Holy Family Catholic School



Eucharistic Miracle Siena, Italy 1730

Merciful Lord, I thank You for Your healing touch and the compassion You showed to all who come to You. Lay Your hands upon me and those I love, bringing healing and restoration to our bodies and souls. Help me to trust in Your healing power and renew me as a vessel of Your mercy to others. May Your presence bring peace and wholeness to my life and to those around me. Amen


“Happiness is secured through virtue; it is a good attained through man’s own will.” St. Thomas Aquinas

Dear Parents,

At Holy Family, I am blessed to work with an amazing team. Not only do we have a wonderful Assistant Principal for PK-4 and 5-8, but we have a great leadership team as well. The leadership team is comprised of teachers from each grade level, the specials teams, student success, and our librarian. This team gathers at least monthly to assist in the efforts that support our mission.

Before the rest of the teaching team returned in August, the leadership team gathered to plan and prepare for the start of the year. One topic for the day included establishing schoolwide norms and expectations for all students at Holy Family. The leadership team focused on setting clear expectations that helped students to grow in virtue one choice at a time.

When discussing the schoolwide norms and expectations, our leadership team worked together to articulate four virtues and outline clear actions for each area of campus. The 4 virtues included: responsibility, respect, kindness, and self-control. This fall, the students have been learning what it looks like to live these virtues in each area of campus. For more information about the expectations, please visit: Student Expectations - Holy Family Catholic School (

Next week, our students in grades 1-8 will begin their MAP testing. Each grade level will be sharing the dates for each test. To encourage students to do their best, there will be no other scheduled tests on the day of the MAP test. Please help your child prepare for the test by helping your child get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast before the test.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

Save the Date

Picture Day is coming on Wednesday, October 2nd. Look for more information on your child's picture day flier/order form that will be sent home soon. Students will be taking individual pictures and class group pictures on this day. Students are required to wear their formal Mass uniform. Please use the following code to order online: EVTJNFQHX.

Lifetouch Picture Order


We have amazing Kalahari room packages! Turn the weekend into relaxing and fun “stay-cation” with or without the kids! Room rates are $229 + $45 Resort Fee. We will send more information on this at a later date!

Open Chair Positions: Gala Marketing/Ticket Sales and Silent Auction Basket Building. 

We are blessed with amazing parents of many talents and are grateful for so many who are able to give back to the school through their service hours.  Please contact Stephanie Boss at to inquire about volunteering for Gala as a Chair or a committee member. Time Commitment Varies.


Items Needing Immediate Attention - Due by September 13th

Please read the following items below:

Complete this form and return:

Handbook and Technology Agreement form

Required of All Students - New & Returning

Please return via email (Kelly Walker) or drop off in the school office to Kelly Walker.

Food for the Journey T-shirt Contest

All Holy Family Students are invited to submit art for this year’s Food for the Journey t-shirt contest. Entries are due September 17 to Mrs. Quinn or Ms. Paynter! Please see flyer for more details and rules. 

Click here for more information

Ms. Oliva's 6th Grade Class Hosting Mass

We had a wonderful Mass this morning. Thank you to Sister Rene Noel's seventh grade students who proclaimed the readings for us.

Mass on Thursday, September 12th will be hosted by Ms. Oliva's sixth grade class. If your child's class will be hosting Mass, please consider volunteering to help with set-up before Mass or take-down after Mass.

All are welcome to attend!

Time is running out to order the yearbook at the $45 dollar price. Prices increase after September 6th to $50. Order now to save money and memories! Use the QR code below to order at the $45 price with free logos included. Note that the yearbook already includes some signature pages, although Jostens sells extra for people who may need more for a sibling. 

Click here for more information

Attention 8th grade parents: Sales are now open for yearbook recognition ads. See the attached flyer for the QR code to order an ad to recognize your graduating eighth grader. Ads are $160 for a full page, $90 for a half page, and $60 for a quarter page. Ad sales help fund our spring insert are greatly appreciated by students and our yearbook staff!

Click here for more information
diocese of austin


All volunteers with Holy Family Catholic School must complete the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) training. We appreciate your cooperation to help us keep our community safe. New applicants, and existing applicants who have never attended an EIM Workshop, must attend an in-person EIM Workshop to fulfill their initial EIM compliance requirement.


For more information on the EIM instructions please visit: For questions about the process or the status of your current EIM account, contact our EIM Coordinator, Dr. Danna Kelemen by email or phone 512-388-8846, Ext. 5512. Please also notify her if you have taken the EIM training and need to receive the required EIM name badge.

Liturgical Ministers

We are in need of liturgical ministers to serve at our school Masses next year. If you are interested, please fill out the form, and someone will reach out to provide you with more information. This form is NOT a commitment, it is simply to find out who is interested!

Interest Form