Rhode Island Family Institute Has Partnered With

“Christians Engaged”

Christian’s Engaged exists to motivate Christians to get out to PRAY, VOTE and ENGAGE in electing godly leaders. Sadly, a large percentage of Christians neglect to even vote come election day. That must change if we are going to preserve parental rights and religious freedom in America!

It’s critical for us to be salt and light, and engage in such a way as to make an impact on our culture that has pushed God aside. PRAYER and VOTING has changed that in the past and it can do it again if we will do our part!

Join with thousands of believers and take the Christians Engaged Pledge and start building a habit of voting in every election. They want to be your civic-engagement ministry partner, and help you to be informed on the hot topics of our day from a biblical perspective.

Christians Engaged NEVER endorses candidates or political parties.

You can take the pledge by visiting their website

OR using the QR Code Website: SIGN UP TODAY!

RIFI is a 501c3 non profit organization.

Please consider contributing today to help us continue our crucial work defending family values here in Rhode Island.

Your generous donation supports our vital mission to strengthen faith, family and freedom.

Mobile: 401-285-0304