfleth, organ


Rev. Greg Milinovich

Call to Worship

One: Our church is like a tree; 

All: we are rooted in the soil of love which holds us.

One: Our church is like a tree;

All: we are growing in ways that are often hard to see.

One: Our church is like a tree;

All: so let us abide in God’s love, and bear good fruit!

Opening Hymn: “Our Church Is Like a Tree of Faith”

Written by Mary Bittner, sister of Charles Rohrbeck

Our church is like a tree of faith

Deep rooted in the Word;

A covenant we have with God,

Whose promises are heard. 

Our church is like a tree of love

With branches reaching wide.

Its leaves spread gently o’er the earth

From heartwood deep inside.

When dry spells come, our roots reach down;

Unwithered we will stand.

Erosion can not harm our ground;

We are not set in sand.

Though times of trial and suffering

Cut twigs from any tree, 

We know a branch that’s closely pruned

Produces fruitfully. 

The tree is strengthened by our care;

Our faith is in its root.

Strong branches filled with holiness

And good works are its fruit. 

The Gardener tends it lovingly,

And bids us help it grow:

The tree of faith and hope and love

For all the world to know

Epistle Reading: 1 John 4:7-16

Rev. Sarah Coker Voigt

Passing the Peace 

Anthem: “Rejoice in the Lord” (Jane Lindner)

Children’s Choir

Children’s Message

Rev. Sarah Coker Voigt

Gospel Lesson: John 15:1-8 (NRSV)

John Buzzell

Message: “Just Abide”

Rev. Greg Milinovich

Anthem: “Abide With Me” (arr. Victor C. Johnson)

Chancel Choir

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Honoring of College Graduates


Closing Hymn: “O Blessed Spring” (FWS 2076)



Postlude: “Joyful Blessings!” (Phil Lehenbauer)

Mary Bahnfleth, organ

St. Paul's United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation
250 East College Avenue | State College, PA 16801 | 814-237-2163 | stpaulsc.org