Sunday, April 28, 2024

8:45 and 11:00 a.m.

Join us this Sunday at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. as Dr. Ryan Baer will preach a sermon entitled, Trouble. The scripture lessons for this week are Mark 9:34-35 and Acts 18:1-4, 1 Corinthians 1:10-18.


At the 11:00 service, the Chancel Choir will sing Christ’s Flock, by Martin Shaw, as the anthem.


You can follow the livestream of the services on Facebook or YouTube. For instructions to follow livestream through Facebook or YouTube, click here. Find the text and audio from previous weeks' sermons, along with a copy of the bulletin, here.

Scottish Reformation Sunday

May 5, 8:45 & 11:00 a.m, Reception at 12:00 p.m.

Join our annual celebration of our Scottish heritage at both worship services, along with recognition of local and state dignitaries at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to join the processional and recessional. If you need to borrow a kilt, please call Smith Wilson (706-338-4646) or Lee Epting (706-353-1913).

Women’s Connection Conference at Montreat

Save the date and plan to join us for the Women’s Connection the weekend of August 9-11, 2024 in the beautiful mountains of Montreat, North Carolina. This year’s keynote speaker is Becca Stevens, a nonprofit leader, entrepreneur, priest, survivor, and founder and President of Thistle Farms.

Sign up today to stay at the Georgia Lodge as space is limited! Cost per person is $85 for both nights:

Registration and information about the conference can be found at Conference registration costs $247 (and increases to $272 after June 25). 

Please contact Beverly Phares ( or 706-255-6990) or Julie Jagmin ( or 678-852-7310) if you have any questions. If you need scholarship assistance, contact Rev. Whitney Booth Lockard (

Week of Wonder (VBS) 2024

Week of Wonder (VBS) 2024 Registration is now open! Children going into Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade are invited to join us for this super fun week at First Presbyterian Church of Athens Sunday, July 14 – Wednesday, July 17. This summer’s Week of Wonder is all about God’s Gift of Food! Stay tuned for more exciting details.

Registration Link: Please register by Friday, May 10, to guarantee a spot. If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Bishop, Director of Children’s Ministry, at

Wed@First Feedback Form

Please take a moment to give us feedback about Wed@First and share suggestions for Fall 2024.

Hospital Visitation Policy

As a reminder, if you are in the hospital, please call the church office so we can provide pastoral care.

Congratulations Phyllis Crowell!

The Presbyterian Women are proud to announce our newest recipient of an Honorary Lifetime membership. Phyllis Crowell was recognized at the April combined meeting of the Presbyterian Women Circles. Phyliss was honored for her many years of faithful service to our church and to our Presbyterian Women’s Circles.

Food Sunday

May 5

You may bring donations of cold breakfast cereal, plain white rice, saltine crackers to church Sunday, May 5. You may also bring items to the church office until Friday, May 3. Our neighbors in need are very grateful for your donations! Many thanks for your thoughtfulness and generosity!

Support Bethlehem Ministry’s fundraiser

Kids for Change is a campaign to empower women in Haiti. By donating to this cause, your money will support the initiative to give mature goats that will essentially be a savings account for the family. Included in the gift are veterinary services for the first 2-3 years.  Women in the community can breed their goats to multiply their earning potential as well as provide milk and meat for their families. The women form community groups to breed their goats and to assure their goats are healthy. 

To make a donation, please go to Bethlehem Ministry's website.

Books for Keeps Book Drive

Since 2009, Books for Keeps has given more than one million books to children from low-income families in grades Pre-K through 12. FPC has become a large supporter of Books for Keeps with our annual book drive.


You can help make sure no child in our community goes a summer without great books to read. Please bring your used books to the bins in the Atrium or church office. Books for Keeps can accept books of all kinds except textbooks and encyclopedias. Any books that are not right for their program go to the annual BFK Book Sale, with proceeds used to buy new children’s books. To learn more about the organization, go to Thank you!

Click here to read Spring@First.

Our Church Family

Christian Sympathy to:


Dr. Joe Key on the death of his wife, Mary Lynn Key.

April 25

Lewis Hudgins

Jo Anne Lowe

Heather Roberts

April 26

Eva Simpson

Cynthea Wilson

April 27

Patti Reed

April 28

Phyllis Childs

Cate Farley

Don Hill

Mark Lockard

Sarah Murray

April 29

Cynthia McCullers

Lydia Miller

Emily Noakes

April 30

Hollye Colbert

Rosemary Lukasiewicz

May 1

Paige Aldrich

Todd Fowler

Matt Middendorf

May 2

Bird Murray


Please see for more information about the life of the church.

Looking Ahead

April 28

Worship Service at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m., Dr. Ryan Baer preaching

Sunday School and Godly Play

Fellowship in the Atrium

Cherub Choir Rehearsal

St. Andrews Choir Rehearsal

Celebration Singers Rehearsal

Middle School Meeting

High School Meeting

April 29

Handbell Choir Rehearsal

April 30

Knitting Purls 1

May 1

Our Daily Bread Lunch

FARMRx Food Classes

Chancel Choir Rehearsal

May 2

Mellows@The Landing

WDS Committee Meeting

May 4

Session Retreat

May 5

Communion Sunday

Food Sunday

Scottish Reformation Sunday

Worship Service at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m., Dr. Ryan Baer preaching

Sunday School and Godly Play

Scottish Reformation Reception

Mission & Outreach and Matthew 25 Commission meeting

Cherub Choir Rehearsal

St. Andrews Choir Rehearsal

Celebration Singers Rehearsal

Youth Group End of Year Party

First Presbyterian Church
185 E. Hancock Avenue
Athens, GA 30601
(706) 543-4338
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