This Week At Good Shepherd
Serving this Sunday
8:00 a.m.
Altar Guild Lalor Smith and Jeanette Belfield;
Celebrant The Rev. Bill Bennett;
Eucharistic Minister Lalor Smith;
Flower Guild Kathy Tobias and Jenny Williams;
Reader Catie Roche
10:30 a.m.
Acolytes Ann Price Harris and Julianne Wilson;
Altar Guild Betty Norman;
Audiovideo Engineer Ron Sowers;
Eucharistic Minister Will Pully;
Flower Guild Kathy Tobias and Jenny Williams;
Greeter Jim Mullen;
Intercessor Brandon Higson;
Musicians The Good Shepherd Choir;
Lawrence Goering, organist;
Presider The Rev. Bill Bennett;
Readers Emily Bondy and Marzena Laszewski;
Vestry Counters Gayle Edwards and Britt Myers
Children's Church this Sunday! Children are invited to follow the cross after the Collect and return during the peace. A lesson and activity will help our children grow in faith and grace. Please contact Brenning Daughtridge if you are interested in volunteering to help teach this important ministry for our children.
Nursery is available during the service for the very little ones. Please see an usher for information.
After the 10:30 service, join us for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall lobby and enjoy a donut and some good fellowship.