Volume 11 Issue 34 | August 29 2024 | |
Dear Ones,
This week, we launched our new church website. Hallelujah!
Please join me in giving thanks to the powers of perseverance and love embodied in our incredible website team, namely board member Emily Bijnagte, communications assistant Rachel Rott and our developer team at the local, BIPOC-run company, Software for Good. Each has given their incredible talents and far more time than anticipated to bring this site to life.
After a survey and data analysis process last fall to which Emily brought the full power of her 20 years of wisdom as a web User Experience Professional, our team set out with these key goals for our new site:
Create a centralized calendar where all our church happenings for all ages are easily accessible.
Streamline content (there were over 300 “dead end” pages on the old site) and foster transparency (eg., staff bios with highlighted key work areas so you know who to ask about what!)
- Update the visual layout for ease and to allow newcomers to glimpse the heart of this church online.
We have come a long way! And as the staff person directing this process, I can tell you that this site is still and always will be evolving. Unlike the sign of a local church in my neighborhood where the service times are literally carved in stone, websites are by nature dynamic and iterative. Just like our UU “living tradition” in which revelation is always unfolding. They are meant to change. Constantly.
So spend some time browsing this weekend (when we are on Sabbath, taking a pause from worship together at church). You might catch up on a service you missed in our “watch” section. Or eagerly anticipate fall programs that will be listed soon on our calendar, now also organized by age group and teams. Or get your kids or grandkids signed up for Religious Education.
Enjoy!! And let us know your experience so we can keep this site growing together.
In gratitude and joy,
Rev. Ashley Harness
P.S. Reminder that we are taking a collective sabbath this week, and we will not have worship this Sunday, Sept. 1. Read more below in the Worship section for what's coming up!
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As we prepare to launch Religious Education this Fall, we still need approximately 15 more people who can volunteer on a team in a classroom once or twice a month. If you are interested in volunteering your time and energy in support of our young folks this year - directly or indirectly, in any of the above ways - please reach out to Allison via email at allison@firstuniv.org or by phone or text at 612-405-5643. You will make her day!
If you'd like to read more about the ways you can volunteer with our RE programs, visit our Families page and click the Volunteer dropdown menu.
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Our New Website!
Sunday Worship
This Sunday, Sept. 1
Last Sunday's Recordings
Cycle of Life
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Programs Calendar
Community Dinner
Young Adults
Mutual Aid Sunday School
80+ Spirituality Circle
Daytime Connections
Improv for Elders
Pastoral & Community Care
Grief Group
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Faithful Action
Election News
No Worship Sept 1
Staff Sabbath
Stewardship Message
Community Events & Affiliated Orgs:
Bus Tour, AUW, 12-Step Spirituality
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Some email programs truncate long emails; watch for "message clipped; view entire message" or similar at the bottom of this email if you don't see all contents listed. | |
Collective Sabbath
NO WORSHIP on Sunday, Sept. 1
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Sunday, September 1: As a collective sabbath and an honoring of the need to rest and breathe before we begin a new turning of the church year, there will be no worship on Labor Day weekend. Staff will also be on a collective sabbath from Monday, August 26, through Sunday, September 1. They will be working, but will not be holding meetings and may respond more slowly to messages. | |
Water Communion: Sept. 8 at 10 a.m. | |
Join us on Sunday, Sept. 8 for our annual Water Communion worship service at 10 a.m..
First Universalist community, dear ones, all,
I hope you’ve already marked your calendars for our Worship Year Kickoff on Sunday, September 8 at 10 a.m. We’ll gather as one community for a special service featuring our beloved Water Communion. Please note the correct time is 10 a.m. for this service. We mentioned a different time during last Sunday’s service. We’re sorry about the miss there.
In the coming weeks, I’ll share details about our worship and arts ministries and on the near horizon, right here, on our website, and just about everywhere we can!
Worship Associates Program
Applications will soon open for those who feel called to help shape the spirit and flow of our worship services. This is a meaningful way to deepen your connection and contribute to our community’s shared experience.
Choir Sign-Up:
Whether you’ve sung with us before or are thinking about joining for the first time, now is the perfect time to add your voice to our choir. Details on how to get involved will be available shortly—join us in making our worship even more vibrant.
Year’s Themes & New Programming:
We’ll be announcing this year’s worship themes. rituals, and programs, which reflect the voices and insights gathered from across our community over the last year. And look forward to exciting growth in our Sunday morning experience for the whole community, in collaboration with our Children, Youth, and Families ministries.
I’m excited to start this new chapter with all of you. Together, we’ll continue to grow and strengthen the bonds that build beloved community. Can’t wait to share more of what’s in store.
With gratitude, in peace,
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout
Director of Worship Arts Ministries
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Sunday, August 25: Summer Camp Sunday & Backpack Blessing
Last week's worship on YouTube
- Recent podcasts will be available in a week
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Click thumbnail for a YouTube recording of last week's worship | |
Our thoughts are with Jeff Snyder and his whole extended family on the death of Jeff's mom, Shirley Snyder. Shirley slipped away peacefully in her sleep on August 23, 2024 weeks shy of her 100th birthday and she leaves a legacy of curiousity, kindness, humor and joy. May they take comfort in the words of our minister emeritus, the Rev. John Cummins, "There is but one place where time and death have no dominion: that place is love."
We send care and wishes for an easy move as Zoe Beck relocates to CT to be closer to her family. She will be missed.
The Caring Corner in the library has cards for those who want to send well wishes to people suffering or celebrating. Stop by the library to share a message of love and care.
If you are experiencing a crisis or transition, celebrating a joy or marking a sorrow, please let us know. To be included in our Cycle of Life on Sunday in worship, or if you would like support, contact Rev. Arif Mamdani at arif@firstuniv.org or 612-825-1701.
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Monthly Community Dinners Resume!
Wednesday, Sept. 11; Dinner 6-6:45; Breakout Groups 7-8:15 p.m. RSVP REQUESTED
Community dinners for the 2024-2025 church year will happen every second Wednesday, beginning Wednesday, September 11. Please note the change from the originally-scheduled September 18. Dinner will take place from 6-7 p.m., and from 7-8:15 we will offer adult programming, childcare (for kids in 5th grade and younger), and Junior High Youth Group (for youth in grades 7-9). There will be no family pre-parties this coming program year.
Swing by church for a delicious home-cooked meal at 6 p.m. in the Social Hall. After dinner, choose a drop-in breakout group to connect with others and learn about opportunities to get involved at church this season. All are welcome and there is no charge. Menu available on our website, a week in advance. We always offer vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, nut free and kid-friendly options. All church events are alcohol-free.
Breakouts planned so far:
- Senior High Youth Group (grades 10-12)
- Junior High Youth Group (grades 7-9)
- Older kids games (grades 4-6)
- Childcare (6 mos- 3rd grade)
- UU The Vote
- A Place to Start
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Young Adults are folks in their 20s and 30s in varying social/cultural life stages. We are in school, job-searching, and working, single, married, partnered and dating, with kids and without, newly moved to the area and longtime residents. We gather about twice a month at church and in the community for structured and unstructured conversation, spiritual practice, and activities.
Let us know you're interested!
Second Sundays Lunch at Gigi’s Cafe
Sept. 8; Right after worship, about 11:15 a.m.
RSVP Requested
Gather in the Social Hall after worship to travel to nearby Gigi's Cafe for casual conversation and building friendships over lunch. If cost is a barrier, please do reach out to Rev. Ashley for resources!
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Final Session: Sept. 8 - All are welcome!
11:15 a.m.- 12:45 p.m. In person at church in room 209, on zoom as needed
Folks are welcome to drop in to these meetings, though registration is recommended to ensure for communication about meeting updates and changes.
Are you curious about mutual aid and community care? Want to learn together with members of First U as we practice new ways of living together? Join us for First U Mutual Aid Sunday School this summer, a program for adults who want to learn together about the history of mutual aid and community care and how we can build these practices into our daily lives. This study group may include readings, videos, podcasts and other sources and in true mutual learning form we'll build our curriculum together as we learn!
Facilitated by Rebecca Donley.
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2nd Tuesdays, monthly through May, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in person at church
Registration Required
Join us once a month in this closed group for those who are age 80 and up as we explore and deepen our spirituality in this phase of life. Each group will include time for spiritual practice, sharing what is moving in our lives, and exploration of a topic and reflection time. Together, we’ll explore topics chosen by group members. This is an ongoing group with a few openings for new members.
Facilitated by Rev. Jen and Rev. Ashley
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Sept 19: Reconnecting with conversations and lunch
9:45 a.m. coffee, 10-noon program, Noon lunch, in person and on Zoom
Register here
Have you been waiting for a good opportunity to renew old friendships and maybe start some new ones? Join us as we kick off our “third Thursdays” with a program that’s designed for both purposeful sharing and simple catching up. We’ll also give you a peek ahead at some of the dynamic presenters and interesting topics we are lining up for our October through May programs. Sign-in and coffee at 9:45 a.m. We strongly urge you to register in advance at least by the preceding Monday to let us know if you will be attending in person or virtually.
Registration Requested by the Monday prior for lunch planning purposes—attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch as well. The provided lunch will be a shared cost amongst attendees.
Organized and hosted by the Daytime Connections Planning Team
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Improv for Elders
Fridays, September 20, 27, October 4, 11, 25, and possibly beyond, 10 a.m. to noon, in person at church in Room 209
Registration Required
As we age, opportunities for play are not as plentiful as they used to be. This gathering is a time to imagine, to laugh, and to learn the basics of improvisation.
Facilitated by Meg Riley
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Weekly Practice: 8:45-10:15 a.m. online and in-person
You are invited to meditate with our lay-led practice group. None of us are experts. Our practices come out of our own experiences, and we share inspiration from many sources including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, Tara Brach, Tai Chi, Loving Kindness, poetry and more. We don't follow one method or another, but we do share what we learn with each other. After meditation we practice deep listening to hear from each person, if they choose. No registration required. Email Sara McMullen for Zoom details.
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Pastoral & Community Care | |
1st and 3rd Sundays, 4-5:30 p.m. on zoom
A gathering for those who are grappling with the web of feelings associated with loss. A group of souls who share, listen and care. A community interested in exploring new life invitations. Come as you are, when you feel moved to attend on any or all dates. We will be here for you. Over the summer, facilitation is shared amongst group members.
Contact group member Kathie Simon Frank (kathie@umn.edu) for the zoom link and to be added to the contact list.
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2024 Election News
Countdown – 67 days
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“So, we cannot afford for anyone, anyone, anyone in America to sit on their hands and wait to be called. Don’t complain if no one from the campaign has specifically reached out to you to ask you for your support. There is simply no time for that kind of foolishness. You know what you need to do. So, consider this to be your official ask. Michelle Obama is asking you — no, I’m telling y’all — do something!“ – Michelle Obama, speech at the Democratic National Convention, August 20, 2024.
Consider joining our effort at UU the Vote Minnesota as we send postcards and make phone calls to 15,000 apartment residents in our state. 18-34 year-olds are a critical demographic in this election and many just need to be encouraged to register and vote. How to support the effort:
Help us mail 15,000 postcards by September 17 (our target date) by contributing to the cost of postage. Postcards are $.57 a card, so we have been working to raise the nearly $7000 needed to mail. Select Give to UU The Vote here.
Join us for a Breakout Session at the Sept. 11 Community Dinner.
- Join us on Wednesdays during September and October as we collectively make calls – more on that next week.
- Plan to join the Zoom “Fair Enough” session with Steve Simons (MN Sec of State) on September 25 from 6:30 to 7:30. Look for details next week on the link and a pot-luck under the tent before the Zoom.
- If you took a packet of postcards, please return to the church no later than September 4. If you weren’t able to complete them, return anyway – we have people ready to write more. You don’t risk any recrimination!
Questions? Comments. Suggestions:
Peg Mitchell: Pegmitch16@gmail.com
Remember: We are 501(c) 3 and therefore are non-partisan. We avoid promoting any party or candidate.
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No Worship Sept. 1 & Staff on Sabbath | |
Staff will be on a Sabbath of sorts next week (Monday, August 26-Sunday, September 1). There will be no worship (in person or virtual) on Sunday, September 1. Staff will be working, but taking time for rest, reflection, and imagination for the ramping up of the church year. If you have messages that will require a response, you may wish to hold off on sending them until September 2, or offer patience and grace for slower response times. We hope that you may have the ability to create some space for yourself to rest and reflect during this time as well. | |
A Community of Communities | |
We think of our Church as our Beloved Community and work to make this incredibly special community as welcoming as possible.
What makes a community? Communities often form around central concepts and primary needs, as well as our personal interests, needs and abilities.
Consider thinking of the entire Unitarian Universalist Association as a Community of Communities called congregations, churches or many other names. Then consider thinking of First Universalist Church as a community composed of many smaller communities. For example, our Welcoming Team is a community, Environmental Justice Team is a community and the Board is a community. Young Adults, Daytime Connections, AUW, Habitat for Humanity, Memorial Service Team, Choir, RE teachers, Worship Associates and Meditation Group are all communities. Plus committees, such as Arts, Facilities, Stewardship and Finance are all communities. We make friends when we share events, projects, music and activities together.
What happens to our concept of our church when we think of it as a Community of Communities? What happens when we think of ourselves as belonging to one or more smaller communities within the greater whole of the First Universalist community? We each belong to our special smaller communities and to our larger Beloved Community as a whole at First U.
For a visitor of just a few weeks, this may not be apparent. For a visitor, friend or new member this concept may come as an awareness of how comfortable we feel when we are with our special community.
As we begin our church year after the summer, consider your personal needs, interests and abilities, and think of which communities you would like to join to deepen your connections and build friendships.
Velma Wagner, a member of the Stewardship Committee
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Affiliated Organizations & Community Events | |
Revolutionary Love Bus Tour | |
Saturday, October 5, 7 p.m., Minneapolis
Plymouth Congregational Church, 1919 La Salle Ave, Minneapolis, MN
First U is proud to be a partner in the Minneapolis stop on the Revolutionary Love Bus Tour!
Get your free tickets.
This election season, when there is so much vitriol in the air, it becomes so easy to retreat into the small, hard parts of ourselves and react from there. But what if we were not reacting from our trauma, but from the seat of our deepest wisdom? What if we could align our words and actions with that wisdom? What if we showed up to play our role in history with love, above all?
We are gathering our people together. We are pulling out our musical instruments. We are sharing song and music and ancestral stories of wisdom, and we are equipping each other with the tools to practice a revolutionary kind of love.
| Association of Universalist Women | |
AUW sponsors activities for people who identify as women, non-binary and/or gender fluid.
Renew AUW Membership - all AUW memberships (except Wise Women status) ended on June 30, 2024. Benefits of AUW membership include reduced registration rate to annual AUW Retreat, free lunch at our events, free or reduced price at paid AUW events, inclusion of your name in the AUW Directory and the knowledge that your membership helps keep AUW the wonderful organization it has been for over a CENTURY!
Here is a link.
Let’s Gather, Let’s Go! Come to the AUW Kick-off!
September 13, 5:30pm - 8:30pm. (Program will begin at 6pm.)
Our kick-off will embody this year’s AUW theme: “Let’s Gather, Let’s Go!” We will share
a light dinner, introduce upcoming AUW events, and spend time getting to know each
other better.
It’s the perfect opportunity to renew your AUW connections. There will be no charge for
this event for members OR visitors, so be sure to bring friends who might be interested
in becoming part of our sisterhood.
Hiking Group: Meets most Saturdays at a park or trail head. For questions or to get on the hiking group mailing list, contact: Marie Sorensen, 612-419-3620,
mariefsor@aol.com, or Lynn Richardson 612-323-2776, Kalelynn19@gmail.com. Hat, sunglasses, and bug repellent recommended.
In the event of thunder, lightning, or pouring rain, assume there will be NO hike. If it is drizzling, you can show up with a raincoat and see who else is hardy. Dogs are not invited to join us for hikes.
If anyone wants to volunteer to lead a “Hike With Friends”, let Marie know. It just means showing up at the meeting place or canceling a hike for bad weather.
August 24, 2 pm. Wood Lake Nature Center. 6710 Lake Shore Drive, Richfield. Meet the door to the interpretive center building. Flat walk. Marie will NOT be there. We need a volunteer to lead.
August 31, 2pm. Eloise Butler Flower Garden. 1 Theodore Wirth Parkway. Park in the pay lot or park free down the hill at Wirth Lake Beach House. Slower nature walk with some hills depending on the route we take. Marie will lead.
Game Group – Meets at the church on the second Thursday of each month to play board games and socialize. You are welcome to bring snacks to share and a game you would enjoy teaching others. To receive email updates, contact Anne Frenchick. The next Game Group meeting is September 12. If no one responds to Anne that they are coming, the Game Night will be canceled early that day. Please let Anne know if you plan to attend.
Women Who Read: We read books written by women. We host an in-person and a virtual meeting on the fourth Monday of each month. The next meeting will be August 26. Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng. Request an email invitation to our next meeting and be added to our email list by sending your name and email address to Abbie Finger. The reading list for 2024-25 is posted on the AUW website here. Location of the in-person meeting is available to those on the mailing list. The Zoom version of the meeting convenes online at 7:00 pm; the zoom meeting link is here.
Give or Take a Book!
To share books we love and build more literary connections, we are going to start a new project. If interested please bring 1-2 books (no more!) to share with someone at the monthly book club. If interested, pick a book to take home. Any questions or ideas contact Nora Whiteman cell 612-250-1661.
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NOTE: This group will be meeting only on Zoom until October. We will return to meeting in person, with a Zoom option, in October.
These meetings are intended for people who are actively working any 12-step program. The program is focused on the 11th step and the practice of Centering Prayer Meditation.
Weekly on Zoom 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.
More details about this group can be found here.
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Church Office & Building Access
The church office is open on Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The door bells are not monitored outside of this time. Access to the building at times on other days can be arranged by contacting Jim Poulter, Building & Office Manager, at jim@firstuniv.org.
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Based on ongoing monitoring of COVID levels in Hennepin County, masking is welcome, but not required, inside the building—including the sanctuary. Learn more about our Covid and Community safety policies on our website. | |
Weekly Liberal Submissions
We encourage you to submit church news! To do so, email your content to Rachel Rott: rachel@firstuniv.org. Edits for length and/or content may occur. The deadline for submissions is noon on Wednesday the week of publication. Past issues and policies can be found on our website.
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Contact Us
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
3400 Dupont Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55408
For staff contact information, please visit our Ministers and Staff page.
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