It's time to plant your fall garden!

Ask a Master Gardener!

September 7, 10a~2p

SMC/SF Master Gardeners will be at Pacifica Gardens to share information about gardening, composting, pest control, tree planting and more. This is a great opportunity to find out about the Master Gardener program!

Fall Plant Sales

Saturday September 7


Saturday September 14


830 Rosita Road, Pacifica

We accept cash, local check and Venmo

Veggie Starts

$4 ea. or 3 for $10

Fall Veggie Starts

We'll have your favorite coastal cool weather veggie starts. Now is the time to plant your fall edible garden for healthy home grown veggies all winter long.

Fall Veggie Start Plant List


beets, red

beets, golden

broccoli, di Ciccio

broccoli, Chinese

cabbage, green

cabbage, red


collard greens

kale, curly

kale, Lacinato

kale, Siberian

lettuce, gourmet mix

lettuce, canasta

lettuce, romaine

mustard greens


Native Plants

1 gal $14 ea. or 3 for $40

Local California Natives

Douglas iris is one of our most iconic native wildflowers. It ranges from purple to almost white. We'll have them three to a gallon pot for $14.

Fall is the perfect time to plant natives!

Native Plant List

Douglas Iris

Red Osier Dogwood

Wax Myrtle


Arroyo Willow

Coyote Brush

Beach Sagewort

California Aster

Bee Plant

Coast Buckwheat

Coastal Gumplant

Hedge Nettle

Hooker's Evening Primrose

Lizard Tail

Sticky Monkeyflower

Seep Monkeyflower

Beach Strawberry


Yellow-Eyed Grass

Purple Needlegrass

Pacifica Stonecrop

And We'll Have Jam!

$10 a jar

Orange Rosemary

Lemon Marmalade

Lemon Ginger

Feijoa (Pineapple Guava)


Made from our own fruit, by Small Batch Jam Co.

Thank you Pablo!

We accept cash, local checks and Venmo!

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse!

Please bring your own boxes or flats to carry your new plants home in!
Thank you!
Your support of our plant sales allows us to fund our education and food donation programs.

Pacifica Gardens is 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Tax ID# 47-1423254
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