Inside Student Government provides weekly summaries of all major board meetings within student government - the Judiciary, President's Cabinet, Business and Finance Committee (BFC), Lobby Corps, and the Senate/Board of Directors - as well as monthly summaries of University Student Union and Student Recreation & Wellness Board of Trustees (URECBOT) meetings.
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Hello Beach Family,
Happy week seven of the fall semester! Ahh, midterms are coming up or happening right now. You’re going to do your best no matter the outcomes! Make sure you take the time to care for yourself and get those breaks in. Check out some of these ASI events to make midterm season more exciting!
Financial Empowerment Conference: Learn how to become financially independent! Get the inside scoop on all things money. Swing by for some ASI swag and tips on how to navigate your way through adulthood!
Pups & Props: There's nothing better than hanging out with puppies. Learn more about the presidential election and how to decipher props on the ballots. This is a great way to destress while educating yourself about something new! Be ready to be an expert this election season!
ASI Night: Excited for a fun evening of volleyball? Hang out in the student section to cheer on our team against UC Irvine! ASI Night allows students to learn more about our organization while playing games, trying yummy snacks and taking part in cool extracurriculars. Don't miss out on this jam-packed event!
Good luck on midterms! This marks the halfway point of the fall semester. Let's keep pushing ourselves to our fullest potential. Go Beach!
Andre Achacon
ASI Vice President of Finance
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Biweekly on Mondays - 12:30 p.m.
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The Judiciary did not meet. An update for the next meeting will be provided soon.
To learn more about the Judiciary, click here.
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Mondays - 2:30 p.m.
The President's Cabinet met Sept. 30 to approve minutes and discuss new/unfinished business. There were no closing comments.
Action Items Summary:
- Cabinet Agenda, Meeting #4, Sept. 30 – PASSED
- Cabinet Minutes, Meeting #3, Sept. 16 – PASSED
To learn more about the President's Cabinet, click here.
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Tuesdays - 3:30 p.m.
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The Business & Finance Committee (BFC) met Oct. 1 to approve its minutes and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from The Board.
Action Items Summary:
Business and Finance Committee Agenda, Meeting #8, Oct. 1 – PASSED
Business and Finance Committee Minutes, Meeting #7, Sept. 24 – PASSED
Program Grant, Fine Arts Roundtable (FAR) - FAR Panel Fall 2024 – PASSED
Student Travel Fund Grant, Corbin Blanch, Society of Wetlands Scientists (SWS) 2024 Annual Meeting – PASSED
- Student Travel Fund Grant, Vinicius Dugue, 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSSA 2024)– PASSED
- Student Travel Fund Grant, Thomas Nguyen, Frontier in Education (FIE24) Conference – PASSED
Andre Achacon, ASI Vice President of Finance – Recapped the Fiscal Certification Training that had 530 attendees. Updated that alumni speakers for the Financial Empowerment Conference will be confirmed by the end of the week. Stated that they are working with ASI Communications on a campaign to advertise BFC funding that goes to students and organizations.
ASI Senate Representatives – Regarding the last Senate meeting, Orozco provided the following updates:
- They discussed SR #2025-02 Students Helping and Reaching Everyone (SHARE) and SR#2025-04 ASI Senate Policy Agenda.
- They approved SR #2025-03 ASI Board of Directors Urge the State Legislature to Overturn California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Veto on Assembly Bill 2586 (Opportunity For All).
- They received a CSULB Parking and Transportation report on programs, services and completed/upcoming initiatives.
CSULB Representatives – There was none.
Dr. Miles Nevin, ASI Executive Director – There was none.
To learn about the Business & Finance Committee, click here.
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Thursdays - 3:30 p.m.
Lobby Corps met Oct. 3 to approve minutes, discuss both new/unfinished business and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from Nieto and Thicksten.
Action Items Summary:
Lobby Corps Agenda, Meeting #5, Oct. 3 – PASSED
Lobby Corps Minutes, Meeting #4, Sept. 26 – PASSED
Nikki Majidi, ASI President – Reported on work completed, current projects, upcoming events/meetings and Ballot Bowl updates. Trained newly confirmed Chief Legislative Officer, Nicholas Nieto. Reminded that there are 34 days left in the Ballot Bowl. Met with department managers of Student Affairs to include the Ballot Bowl link/QR code in the Resident Assistant (RA) group chat. Announced that they have the opportunity to table in front of the Bookstore. Stated they are determining propositions for Pups & Props. Expected delivery of t-shirts this week and is working on a video with ASI Communications. Met with Reese and Lucia to outline the Federal Policy Agenda.
ASI Lobby Corps Representatives at-Large – Stated they are planning a blood drive.
ASI Senate Representatives – Announced they are partnering with EOP on a virtual workshop regarding civic engagement, bills on ballots and voting eligibility to take place Oct. 22 at 2 p.m.
CSULB Associate Vice President University Relations' Designee – Mentioned the Cal Matters Voter Guide and provided the link. Announced the following three events:
- Ballot Measures Forum: Hosted by Johnson, they stated that this event will be taking place Oct. 22.
- ASI Night: Said they will be tabling at this event Oct. 18.
- Ballots and Boba: Said this event is Oct. 29.
To learn more about the Lobby Corps, click here.
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First Friday of the Month - 1 p.m.
The URECBOT did not meet. An update for the next URECBOT meeting will be provided soon.
To learn more about the URECBOT, click here.
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Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m.
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The Senate met Oct. 2 to approve its agenda, discuss new business and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from Erian and Melendrez.
Action Items Summary:
Senate Agenda, Meeting #8, Oct. 2 – PASSED
Senate Minutes, Meeting #7, Sept. 25 – PASSED
Business and Finance Committee (BFC) Minutes, Meeting #6, Sept. 17 – PASSED
SR #2025-02 Students Helping and Reaching Everyone (SHARE) – PASSED
- Table SR #2025-04 ASI Senate Policy Agenda to Next Meeting – PASSED
- Election of ASI Senate Representative, Thicksten, to ASI Lobby Corps – PASSED
- Confirmation of ASI Chief Legislative Officer, Nicholas Nieto – PASSED
- Election of ASI Senator for the College of Health and Human Services, Will Roberts – PASSED
Nikki Majidi, ASI President – Reviewed work completed, current projects/initiatives and upcoming meetings.
Andre Achacon, ASI Vice President of Finance – Reviewed work completed, current projects/initiatives and upcoming meetings.
ASI College Senator Reports – Presented work completed, constituency outreach efforts, current projects/initiatives, student concerns/suggestions and fun facts about their respective community.
Dr. Matt Cabrera, CSULB President's Designee – There was none.
Odalys Zamora, ASI Associate Director, Government Affairs and Initiatives – Announced October is OUTober. Mentioned there is a LGBTQIA+ Ally Training on Oct. 7 at 11 a.m. Stated the Know Your Rights: Campus Protests on Oct. 7, 4 to 6 p.m.
Damian Zavala, CSULB Student Health Services – Recapped a variety of services and events that are occurring within the program:
- They are administering free flu shots all semester long.
- Obtain over the counter medication with their Online Pharmacy.
- Learn about CAPS programs and services with Lunch and Learn.
- Help is available 24/7 with the Beach Crisis Text Line.
- Recapped their CARES team service.
- Announced their Riding the Wave of Wellness Health Fair at Speaker's Platform on Oct. 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- They stated they are hosting an event for World Mental Health Day in the ASI Beach Kitchen on Oct. 10 from 12 to 2 p.m.
- Regarding Mental Health Support Simulations, they mentioned there will be a virtual training for CSULB staf/faculty coming soon.
- Stated that Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has services as well as drop-in community spaces.
CSULB Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE) – Explained that their institute is central hub for innovators and entrepreneurs in Long Beach. Stated that their goal is to expand the IIE's reach on campus to help students in their preparation for their careers and polish their strategic innovation skills. Requested input as their events are based on student interest and what they find valuable.
To learn more about the Senate, click here.
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