Joe's Reef Life is a youtube channel hosted by one of our great friends and fellow small business owner. He is the first youtuber to film a walk-through video of the Athens location.
Joe started his youtube channel because "There is a lack of review content out there. So I hope my experience will help you make the right decision for your marine inhabitants that we so much care for. Adding or changing chemicals / biological supplements can be a risky subject. As well as dealing with nuisance pests or algae. CHEERS!"
Additionally, Joe dopped of a bunch of home grown coral frags and asked us to sell them cheap to his New Subscribers! Let's all work together and help blow his channel up! Sub to JoesReefLife.
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This is a one of the easier small polyp stony (SPS) corals to keep in the reef aquarium. Montipora capricornus are typically available in Red, Green, or Purple. This variety is bright red and forms large scrolling leafy plates. Plating montiporas look most spectacular when grouped together creating a whirl of shapes and color. Compared to the other color morphs we carry this color morph seems to be the fastest growing. The Red Montipora Capricornis is a skilled care level four coral which requires intense lighting and medium to turbulent water flow. | |
Monti Spongodes $45 ~ 28! | The mother colony to all of these frags is originally from ORA. If you have ever want to try your luck with an SPS coral this is the coral for you. The Spongodes is a Montipora sp. with an interesting growth pattern and coloration. It creates a substantial encrusting plate formation with thick fingers projecting upwards from the plates. The plates and fingers have a very attractive combination of contrasting brown and green colors. Under intense lighting, the new growth on this coral turns vibrant purple. The Montipora Spongodes is a skilled care level 4 coral which requires intense lighting and turbulent water flow. | |
Eagle Eye Zoas $45 ~ $36! | A timeless industry staple out of Vietnam featuring a bright green skirt, maroon iris, and blue pupil. These are BIG 6-12 polyp Zoanthid frags. Zoanthids are great corals for beginner to advanced aquarists and literally come in a rainbow of color morphs. They are primarily photosynthetic but will capture and consume small particulate foods such as Zooplankton and small copepods. The Eagle Eye Zoanthids are an easy care level 2 coral which require dim to moderate lighting and low to medium water flow. | |
Hybrid Frogspawn Hammer $75 ~ $55! | This large polyp stony coral (LPS) is a cross between Euphyllia parancora and Euphyllia paradivisa. Due to their rarity of hybrid varieties of Euphyllia they tend to be more valuable. Branching Euphyllia Corals make great surrogate clownfish hosts as they closely mimic the appearance of an anemone without the hassle of moving around. Allow plenty of room between it and other neighboring corals because at night its long sweeper tentacles can extend and stinging other species of corals in the aquarium. The Hybrid Frammer is an intermediate care level 3 coral which requires moderate lighting and medium water flow. | |
Freshwater Fish Specials! | |
Jardini Arowana $300 ~ 20% OFF 240! | The Jardini Arowana, scientifically known as Scleropages jardinii, is a striking freshwater fish native to the rivers and waterways of northern Australia and New Guinea. These predatory fish can grow up to 24-30 inches in length and are known for their metallic sheen, often displaying silver, gold, or bronze scales with reddish or pink edges. Jardini Arowanas are carnivorous, feeding on live or frozen foods such as fish, shrimp, and insects, though they can also accept pellets. They are highly territorial and aggressive, making them best suited for large tanks of at least 180 gallons with few or no tank mates. To care for them, provide a spacious aquarium with a secure lid, as they are powerful jumpers, and maintain water temperatures between 75-82°F with strong filtration to support their large size. | |
Butterfly Hill-stream Loach $30 ~ $24! | The Butterfly Hillstream Loach, scientifically known as Beaufortia kweichowensis, is a unique freshwater fish native to fast-flowing rivers and streams in China. These loaches typically grow to about 2-3 inches in length and are known for their flattened, disc-like bodies, which help them cling to rocks in strong currents. They are primarily herbivores, feeding on algae, biofilm, and sometimes sinking pellets or wafers. Butterfly Hillstream Loaches thrive in cooler, well-oxygenated water with strong currents, mimicking their natural habitat. To care for them, provide a tank with smooth rocks and ample hiding spots, and maintain water temperatures between 68-75°F. They do best in groups and are peaceful, making them great additions to community tanks with similar water preferences. | |
Asst. Jewel Cichlid 20% OFF! | The Jewel Cichlid, scientifically known as Hemichromis bimaculatus, is a vibrant freshwater fish native to the rivers and lakes of West Africa. These cichlids can grow up to 5-6 inches in length and are known for their stunning red coloration with iridescent blue spots, making them a striking addition to any aquarium. Jewel Cichlids are omnivores, feeding on a diet of pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. They are territorial and can be aggressive, especially during breeding, so it’s important to provide a spacious tank with hiding spots like caves or plants. To care for them, maintain water temperatures between 74-82°F and consider keeping them with similarly sized, robust fish to avoid conflicts. | |
Albino Tiger Oscar $70 ~ 20% OFF $56! | The Albino Tiger Nemo Oscar, a striking variant of the Oscar fish, is scientifically known as Astronotus ocellatus. Originating from the rivers and floodplains of the Amazon Basin in South America, these fish can grow up to 12-14 inches in length. They are known for their unique albino coloration combined with orange and red patterns, giving them a bold appearance. Albino Tiger Nemo Oscars are carnivorous and enjoy a diet of high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods like shrimp, insects, and small fish. To care for them, they require a large tank of at least 75 gallons with strong filtration and stable water conditions, ideally between 75-80°F. Oscars are intelligent and can recognize their owners, often displaying interactive behaviors, but they can be territorial, so they are best housed with similarly sized, robust tank mates. | |
Fish Gallery - Athens
230 Old Epps Bridge Rd
Athens, GA 30606
Phone: 706.546.1337
Hours: Monday to Saturday 11AM - 7PM, Sunday 12PM - 7PM
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