From the Office
Student Hours: 8:15-4:10
Office is Open 8:05 to 4:20
PLEASE label all student belongings including:
coats, hats, gloves, mittens, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc.
Any visitors are REQUIRED to present a valid ID to enter the building. Please sign out when you leave.
Drop off/Pick Up
Drop Off Time: 8:05 to 8:20 am
- Buses will drop off at 8:10 am
- There will not be supervision outside until 8:05 am, so please do not drop students off before that time. Student doors will open at 8:05.
For safety purposes, all students will enter through the left front door of the school, and not through back classroom doors.
Any visitors may enter through the right front door and check-in at the security window. ID is required to enter the building.
- Visitors please check out when you leave.
Pick Up Time: 4:05/4:10 pm
- All students who do not ride the bus, will be released at 4:05.
- Kindergartners and 1st graders may be picked up on the south side of the building, 2nd-6th grade may be picked up in the pick up loop at the front of the building. Families can either enter enter the "Kiss and Go" lane OR park their car and walk to get their child.
- Bus Riders will be released at 4:10.