Hello Community Food Bank Friends,
Phew - how is it already the middle of August?! The summer always flies by here in the Grand Valley with all our wonderful outdoors access and abundance of activities. Now kiddos are back in school and the heat seems to have broken, fall feels like it is in reach -- which in my opinion is the very best time of year.
We have been busy as always not only working hard to meet the summer hunger spike -- but also find new ways to tell our story and express the incredible impact our organization makes throughout this community!
Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers, donors, and team we achieved the following in July:
- Rescued 22,653 lbs of food from local grocery stores & restaurants.
- Distributed 36 TONS of nutritious food to our community.
- 1,927 food access service visits.
- 3,550 unique individuals nourished (5,872 duplicated individuals).
Great work team! I believe to my core that community is the solution to everything. Together we can band together for positive change and take care of one another. That is what we are all about here, community, it is right in the name.
On another note, we said goodbye to our amazing Volunteer Operations Manager, Katelynn this month. After 2 years on our team, Katelynn is heading back home to the East Coast to get married and travel to Japan and Vietnam for a couple of months before setting out on the next chapter in her bright career of public service. Many deep thanks and gratitude to Katelynn for all she did during her tenure with us -- we will miss her so much!!
Please bear with us as we work to fill Katelynn's shoes -- a few of our team members are taking on some additional hours and responsibilities, and we welcome Diana to our team as a part-time Program Assistant to help out on afternoons M-Th. Diana is a native Spanish speaker and experienced early childhood educator who is a teacher at the River Canyon Waldorf school as well. Welcome Diana!
Please be sure to read down below and check out all the amazing information we have to share...