Friday Newsletter

October 18, 2024

This Sunday

8-9:30 am: Stewardship Pancake Breakfast

10 am: Worship Service & Sunday School

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

11:30 am: Presbyterian Beliefs Class

3:30 pm: Salem Youth Collective Pumpkin Patch

Stewardship Campaign Kickoff!

This Sunday marks the beginning of this year's stewardship campaign. This is an opportunity for us to pledge our financial support to the church for this upcoming year, and also a time to consider supporting the church with our time and talents. By filling out and returning our pledge packets, it helps the church leadership create a plan and be more proactive with how they use their resources. These are the resources that allow us to support our congregation, engage in our community, and contribute to valuable partners that can help make a difference. This is why our theme this year is Building Community Together. 

Here is what you need to know:

  • Swedish Pancake Breakfast: 8-9:30, join us before service begins to kick off this year's pledge campaign!
  • Pick up your pledge packet - after service the Stewardship team will be facilitating the handing out of pledge packets. This will happen in the Narthex after service. Look for Zach Hatefi, John Bard, Karen Huntzinger, or Jim Nishimura.
  • The pledge campaign runs until November 10. Please follow the instructions in the pledge packet to complete your pledge either on paper or online by November 10. 

Looking Ahead

September 22-October 27 @ 11:30 am: Presbyterian Beliefs Class

October 19 @ 2 pm: Pauline Mather's Memorial Service (stream online here)

October 20: Pancake Breakfast & Stewardship Kick-Off

October 27 @ 5 pm: Trunk or Treat

November 2 @ 3 pm: Wes Peterson's Memorial Service

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email

From Your Session

The Westminster Session met on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 for their monthly stated meeting. Bill Foster and Michael Wood joined as guests. A pre-session was held at 5:30 to review monthly financials, financial review report and GEM report as well as a rough draft of the 2025 Budget. The elder training and discussion was led by Maggie Sather on Chapter 4 of the book, Being a Church in a Liminal Time. The elders passed a motion to approve updates to the preliminary 2025 budget and tentative pastor’s terms of call. They also voted to receive the 2023 Financial Review and the 2024 GEM report all prepared by the Budget & Finance committee.

From a called session meeting on October 2, 2024, the session approved a half-time position to coordinate activity through 5th grade consistent with the adopted Next Gen model, to be filled by Vik Schaaf for up to 12 months in a program development capacity. They also approved an Oversight/Steering Committee for middle and high school ministries to work with the Youth Director in ensuring appropriate accountability in activities and in program planning and volunteer staffing.

--Sandy McLean, Clerk


Advent Craft

We are looking for six people to each lead a craft for the Advent Craft Event on a Sunday afternoon at the beginning of Advent. This is a fun, all-church event to begin the Advent Season! We can assign a craft to you or you can create one of your own. We will also need help with set up and clean up and snacks. If this is something you'd like to be involved in, please contact Vik as soon as possible (!

Meal Train

LeAnn Goodenberger has started chemo treatments at OHSU and will be having a treatment every three weeks. Her first was October 9. If you would like to help out by providing a meal for Mike and LeAnn please join the meal train here.

All Saints' Day

We are approaching All Saints Day – November 3, 2024. During the worship service, we will honor the members & friends who died throughout the year. If you would like a loved one included, please submit their names to the church office by Wednesday, Oct 30 @ noon. 

Discussion Group

You are invited to join a three-week discussion series entitled "Digging Deeper: A Discussion on the Teaching of Jesus of Nazareth in Three Parables", led by Karen Freed and Ann Montague. The series will take place on Sunday mornings, 9:00 am-9:45 am, November 3, 10, and 17 as follows:

  • November 3: The parable of the Mustard Seed ( Mark 4:30-32)
  • November 10: The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
  • November 17: The parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46)

The purpose of the discussions is to create a time when we can discuss the teachings of Jesus in a safe, inclusive, and interactive space. “We gather together to discern the mind of Christ and the will of God and to commit ourselves to living these values in the world” (Bruce Reyes-Chow, Everything Good About God is True, p. 43).

Bowling Party

Everyone's invited to go bowling together on Saturday, November 16, at 1 pm at AMF Firebird Lanes. You can sign up on the form in Boulder Hall or contact Michele (408-402-2396) to RSVP by Nov 9.

Westminsterites in the World

George Genevro, one of our own centenarians, was featured in this article this week:


The deacons have a new, new email where they can take prayer requests:


To all of the volunteers who helped make our 35th Festival of Fine Art a success! It took all of you (75+) to make our Show happen. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you, thank you! You are the greatest!

--The Art Festival Committee


for the White family at the passing of Doug this week.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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