There is less than a month until Election Day and Washington residents will soon start casting mail-in ballots. Learn more about the upcoming insurance commissioner race and hear where both the candidates stand on important health care issues.

Sen. Patty Kuderer

Candidate Patty Kuderer, D- Bellevue, currently serves as a state senator for Washington's 48th district.

Sen. Phil Fortunato

Candidate Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, currently serves as a state senator for Washington's 31st district.

Hear from the candidates

The Alliance does not endorse candidates. We are sharing these interviews to offer Alliance members and the community insight ahead of the November election.

Voting Is Critical To The Pursuit Of Health Equity

As we head into the 2024 election, attention has fallen once again on the importance of voting as it relates to health care. But can voting directly impact health?

A recent article in Health Affairs Forefront looks at how access to the voting impacts health. Acknowledging the complex relationships at play, the authors wrote: "... Recent empirical research has found a strong correlation between voting and health."

Read the full article.

State of Diabetes 2024: Diabetes & Obesity in the Workplace 

Register now for an insightful look into the 2024 state of diabetes in the Puget Sound for employers and employees hosted by the American Diabetes Association.

Alliance Executive Director Drew Oliveira, MD, MHA, will host a panel with speakers from Microsoft and EvergreenHealth discussing diabetes and obesity in the workplace.

Register for the event now.

Get Involved in 2025

The Washington Health Alliance invites you to partner with us for our 2025 educational forum, "Balancing the Value Equation in Healthcare."

Join health care leaders in Seattle on April 9th for actionable insights on pressing health care issues. Together, we can drive market change to improve the health of all Washingtonians.

The Alliance is considering panels and keynotes touching on these topics and others:

• Value-based contracting (primary care, surgical, disease management)

• Outcomes-driven disease management programs

• Hospital fair pricing

• AI’s impact on employee benefits and health care

• Gap closure in disparate populations

• Pharmacy benefits  (fiduciary responsibilities – risk management; high-cost claims)

 Mental health (outcomes-based measurement; substance use disorder; going upstream to improve access)

Learn more about sponsorship opportunities for next year.

Our members and supporters can be the best ambassadors for our work. If you know someone who would like to learn more about membership in the Alliance, contact Denise Giambalvo, Director of Member Engagement & Business Strategy, at

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