Friday Newsletter

May 24, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Worship Service

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

11:30 am: Bluebells Childcare Open House

Nursery care available.

Childcare Meet and Greet

This Sunday May 26 @ 11:30 am

Meet & Greet with Bluebells Academy for Westminster members & friends! 

Gather at the elevators for a personalized tour of the new childcare from owner Sara Wilson. Sara owns Bluebells Academy and Childcare and will be leasing space in our education wing. You will also have the opportunity to tour the classes (which are in progress) and hear more about what ages we will be serving. Jill Whitney, a member of the Childcare Task Force, will also be available to answer questions and provide tours. We think you are going to LOVE what you see! 


Bluebells is a growing business operated by Sara Wilson in West Salem. Sara has two in-home childcare operations located next door to each other, and she serves several Salem families with their daily childcare needs. Sara specializes in the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching and child development with intended values to make school “lovable, industrious, inventive, liveable, documentable and communicable”. Additionally, her approach practices the idea that “Education is a right of all, of all children, and as such is a responsibility of the community.” 


Sara Wilson started Bluebells as an in-home program with six children in 2019. Her program has been growing since she opened. Sara brings to her program and business an extensive education. She graduated from Heald Business School with an AA in Business Accounting in 2014. Sara later earned her AA in Early Childhood Education from Chemeketa in 2019 and her Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education from Eastern Oregon University in 2021. 


Bluebells Academy Daycare will offer childcare and education for infants to five-year-olds.

From Your Session

The Westminster Session met on Wednesday, May 15 at 5:30 for their regular stated meeting. A farewell potluck was held for outgoing elders Lucy Foster and Cheryl Lugenbill. They were thanked for their time and service. A focused discussion was held on what went well during the year and important priorities for the upcoming year. In the second focused discussion, a motion was made to ensure the protection of children, youth and staff by moving that session reaffirms the existing Child Protection Policy with no church events occurring in violation of it. The session will welcome new elders Angie Willoughby and Maggie Sather at the next stated meeting which will be held on Wednesday, June 19, at 6:00.

Looking Ahead

May 26 @ 11 am: Childcare Open House

June 2 @ 10 am: Graduate Recognition

June 9 @ 10 am: Teacher/Musician Recognition

                  Installation of Elders & Deacons

June 9 @ 12 pm: Leadership Retreat

June 10 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out

June 18 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

June 23 @ 11:30 am: Music & Pizza Party

June 30-July 4: Youth City Camp

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


The Events Committee is looking for a social media fan to join our team! If you love parties, weddings and events, and love your Facebook page, contact Jean Severson at


Stephen Ministers would like to offer you the invitation to come to the first meeting of anyone who is either a widow or going through or completed a divorce. Both men and women are invited. We would like to start a group for people who would like to take some time and help others going through the same issue. Save JUNE 2, 2024 at 11:15 am to meet others and set up a group meeting. We will meet in the Eastminster Room. SEE YOU THERE!

Are you a grandparent who wants to support the faith formation of your grandchild? The Around the Table Initiative of the Office of Christian Formation is looking to recruit grandparents for a first of its kind online grandparent cohort. A major part of our initiative is to help grandparents, as well as faith leaders, thrive in fostering the faith of the younger generation of Christians. Apply by May 31.

VBC Registration (8/26-8/30) is open! $10.00 per child, or $20.00 maximum per family. Register children at:

Pay at:

We need VBC volunteers! If you would like to help in any way, please contact Terri Crall (


Our Nursery Attendant Chrysta Friday has had some changes to her full-time job and is not able to be our nursery attendant right now. We will be providing our nursery care with 2 volunteers instead of our usual one, each week until we can hire someone to be our “lead” and supplement one volunteer each week. If you know of anyone who might be a good fit for our 2 hours-a-week job, please talk to Lucy Foster, Suzanne Taylor or Carole Brewer.  Until we can hire someone, we will need extra hands, so if you are on our list to help with children and youth, please consider giving your love to our smallest family members. 

Loan Retirement Campaign

Boulder Hall was completed on February 5, 2010. In 2023, the loan was renewed for another five years. Our last Building Fund Campaign also ended in 2023. To continue making payments, a new campaign is needed. If the drive can raise approximately $225,000, the loan could be paid off in 2026. A new two-year pledge drive started May 5th, with packets either picked up that day or mailed. Please return your pledge by June 2nd. Thank you in advance for your generosity. 

Thank you

We received a message from Stephen Grady with the American Red Cross thanking Westminster Presbyterian for sponsoring the May 13 Blood Drive, and a heartfelt thanks to all the donors and volunteers that helped make it a success. The need for blood is constant and our efforts help ensure a safe and stable blood supply is available for people in need.


SAVE THE DATE...the next scheduled blood drive at Westminster Presbyterian is 7/22/2024. We hope to see you there!


Much appreciation,

Pam Garland and Bill Nelson

Pray for

Jan Faust has been diagnosed with a perforated colon and had to undergo emergency surgery while on vacation with Bill. 

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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