May 16, 2024

New Student Flight Records

ASA's Student Flight Records for Instrument and Commercial Airplane, and Private, Instrument, and Commercial Helicopter have been updated to comply with new ACS effective May 31, 2024. Student flight records make a CFI's job easier by providing a clear outline and platform for detailed record keeping.

The Instrument Rating and Commercial Pilot Student Flight Record (SFR-IC7) complies with Airman Certification Standards (ACS) for Commercial Pilot Airplane (ACS-7B) and Instrument Rating Airplane (ACS-8C). The Helicopter Student Flight Record (SFR-H4) has been updated to comply with the Private Pilot (ACS-15), Instrument Rating (ACS-14), and Commercial Pilot (ACS-16) Airman Certification Standards.

The Private Pilot Airplane (SFR-P6) remains current with the Private Pilot Airplane (ACS-6C) that goes into effect May 31, 2024.

Each folder serves as a permanent training record for the student and satisfies both Part 61 and 141 requirements—including ground lessons, written exams, flight maneuvers, and flight checks. New four-color design makes it easy to record accomplishments for each lesson, student performance, flight hours, stage checks, ground school completion dates, instructor notes, endorsements, and more.

9.5 x 11.75 inches (folded), 9.5 x 35.75 inches (expanded), color. Returns of unused, unsold copies of SFR-IC6 and SFR-H3 will be accepted only from distributors through July 31.

Instrument and Commercial

Airplane (SFR-IC7)

Private, Instrument, Commercial Helicopter (SFR-H4)

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Product Information
Suggested List Price

Student Flight Record: Airplane INST/COMM 4-Color


UPC 850017481350


Student Flight Record: Helicopter PVT/INST/COMM 4-Color


UPC 850017481343


Also available in this series

Student Flight Record: Private Airplane



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Header Image: 1942 Grumman Widgeon owned by Jim Moriarty, photo by Burke Mees, author of

Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying.