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2023 Mother-Daughter Alumnae Brunch

Greetings from

Maritere (Gramatges '91) Crum 

 Alumnae Relations Coordinator

Dear Oakies,

I would like to extend a personal invitation for you to join me for our upcoming Alumnae Mother-Daughter Mass and Brunch on Saturday, May 18. This is one of my personal favorite events each year. It is always a joy to welcome back so many of you, your mothers, grandmothers, and daughters.

We have a lovely morning planned. We will kick off the event with Mass, followed by Fr. Gerry's dedication of our alumnae prayer as well as the permanent installation and dedication of the painting of Our Lady of Oakcrest (a gift made in 2009 by the Class of 1999 and painted by alumna, Nicole Bourgea '99). After the dedication, we will head up to Walsh Hall for mimosas and brunch, mother/daughter photo opportunities, presentations by our Head of School, Christie Keuchel, and alumna and current parent, Celina (Heeter '95) Schneider. On this occasion, we also welcome our soon-to-be alumnae, the Class of 2024, to our Oakcrest Alumnae Association!

I look forward to seeing you on May 18! Don't forget to RSVP and purchase your tickets.


Upcoming Events

RSVP and Purchase Tickets

Oakies in Action

“Helping our Girls Thrive: Fostering Well-Being and Growth” with alumna, Laura (Rowell '96) O’Neill

In a recent Oakcrest School Podcast,

Laura (Rowell '96) O’Neill, a psychotherapist at the Alpha Omega Clinic, discusses ways to foster well-being and growth in helping young girls thrive. In particular, she explores the current generation of children and offers tangible tips on how parents can support their child’s development.

"I thought happiness came from your circumstances"

Class of 2019 alumna, Julie Kilmer, was featured in a recent Opus Dei video on Instagram. Julie beautifully details her journey to discovering Christ in her daily life.

Watch the video

Alumna selected as

2024 Marshall Fellow

Giorgina (Agostini '15) Narango is excited to announce that she has been selected to be part of The Heritage Foundation 2024 Marshall Fellows cohort.

George C. Marshall Fellows are exceptional conservative, DMV-based, mid-level congressional staff, executive branch personnel, policy analysts, and defense industry employees.

Alumna selected for the

Heritage Foundation

Younger Leaders Program

Simonne Lenseigne (‘22) will be an intern at The Heritage Foundation this summer in their Events and Programming Department. She is one of several interns who were selected for the Young Leaders Program, one of the top policy internships in the nation. The Heritage Foundation is focused on principles of “individual freedom, free enterprise, limited government, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.” 

Holy Half Marathon

Before she passed away, alumna Anna Diederich '17 was training for the Notre Dame Holy Half Marathon held on April 13, 2024. The Diederich family invited all who knew Anna to remember her on this day by walking, hiking, or running in her honor. The Diederichs participated in the half marathon at Notre Dame, and many others in our community, including her fellow classmates, gathered both locally and at Notre Dame to walk and spend time together in solidarity with Anna.

Alumnae Spotlight

Teresa English '88

During her time at Oakcrest, Teresa English ’88, spent her spare time serving in a local soup kitchen. With a big heart for service, she says that it was a conversation with a Franciscan monk, again at a soup kitchen during her first year at The University of Maryland, that led her to get her Masters in Nursing. 

“Oakcrest taught me the principles of a joy-filled life,” Teresa says. 

She currently works as an inpatient diabetes educator at the University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Center in Largo, Maryland. 

Attending Oakcrest in the 7th-12th grades at the Yuma campus from 1982-1988, Teresa loved her English and history classes. “I still have my English textbook,” she says. “Miss O’Donovan was a favorite teacher, although all were appreciated. They inspired a love for learning that has been lifelong.” 

Read Teresa's full story here.

Did You Know?

The cost of field trips is included in the tuition each year, and they are part of Oakcrest’s overall educational vision. Each year, field trips bring to life concepts learned in the classroom and as well as contribute to each year's grade level experiences.

Some recent trips include: the seniors’ iFly trip, which brought the concepts learned in Physics to life; the 10th grade Art Appreciation class visit to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC; and the 9th grade's visit to the Museum of the Bible.

Oakcrest Then and Now

Trip in 2014 - Alex Aguilar '14 as a student

Trip in 2024 - Alex Aguilar '14 as the tour guide

Supreme Court Visits

US Government classes have had the honor of visiting the Supreme Court for many years. Each tour has enhanced their understanding of the structure of government and the American judicial system and given them a unique look at the behind-the-scenes of some of our country’s biggest cases and notable laws. The trip is a great capstone field trip of the students’ history classes. This year, the Class of 2024 visited the Supreme Court on a tour led by Alex Aguilar ‘14, who currently works at the Supreme Court. They were given a tour of the courtroom, and even the Oakie basketball players were able to play on the basketball court that sits on the 5th floor of the Supreme Court and is named the “highest court in the land.” In 2014 when Alex was a senior, her class also visited and had a special visit with Justice Antonin Scalia. In 2009, the senior class visited and heard from the clerk of the court. 

Oakies on Campus

On Friday, March 22, 2024, Oakcrest School hosted a Day of Service where our students, faculty, and staff went out to 15 different locations throughout Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. From Irish dancing to beautifying local parks in the area, and visiting with residents at various shelters and homes, we were thrilled to bring the Oakcrest joy to so many. 

This year's Day of Service was dedicated to alumna Anna Diederich '17 whose "Rule of Life" was "I am happiest when I am taking care of other people."

Mount Oakcrest Brick Path

Last month, as part of the Spirit Week activities, each student signed a brick that now line a path leading to the top of Mount Oakcrest. Thank you to Mrs. Liz Rolwes (Dean of Students and mother of alumna, Patricia '23) and alumna, Liz Mehan '06 for leading this project!

Alumnae Parents Corner

Alumnae Dads Assist Debate Students

Thank you, Mr. Chris Ullman

In February, Mr. Chris Ullman (Alydia '20, Aria '24) spoke to the Debate Class, sharing his secrets to effective public speaking, as the class prepared to write their own talks.

Thank you, Mr. Michael Ferguson

In March, our Debate Students had an incredible Field Trip to Congress with Oakcrest dad, Mike Ferguson (Grace '18, Rose '21, Lucy '29).

Oakie Opportunities

Oakcrest AlumniFire

Attention Alumnae!

Graduation season is upon us for universities. Please consider uploading internships and entry-level opportunities for our new wave of college graduates.

For alumnae about to graduate, please use Oakcrest AlumniFire as a resource and reach out to alumnae in your interest areas! please email Giorgina (Agostini '15) Narango, our OAA Networking Chair at gnarango@oakcrest.org if you have any questions.



Attention Alumnae!!!

Do you wish you had gotten one of the new alumnae

t-shirts from Alumnae Week? You're in luck, we have a limited number of shirts (sizes S, M, L and XL) available for sale ($20 each).

Contact Maritere Crum at mcrum@oakcrest.org to purchase your shirt before they are all gone.

Oakcrest Employment Opportunities

Join our team!

Business Office Associate

Latin Teacher

Spanish Teacher (Part-Time)

Upper School Mathematics Teacher

Choral Music Teacher and Musical Director for Musical Theatre Shows

Fall Sports Coaches

Join us on Campus

Daily Mass in the Chapel 

(all alumnae and alumnae parents welcome) 

Morning of Recollection

May 11, 10 am - 12 pm 

(Mass at noon)

In the latest episode, local painter Henry Wingate shares the ins and outs of classical art training, all while showing how artists can impart their profound impact on culture and society. Mr. Wingate is the artist who was commissioned to paint our beautiful Holy Family Painting that hangs in the school chapel.

OAKCREST SCHOOL | Oakcrest.org

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