
Your noteworthy news and updates for October 2024

Dear Subscriber,

The Ray Marshall Center envisions a world where sound, responsible policies and programs increase prospects for prosperity and advance human potential for all.

Our October 2024 newsletter highlights key research updates, events, and partnerships.

Dr. Heath Prince, Research Scientist, discusses the wage disparity between the Global South and Global North workforce, offering insights into the economic policies influencing this gap for Science Magazine.

Cynthia Juniper, Qualitative Research Associate, presented findings from the Evaluating Services for Texas Opportunity Youth (ESTOY) project at the 41st Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) annual conference in Houston.

Dr. Daniel Schroeder, Research Scientist, initiated a new partnership with the Texas Office of the Attorney General on Child Support Guidelines, focusing on evaluating child support award guidelines in compliance with state and federal laws.

Our newsletter also features recent publications, including the 2024 update on the PATHS for Texas program, which reports on outcomes and impacts from participants over the past four years.

Another key report evaluates the City of Austin's investment in workforce development, guiding future strategic planning.

Until next time,

Greg B. Cumpton, PhD, Director

Latest RMC News

RMC’s Prince interviewed for Science Magazine article on the wage disparity for labor in the Global South

RMC’s Research Scientist Dr. Heath Prince was interviewed for an article recently published in Science Magazine titled “Rich countries drain ‘shocking’ amount of labor from the Global South: Workers in the Global South—from farm workers to scientists—power the world economy but face a yawning wage gap” (Vol 385, Issue 6709). The article addresses the wage disparity between the Global South workforce and it’s counterparts in the Global North. Dr. Prince touches on the economic impact policies and programs can have on that disparity. Read more about the article here.

RMC’s Juniper presents at TNOYS 41st annual conference

RMC’s qualitative research associate, Cynthia Juniper, presented findings from our Evaluating Services for Texas Opportunity Youth (ESTOY) project at the Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS) 41st annual conference held June 4-7, 2024, in Houston, Texas. Read more about her presentation here.

Latest RMC Publications

PATHS for Texas: Interim Descriptive Statistics, Outcomes, Impacts, Survey Results, and Qualitative Summary 2024 Update

The data presented in this report represent individuals who participated in PATHS for Texas from its start date in 2020 through June of 2024. We also report on the outcomes of two surveys completed in the past three years: one survey of active PATHS participants, and one of inactive participants. Read more about the report here.

Evaluation of the City of Austin Investment in Workforce Development: 2023 Annual Report

The City of Austin has contracted with the Ray Marshall Center to conduct an evaluation of the City’s workforce training investments. The purpose of the evaluation is to identify within the City of Austin funded workforce development training ecosystem, programmatic or strategic elements that impact participant outcomes. Research findings will guide strategic planning for the City’s workforce development efforts. This report provides an overview of the evaluation questions and research methods, presents a brief profile of each service provider and its workforce development program(s), and outlines lessons learned during the first period of inquiry and additional questions researchers will consider as the evaluation evolves. Read more about the report here.

Latest RMC Partnerships

Child Support Guidelines Review

The Texas Child Support Guidelines project is being conducted by the Ray Marshall Center under an agreement with the Office of the Attorney General of Texas (OAG). Federal and state laws require the OAG to establish guidelines for child support, and to review these guidelines every four years to ensure their adequacy in determining appropriate child support award amounts in divorce cases and other suits affecting parent-child relations (SAPCR). Read more about the review here.

Ray Marshall Center | | 512-471-7891 |

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