CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH | Your Weekly E-Newsletter - August 8, 2024 | |
Youth-Led Worship This Weekend!
Our youth will lead portions of the worship at both services this weekend. They will be sharing their experiences this summer from both Lutherdale Camp and the Continental Youth Gathering in San Antonio. We hope you can join us!
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This Week's Devotional - Listening for the Promise
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“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” -John 6:51
We continue to hear from the “Bread of Life Discourse” in our gospel readings. Last week we recalled the physical needs that God provides for us to care for us, needs like food, water, clothing, etc. And while those things are good and important, they don’t ultimate provide us with salvation. Jesus was teaching the crowd the difference between the earthly bread that God provides for us and the life-giving bread we receive in Jesus Christ.
Jesus gave us his flesh when he died on the cross. He gave himself up for us, destroying the power of the devil, death, and sin. Jesus gives us his flesh in the bread we receive at Holy Communion.
Martin Luther says, “Holy Communion is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, given to us Christians to eat and drink, as it was instituted by Christ himself.” Furthermore, Luther says, “the forgiveness of sin, life, and salvation are given to us in the Sacrament, for where there is forgiveness of sin, there is also life and salvation.” Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life. He is the living bread, which we receive when we come to his table.
Jesus proclaims that whoever feeds on his flesh and drinks his blood wil abide in him, and likewise, he will abide in them. (See v. 56). The same gift of life that is provided for us through Christ’s crucifixion is also provided to us through the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Those who believe in Christ crucified and risen from the dead have salvation and forgiveness of sin.
Jesus invites sinners to come to his table that he has set before us. As we hear the Words of Institution spoken and we eat the bread and drink the wine, we can leave our Lord’s table feeling the load of sin being lifted off of ourselves and placed onto Christ. We are free from the weight of sin. As we rejoice that we’re freed, we can invite others to receive the living bread.
Prayer: Gracious God, we give you thanks that you have given us the gift of your life-giving bread. Help us to receive it with grateful hearts, that we might share it with others. We ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.
Sola Worship Resource — Weekly Devotional © 2024, Sola Publishing
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12th Sunday after Pentecost
Youth-Led Worship
August 10-11, 2024
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PRESIDING MINISTER: Pastor Jerry Wittmus
ASSISTING MINISTER: Pat Foy/Kevin Wahlgren
Saturday: Pat Foy/Jim Kalupa
Sunday: George Sedivec, Bill Graffin, Lenny Graffin, Judy Kestly
ACOLYTE: Amelia Evert
USHERS: Caryl Braatz and Mary Ellen Thiede
ALTAR GUILD: Mary Ellen Thiede
- Wayne and Bonnie Johnson
- Scott and Peggy Langelin
FLOWERS: Diana and Bob Streicher in memory of son Brett
FELLOWSHIP TREATS: Keith and Karen Pierce
Saturday: Jeanette Kalupa
Sunday: Sallie Schulz
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Monthly Hymn Sing
Sunday, August 25
8:45 a.m.
Nicole invites you to come to the Sanctuary early to prepare for worship by singing some of your favorite hymns.
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New prayer requests or any updates to this current list should be directed to Cindy Zilske in the Church office -
New prayer requests: Randy Wizner; Barbara Runge (friend of Jeanette Kalupa)
Ongoing short-term prayer requests: Chuck Lukasik; Sue Vollmar; Jessica Dudzik; Jon Sayas; Janet Zastrow; Pat Treutelaar; Sue Dindorf; John Schwartz; Evelyn Ceci; Jonni Roush; Laura Burger; Sue Rowe; Nancy Berth (friend of the Calvary Knitting Group); Eric Dix (Linda Thorpe's son-in-law's brother); Vikki (friend of Cindy Zilske); Jack Banker (brother-in-law of Mary Lau); Dan Scruggs (cousin of Juanita Osowski); Sheila Funk (sister of George Rooney); Brian Nowak (cousin of Ernie Kretschmann's niece); Diane Rutsch (friend of Mary Lau); Creig Moritz (brother of Bryant Moritz); Taylor (granddaughter of Lenny Graffin); Edward Hermann (son of Marilyn Hermann); Larry Larsen (brother of Kris Larsen); John Kretschmann (brother of Ernie Kretschmann); Jean (friend of Linda Thorpe); Matti Beilfuss (friend of Rick Kegel); Lou Dangler (friend of Evelyn Ceci); Paul Mahn (son of Shirley Mahn); Amy Clark (friend of Megan Scott)
Please continue to pray for: God’s guidance and support for our Call Committee, and that the Holy Spirit is working in the heart of the pastor He wishes to call as the next pastor of Calvary.
The Hindi-speaking Yadav Hindus in India, who have limited or no access to the Gospel, with our partners at the World Mission Prayer League
Serving in the Military: Marshall Owen (nephew of Ken Miller serving in the U.S. Marines); ITC Agustin Juarez (son-in-law of Ken Miller serving in the U.S. Navy); Kevin Butler (son of Heidi Powers serving in the U.S. Army); Ben DeYoung (son-in-law of George and Kay Sedivec serving in the U.S. Air Force); Alex Olson (grandchild of Ardath Olson serving in the U.S. Air Force); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen and Keith Pierce serving in the U.S. Army); Nicole Wahlgren (serving in the U.S. Army National Guard); all military chaplains; and all veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder.
For All Men and Women Serving: Police Officers, Firefighters, EMT's; Health Care workers and First Responders.
Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere bringing the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
Long-term prayer list:
Calvary members: Jan Chesner; Pat Corcoran; Wayne Dieck; Shirley Mahn; Nadine Schuelke; Jan Tschetter
Non-members: Kathy (friend of Judy Sayas' sister); Christine (cousin of Judy Sayas); Jan Sperry (friend of Judy Sayas); Drake Ferber (Judy Sayas' neighbor's son); Ron Parker (brother of Linda Thorpe); Lauren (granddaughter of Scott and Peggy Langelin); Dennis Reich (friend of John and Mary Lau); Curt (friend of Larry Bonier); Pastor Mark Gehrke (son of Lois Gehrke); Monica Barchus (niece of Ernie Kretschmann); Michael Rossa (Lucy Dallman's son); Karen (friend of Lydia Trudell); Susan Petropoulos (sister of Wayne Johnson); Tom Dallman (husband of Lucy Dallman); Laura Lynn (friend of Pastor Jerry and Nancy Wittmus)
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Linda Berger, 8/7
Sophia Peters, 8/7
Deron Anderson, 8/9
Noah Ciszewski, 8/9
Darrel Schwenn, 8/9
Donna Siderits, 8/9
Wayne Wegner, 8/9
Mary Baumgartner, 8/13
Roger Evert, 8/13
Jackson Schlieve, 8/13
Jenny Brostowitz, 8/16
Scott Langelin, 8/16
Josh Morris, 8/16
Nicole Wahlgren, 8/16
Don Krause, 8/17
Pam Messer, 8/18
Isabelle Peters, 8/18
Jon Sayas, 8/18
Dave Schuelke, 8/18
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Brad and Sue Meyer, 8/3 (22 years)
Doug and Sue Ranger, 8/3 (5 years)
Curtis and Judy Klade, 8/4 (62 years)
Philip and Jill Voss, 8/4 (12 years)
Josh and Emily Brooks, 8/9 (10 years)
Matt and Heidi Powers, 8/10 (5 years)
Lucy and Thomas Dallman, 8/16 (55 years)
Hugh and Jane Taufner, 8/16 (55 years)
Jim and Nancy Marsho, 8/17 (56 years)
Larry and Susie Bonier, 8/18 (51 years)
John and Lindsey Peters, 8/22 (15 years)
Bob and Mary Smith, 8/22 (54 years)
Gerhard and Sallie Schulz, 8/23 (49 years)
Carol and Ed Witzke, 8/24 (56 years)
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Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, August 25 - 9 a.m. Worship
It is hard to believe that the new school year is right around the corner! All students, teachers and anyone else who uses a backpack are invited to bring their backpacks to church on Sunday, August 25 to participate in our annual Blessing of the Backpacks.
It is a wonderful opportunity for our congregation to show its support and offer their prayers to those heading back to school.
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7:00 p.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Bring your tent and sleeping bag for a night under the stars. We will be camping in the Calvary backyard.
Yard games, campfire and lots of laughs - you are in for a night to remember!
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There are 15 spots being held for Calvary volunteers to help with the September "Build a Bed Workshop" on September 7 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The event is held at 700 Walnut Ridge Drive in Hartland. If you have any questions, please reach out to Karen Pierce at
If you're able to help, please use the link below to sign up. Confirmation emails will be sent to all volunteers from Sleep in Heavenly Peace.
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10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
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Opportunity International is helping to end extreme poverty in our lifetime. They believe that empowering individuals to work their way out of poverty and give their children a quality education is the most sustainable way to transform their lives, their families, and their communities.
Opportunity International serves 10 million hardworking families in 23 countries around the world. They have big plans for the world: A place without poverty where people can live with dignity and purpose. Their clients have ambitious dreams for their futures, but lack the opportunities needed to make those dreams a reality. They go where others won’t to give these inspiring people access to business loans, savings accounts, financial training, and community support—all which empower these entrepreneurs to work their way out of poverty and build a new sustainable future for themselves and their families.
To date, they have created or sustained more than 20 million jobs by giving entrepreneurs the tools they need to thrive. With our support, they will reach millions more clients—and those clients will change the world.
•Vision: Their vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with dignity and purpose.
•Mission: By providing financial solutions and training, they empower people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities.
•Motivation: They respond to Jesus Christ’s call to love and serve the poor. They seek to emulate the Good Samaritan, whose compassion crossed ethnic groups and religions. They serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
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To support this important Mission of the Month, you may include it in your weekly offering envelope (designate donation next to Mission of the Month) or select the donation as "Mission of the Month" in your online giving.
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Women's Book Group
Monday, September 9
12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Media Room
"A Fever in the Heartland"
| Copies of the book are available in the church office. If you'd like to borrow one, please sign it out on the sheet next to the books. | | |
The Roaring Twenties --the Jazz Age-- has been characterized as a time of Gatsby frivolity. But it was also the height of the uniquely American hate group, the Ku Klux Klan. Their domain was not the old Confederacy, but the Heartland and the West. They hated Blacks, Jews, Catholics and immigrants in equal measure, and took radical steps to keep these people from the American promise. And the man who set in motion their takeover of great swaths of America was a charismatic charlatan named D.C. Stephenson.
Stephenson was a magnetic presence whose life story changed with every telling. Within two years of his arrival in Indiana, he’d become the Grand Dragon of the state and the architect of the strategy that brought the group out of the shadows – his message endorsed from the pulpits of local churches, spread at family picnics and town celebrations. Judges, prosecutors, ministers, governors and senators across the country all proudly proclaimed their membership. But at the peak of his influence, it was a seemingly powerless woman – Madge Oberholtzer – who would reveal his secret cruelties, and whose deathbed testimony finally brought the Klan to their knees.
"A Fever in the Heartland" marries a propulsive drama to a powerful and page-turning reckoning with one of the darkest threads in American history.
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Weekly Men's Breakfast
Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m.
Maxim's Restaurant
18025 W. Capitol Drive
All men are invited to attend!
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Monthly Men's Gathering
Fellowship Hall
Thursday, August 15
6:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please contact Ernie Kretschmann at
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Worship Attendance and Giving | |
Live Stream Attendance Link |
If you watch our services via the Live Stream, please take a minute to let us know. There is now a link called "Online Worship Attendance" on the page where you access each week's service.
We appreciate your taking the time to complete this each week. It helps us know that our Live Stream is being viewed.
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Online giving provides options!
While cash and checks are always welcome, the “Give Online” button on the Calvary Lutheran Church website provides another option. And, with the expansion of our vendor’s software, the options are now expanded and customized. In addition to giving to the General Operating Fund, Building Fund and Mission of the Month, you can now specify contributions for Altar Flowers, Sunday Morning Fellowship Treats, NALC, etc.
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Please note that contributions to the Mission of the Month are allocated to the organization for the month in which the donation is made
If you have any questions or would like to make a pledge, please contact Cindy Rooks, Finance Secretary, via email at or (262) 786-4010.
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Giving to the NALC Campaign | Just a reminder that contributions to the NALC's 20/20 Vision Campaign need to be designated as "NALC" either on your giving envelope or on your check. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Rooks at | |
Your 2024 Board of Deacons
Front row (l-r) Lenny Graffin, Sue Rowe, Darlene Louison, Joanne Schultz, George Sedivec
Back row (l-r); Ed Ramthun, Judy Kestly, Andy Foy, Pat Foy, Ruth Brostowitz and Bill Graffin. Not pictured: Everett Lambert
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Your 2024 Church Council
Front row (l-r) Joanne Schultz, Peggy Langelin, Jan Lukasik
Back row (l-r); Ernie Kretschmann, Andy Schatz, Scott Langelin, Pat Dieck, Keith Pierce Not pictured: Chris Dudzik
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Facing tough times?
Need a Christian Friend?
Stephen Ministry is here to help.
Free -- just like God's love.
Stephen Ministers are congregation members trained by Stephen Leaders to offer high-quality, one-to-one Christian care to people going through tough times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour.
If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this important ministry,
please contact Scott or Peggy Langelin at 262.853.0018.
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Do you need a new Church Directory? |
The Calvary Church Directory is available electronically or in paper format. If you'd like an electronic copy, please send an email to Sue Rowe at
There are also printed copies available in the church office.
If there are any changes to your phone, email or address, please advise the Church office. Any updates should be submitted to Cindy Zilske at
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Sanctuary Flowers
A wonderful way to celebrate a special occasion or remember a loved one is by sponsoring flowers at our altar. The cost is $35 and you may take them home following the Sunday morning worship.
The 2024 sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex, near the door to Fellowship Hall.
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We invite you to provide
Hospitality Treats on Sunday
We invite you to stay after worship on Sunday mornings and enjoy fellowship time and a treat/cup of coffee in Fellowship Hall.
If you'd like to provide treats (donuts, bagels, etc.) for Sunday hospitality time, there is a sheet on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. You may bring the treats (six dozen) and drop them off in the kitchen, or simply add a “P” behind your name, pay $30 to the church office and the treats will be purchased for you.
The sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board. Thank you for your support!
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The right side of the Sanctuary (as you face the altar) is equipped with a hearing loop system which transmits an audio signal directly into a hearing aid via a magnetic field. This greatly reduces background noise, competing sounds, reverberation and other acoustic distortions that reduce clarity of sound.
Most hearing aids are equipped with a t-coil and connecting to this system is an easy switch on the hearing aid. If you need assistance during worship with this system, please reach out to an usher or any staff member.
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The church office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The door that is closest to the office (NW corner) will be open during those hours.
The church office will be closed on September 2 in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
Please check in with the office staff so we know that you are in the building.
The office phone number is (262) 786-4010. Feel free to leave a message if you call after hours and we will contact you the next day.
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