The Witness
Volume 42, Issue 32
August 14, 2024
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Back to School Prayer
Please share this prayer (or some variation of it) with your kiddos as they return to school. (Note: you can find other back-to-school prayers for parents, school staff, and college students at the link below.)
Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me today as I go to school. Bless my going and my coming. Bless my learning and my playing. Please protect my heart from fear. Please keep me safe. Please give me good friends. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. In your name. Amen.
-- W. David O. Taylor
Reprinted from
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Budget Committee
The Budget Committee will meet tomorrow, August 15th at 6:00 PM in the small dining room. If you submitted a budget request form, you are welcome to attend.
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This Sunday @ VBC
This Sunday, August 18th Travis will continue his sermon series on the apostles with a new message: "Apostles Share," based in Acts 4:32-37. If you cannot join us in person, livestream is available through our app (search Vinton Baptist Church VA through your app store), at, and through our Facebook page.
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Preteens Kickoff
Our Preteens (3rd - 5th graders) are gearing up for another year of fellowship and activities. On Sunday, August 25th they will have their Preteen Pool Party at the Greenway home from 2:00 until 4:00 PM. Please bring bathing suits and towels. Parents are welcome. See Jessie Burgess with any questions.
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JOY Seniors Schedule
Mark your calendar and sign up for our August 27th JOY Senior Luncheon. Lunch will come from Bellacino's and will include an individual 8" pizza (cheese or pepperoni), salad (various dressings), cookie, and water. The cost is $12. The program is on fall prevention. Did you know that 1 out of 4 older adults falls annually, resulting in about 3 million ER visits per year? Our speaker will present on Bingocize and a Matter of Balance. Both have proven to help reduce falls in those who participate.
Sight & Sound (Daniel), guided tour of Philadelphia, Independence National Park, city tour of Baltimore, National Aquarium, Baltimore Harbor lunch cruise, all meals except lunch on day of departure and day of return . . . these are a few of the events that you will enjoy on the JOY Senior trip September 24th - 26th. See the sign-up table for details on cost, etc. The deadline for sign-up and payment is Tuesday, August 20th.
We will ride the Alleghany Special on the Virginia Scenic Railroad as it ventures westward from historic Staunton through the beautiful farmland of the Shenandoah Valley on Saturday, November 2nd. We will enjoy a catered lunch on the way through the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests. The cost of this trip is $130/person. The deadline to sign up and pay is Sunday, September 1st. See more details about this 3-hour train ride at the JOY Senior table.
Plan to join us for a lunch/theater trip to Wohlfahrt Haus for the viewing of "Christmas in the Park" on Saturday, November 9th. The cost of this trip is $70/person and includes dinner, the play, and a tip. The deadline to sign up and pay is Sunday, October 6th. When signing up, please indicate whether you are riding the bus or driving.
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Wednesday, September 11th
All regular Wednesday night activities resume September 11th with Children's Choirs and Youth Missions Group at 6:15 PM, Weeknight Worship at 6:30 PM, and Chancel Choir at 7:30 PM.
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Thursday Morning Small Group Meetings
Travis' Thursday morning small group will resume regular weekly meetings at 10:00 AM September 12th and run through November 21st before take a break for the holidays. All adults are welcome to join us for engaging conversations. No topic is off limits!
September 15th
Please plan to join us for some special events Sunday, September 15th! We will start off the afternoon with a church-wide Ice Cream Social at 4:15 PM! At 5:00 PM, we'll have our quarterly Ministry Matters meeting for the adults and Art from the Heart/Mission Kids for the kiddos (Kindergarten - 5th grade). At 6:00 PM, parents are invited to join their middle and high school students for our Youth Kickoff. It's going to be a great day!
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Sunday, September 29th: Adult Choir Concert
We will be joining with Melrose Baptist for a combined concert of choral favorites on September 29th at 6:30 PM. The program contains some favorite selections of the conductors: “Wonderful Grace of Jesus,” “LightShine,” “When I Survey,” “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name," “Mary Did You Know,” “Down to the River to Pray,” “Amazing Love,” Because He Lives,” “Jesus Paid it All,” “At the Name of Jesus,” and “We Will Be Your Church.” Mark the date on your calendar or, better yet, come sing with us. There will be 2 rehearsals dedicated to the program: 1) Thursday evening, September 26th at 7:00 PM and 2) Sunday, September 29th at 4:00 PM.
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Upcoming Youth Choir Fundraisers
Please mark your calendars for the following lunch fundraisers for the 2024-25 Youth Choir Mission Tour:
- September 8th - hamburgers, baked beans, & macaroni salad
- October 6th - salad bar and potato bar with all the fixings
- November 3rd - chili and potato soup with crackers
The cost of each meal is $10/person, and we will begin serving immediately following morning worship. Plan to join us for food and fellowship in the gym; takeout will not be offered. A signup sheet is now available at the Welcome Center and in the church office for the September 8th event. Thanks in advance for supporting our Youth Choir!
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Kathi Pennington
The Glebe - Chaplick Center
250 Ellison Circle West MC #125
Daleville VA 24083
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Christian sympathy is extended to Paul & Crystal Lineburg and family in the death of his mother, Margaret Joann Lineburg, on August 11th.
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Sunday, August 11, 2024
Sunday School: 211
10:30 AM Worship
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Thank you to the Open Door Sunday School class for their donation to the Food Pantry. | |
Wednesday Night Volunteers Needed
Children's Choirs have been a vital part of VBC's music ministry for more than 80 years. Our program will resume on September 11th, and we need some helpers. We meet on Wednesday evenings 6:15-7:15 PM. You do not have to know music to assist with the choirs. Some of the duties are checking the children in, crowd control, craft projects, setting up snacks, encouraging the children to participate, playing games, cleaning up and keeping the evening moving along. We ask volunteers to be here at 6:00 PM and plan to stay until 7:30 PM. Please reach out to Chris Monroe if interested.
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Bible Reading Plan
We've talked at length about the book of Acts over the past two weeks. Today I want to refer you to two videos from bibleproject that give an account of the main events and themes. The first video, which can be watched by clicking here, takes us through Acts 12. The second video (click here) covers the remainder of the book. Each video is about 8 minutes; together they provide a concise summary of our current reading. Just keep reading, and we'll be done with Acts in about another week. Then we'll be on to Romans!
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Pandemonium Steel Drum Band
There is an opening in our steel drum band this fall. We will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 until 6:45 PM. If you are a music reader and have a bit of rhythm, we need you. Consider being a part of Vinton’s very first steel drum band!
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Blessing Box Donations
The following are currently needed for the Blessing Box: Vienna sausage, oatmeal/grits, Pop Tarts, corn bread mix, and boxes of saltine crackers. If you can help, please place your donations in the Blessing Box bin at the Missions Tables. Thanks!
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Pink Warrior Breast Cancer Walk
The Town of Vinton is hosting their inaugural Pink Warrior Breast Cancer Walk September 7th at the Vinton Farmer's Market beginning at 5:30 PM. You can register as an individual or as a team. You must register by August 24th to be guaranteed a shirt. All proceeds benefit the Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation. There will be an after party featuring food trucks, a kids' zone, and live music. Click here to sign up.
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Support the Roanoke Rescue Mission
We are collecting shampoo and body wash for the Roanoke Rescue Mission. Please drop off your donations in the marked bin at the Missions Tables by next Wednesday, August 21st. Thank you!
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Thank you to all my friends at Vinton Baptist Church for the many cards you have sent me. I so enjoy receiving them.
-- Lillie Johnston
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