ASA's Student Flight Records for Instrument and Commercial Airplane, and Private, Instrument, and Commercial Helicopter have been updated to comply with new ACS effective May 31, 2024. Student flight records make a CFI's job easier by providing a clear outline and platform for detailed record keeping.
The Instrument Rating and Commercial Pilot Student Flight Record (SFR-IC7) complies with Airman Certification Standards (ACS) for Commercial Pilot Airplane (ACS-7B) and Instrument Rating Airplane (ACS-8C). The Helicopter Student Flight Record (SFR-H4) has been updated to comply with the Private Pilot (ACS-15), Instrument Rating (ACS-14), and Commercial Pilot (ACS-16) Airman Certification Standards.
The Private Pilot Airplane (SFR-P6) remains current with the Private Pilot Airplane (ACS-6C) that goes into effect May 31, 2024.
Each folder serves as a permanent training record for the student and satisfies both Part 61 and 141 requirements—including ground lessons, written exams, flight maneuvers, and flight checks. New four-color design makes it easy to record accomplishments for each lesson, student performance, flight hours, stage checks, ground school completion dates, instructor notes, endorsements, and more.
9.5 x 11.75 inches (folded), 9.5 x 35.75 inches (expanded), color. Returns of unused, unsold copies of SFR-IC6 and SFR-H3 will be accepted only from distributors through July 31.