“Children say the darndest things!” Because young children are not always able to process socially appropriate comments, they often blurt out exactly what is on their mind. For a play therapist of color, working with young children can be a challenge, since children at the age of 2 1/2 may become aware of difference in race, and may find creative ways to make it known. In play therapy, how the therapist responds can affect the therapeutic relationship in a positive or negative way. This workshop will discuss cultural awareness in children, and present examples of how children have expressed this during play therapy sessions. Interactions with the therapist and suggested responses for validation and insight will be included.
- Describe the importance of cultural competency when working with children in play therapy
- State common ethnic themes that may emerge during play therapy
- Identify suggested responses to children who may comment on ethnic differences during a play therapy session
- Demonstrate toys and materials in the play therapy room to emphasize inclusion
Presenter: Sonia Hinds, APRN, CNS, RPT-S™
Sonia Hinds, APRN, CNS, RPT-S™ is the Founder and CEO of Chesapeake Beach Professional Seminars. Founder and Executive Director of Barstow Acres Children’s Center, a non-profit practice providing children's mental health services. Ms. Hinds is trained in Child-Centered and Gestalt play therapy with Violet Oaklander (retired). Authored chapter, Play Therapy with African-American Village in text, Cultural Issues in Play Therapy, edited by Eliana Gil, PhD, RPT-S and Athena Drewes, PsyD, RPT-S. Ms. Hinds received the MD/DC APT 2019 Outstanding Service Award.