A Reflection from The Rev. David Curtis
Just about every day after lunch, my grandmother made yeast rolls for dinner. Like clockwork, Grandmother would assemble the ingredients, knead the dough, and place small balls of dough in a pan. The pan would sit in a south window, and the house filled with the smell of yeasty goodness. At dinner, those rolls became butter delivery systems. If love came in a pan, it was those rolls.
You may have noticed that we have been hearing a lot about bread in the past few weeks. This coming Sunday, we will hear Jesus say, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
The bread we receive at Eucharist is lifegiving. It is food for our journey with Christ in this world. It is the nourishment for the work that God calls us to do. It is a foretaste of the celestial feast of heaven.
So, this Sunday, come to the holy table of God, where a feast is prepared for you. Eat of the living bread that came down from heaven. And then, having been fed with panis angelicus (the bread of the angels), may we go forth to love and to serve the Lord.
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School Supply Drive: Now through August 23
We will be collecting school supplies for Anna Julia Cooper School now through August 23. Please consider donating the following items: pens, #2 pencils, loose leaf paper, crayons, markers, tissue boxes, and hand sanitizer. You can drop your donations in the bins in the cloister hallway outside of the parish hall. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far!
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Women's Social: RSVP
Save-the-Date reminder for the next Simply Social gathering, which will take place at Gretchen Cosgrove’s home on Wednesday, August 21st, at 6:00 P.M. She will be serving a chicken dish, please bring a side dish to share. Please RSVP to Kris Koebler.
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Lunch Packing Event: Saturday, August 31
Help us pack 130 lunches for four area shelters in Richmond on Saturday, August 31 at 9am. We will need volunteers to shop (expenses are reimbursed), make sandwiches, pack the lunches, and deliver to four area shelters. Signup here.
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Church Workday: September 7
Bring some work gloves and help us spruce up our grounds! We will have a church workday on September 7 from 9-12pm. Light breakfast refreshments will be served. There will be lots of things to do for all skill levels - inside and outside! Please join us.
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Do You Like to Sing? Join Us in the Choir!
As schools resume in the next few weeks, it’s time to start thinking about All Saints Choirs resuming rehearsals! We’re always looking for new singers of all ages and voice parts. If you, or anyone you know, has a voice they’d like to share in worship, please consider joining us!
Boys & Girls Choirs will resume rehearsal on Thursday, August 29, 5:30 – 7:30 PM. And the Men’s & Parish Choirs will resume at 7:00 PM the same day. You can find out more about the choirs here!
Questions? Ask Scott Hayes, Director of Music at shayes@allsaintsrichmond.org or at 288.7811.
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All Saints Garden Guild
Want to get your hands dirty? The All Saints Garden Guild is reforming. Help with the regular upkeep of our many beautiful gardens. Lots of different tasks, something for every ability. Come when you can. Any time you can give is appreciated. No previous experience needed. No long-term commitment. Email our Junior Warden, Gretchen Jones, to sign up or ask questions.
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What sparks your joy at All Saints?
In a reflection, Ben asked what sparks your joy and captures your imagination? What might engage folks seeking a spiritual home? How might your joy and imagination interface with the joys and imaginations of our community?
What about our mission and ministries spark joy? As we prepare for a new school year, and as the Vestry prepares for a strategic retreat in September, knowing your joys and imaginations would be quite valuable. You can share your joys and imaginations electronically using the linked anonymous Google form or look for the very analog suggestion box in the Narthex. Thank you in advance!
Click here to read the reflection.
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First Summer Sunday: September 1
Last One of the Season
Bring a chair or blanket and join us on the patio (weather permitting) on September 1 at 10:30am for a casual, outdoor service. Bari Pitts will give a special children's sermon. No children's chapel, but we will have plenty of activity bags for children. Following the service, we hope you will stay for ice cream sundaes! We will still celebrate our 8am service in the Chapel.
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Children's Chapel Volunteers Needed
Calling all volunteers! Assistants for Children's Chapel are needed on Sundays and spread joy to our little ones. Whether you prefer to be a smiling presence, lead the lesson and prayers, or get creative with crafts, your involvement level is entirely up to you. Volunteer with us Sundays from 10:15 to 11:15 am and shine like a star in the hearts of our young worshippers! Email Whitney Reid at wreid@allsaintsrichmond.org with any questions.
Click here to signup.
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Welborne United Methodist Food Pantry Donations
Welborne is in great need of food donations for their food pantry. Please consider picking up a few items during your next grocery trip and donating them to the green shed outside of the All Saints Playground.
Click here to view Welborne's Facebook page where they post important updates as well as their current needs.
If you are interested in volunteering at Welborne, please email Mark Wilcox at mbwmsi@gmail.com
Hearty soup
Mashed potatoes
Snacks: granola bars, lance/Nabisco cracker packs, cereal, bars, individual packets of nuts or trail mix.
Pop tarts
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How to Contact Us
8787 River Road, Richmond, Virginia, 23229
(804) 288-7811
The Rev. Ben Robertson, Rector
The Rev. David Curtis, Deacon
Scott Hayes, Director of Music
Daniel Stipe, Principal Organist
Winston Hazlegrove, Parish Administrator
Natallia Chyhryna, Financial Secretary
Sam Robinson, AV Coordinator
Melissa Taylor, Preschool Director
Tyronn Wilkins, Building & Grounds
Whitney Reid, Director of Children & Family Ministries
Judy Kronimus, Nursery Director
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