real. life. together.

We are so glad that you chose to come to one of our services today. You could have been a lot of other places, but you chose to be with us, and for that we are truly grateful. If you are new here, and you have not already stopped by our welcome center on the way in, we would love for you to stop by. We have a gift for you and hopefully can answer any questions you might have about our church. We want you to know that we really hope you feel at home today at Grove City Alliance. We hope that you will be challenged and encouraged by the message and music. Again, thank you for joining us!

Bulletin & eNews

Have our weekly Bulletin emailed to you and receive eNews event reminders by joining our mailing list HERE.

Text Announcements

Text "GCALLIANCE" to 797979 to sign up for important GCAC announcements over text.

Church App

Use the steps below as a guide to download the Church Center App!

1. Find the "Church Center App" on your device's app store or click HERE.

2. Select Get Started

3. Allow the app to use your location.

4. Select Grove City Alliance Church

5. Follow the prompts to sign in!

Contact Info


Follow Us @grovecityalliance on Instagram & Facebook.

The Bible teaches us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and sacrificially, the mission of God advances, the gospel is preached, lives are touched, and the Church is strengthened.

Sunday, August 11


We invite you to join us on the hillside at Grove City Alliance Church for our final outdoor family church service of 2024! We will be celebrating baptisms at the service. Join us at the Find Your F.I.T. Ministry Fair afterwards with fun for the whole family, various food vendors, and fall promotional information to Find Your Friends | Inner Circle | Team. Make plans to buy lunch or some snacks from the delicious food vendors who will be joining us.


What to Bring

  • Chair or blanket
  • Sunscreen
  • Water


Find Your F.I.T. Ministry Fair

Stick around after the service for fall promotional information to Find Your Friends | Inner Circle | Team.

Nursey available for ages 0-2

Check-in in the church lobby, then drop-off in the church nursery.


Kids | Ages 3+

Join us on the hillside for our Outdoor Family Service.

Activities and a snack are provided.

Sign-up for TEXT alerts

If inclement weather is in the forecast for 10AM we will move our services indoors at 9:00AM and 10:30AM. Announcements for this scenario will be shared on our website and social media platforms. You may also opt-in for text alerts: Text gcalliance to 724-200-3070 to sign up!

Outdoor Details
Online Details

To receive text alerts of service changes, text the message GCALLIANCE to 724-200-3070.

Fall Service Times

We will be returning to 3 service times on Sunday, August 18 at 8:00AM, 9:30AM, & 11:00AM!

Fall Service Times

Promotion Sunday is August 18

It’s MOVE UP time! 

On August 18, kids will report to the class that matches their grade level for the 2024-2025 school year.


Class Schedule & Locations:

8:00 Service

Nursery (ages 0-5) – Nursery


9:30 Service

Nursery (ages 0-2) – Nursery

Preschool (ages 3-5) – Aquarium

Kids Church (grades K-5) – Children’s Worship Center


11:00 Service

Nursery (ages 0-2) – Nursery

Preschool (ages 3-5) – Aquarium

Kids Groups:

Kindergarten – Pet Shop (behind nursery)

1st Grade – Candy Store

2nd Grade – Outfitter’s Peak

3rd Grade – Sporting Goods

4th Grade – Lavazza

5th Grade – Vanilla Francaise

Updated SafeCheck Forms Due August 14

It's every parent's favorite time of year: time for back-to-school paperwork!  

All kids who participate in Sunday Morning programs (from age 0 - 5th grade) MUST have an updated 2024-2025 Kids Ministry SafeCheck Form on file. All forms are due Wednesday, August 14 so we can update our system before the fall semester kicks off. Fill yours out today!

SafeCheck Form

Join the Sunday Morning Kids Ministry Team!

Fall Sunday Morning classes and Kids Groups start up again soon and we'd love to have you join the team! There are many different roles to choose from:

Preschool Team (ages 3-5)

  • Serve during the 9:30 or 11:00 services every other week
  • Leader and Assistant positions available

Kids Groups Team (grades K-5)

  • Leader and Assistant positions available for each individual grade level
  • Serve during the 11:00 service

Welcome Team

  • Serve before the 9:30 or 11:00 services
  • Greet families and guests and help with the check-in process

Fill out the interest form below!

Interest Form

Join the Awana Team!

Awana is a midweek club that focuses on the discipleship of our kids. It meets every Wednesday from 6-7:30, and during that time kids (and leaders!) participate in fun games, theme nights, large group teaching that is relevant to the kids’ lives, and small group discussion & community building. Kids ages 3 through 6th grade are growing in their faith weekly! 

This is a place where kids and adults can find their FIT: kids find their Friends and Inner circle and adults find their Team. It takes about 50 volunteers to make Awana happen. We would LOVE to have you join the team! 

Choose from the following roles:

  • Cubbies Preschool Team (ages 3-5)
  • Sparks Small Group Team (grades K-2)
  • T&T Small Group Team (grades 3-6)
  • Game Leaders
  • Treasurer
  • Record Keepers

Fill out the interest form below to join the fun!

Interest Form

Save the Date!

Awana begins Wednesday, September 25 with a Family Kick Off Event. 

Registration opens September 3.

Sunday, August 25th!


Upcoming 6th-8th grade students, it is time for our annual BLEND trip. We will be headed to Fun-Fore-All once again, followed by a scavenger hunt and pizza at the Cranberry Twp. Park. The cost is $30- payable via cash or check. Drop in the Student Ministry Box located in the first hallway.

Students meet at 12:30PM under the tent, bring a packed lunch to eat before boarding the bus.

Blend Registration

September 3

7:00PM - 8:30PM

Students entering 9th grade this fall are encouraged to join us on September 3rd from 7-8:30 pm under the Highland Pavilion at Grove City Memorial Park for a time of fellowship, fun and DQ! 

September 10

7:00PM - 8:30PM

Students entering 12th grade this fall are encouraged to join us on September 10th from 7-8:30 pm at Grove City Alliance Church for Smore’s and fellowship as you begin your final high school year. 

Speak Truth

Women's Conference

Saturday, October 5

9:00AM - 5:00PM

Grove City Alliance Church

Ladies, come and be refreshed and renewed through Gods Word and His Truths! Morning muffins and lunch provided.

Registration opens Sunday, August 18. Early registration: Adults $20, Students $10. Registration after September 28: $30.

No childcare available.

We are partnering with the Grove City Area United Way for our Bless 1 initiative this back-to-school season. Starting Sunday, July 28 you will find a giving wall in the lobby. Please take an envelope or card for the item(s) that you would like to purchase and return those items to the church by Sunday, August 11.


If you would like to donate financially, there will be several envelopes available to collect funds to support the weekend food packs provided to students who may not have access to food outside of school. Donating the amount on these envelopes will provide food for a student every weekend for an entire semester.


If you have any questions, please contact the main office or email

MENAfest Go Teams

Saturday, October 5 / 8:30AM to 9PM

Sunday, October 6 / 12:30PM to 8PM

You can sign up for one or both days.


We will be joining the Arab Christian Church to reach out to Pittsburgh area residents with Middle Eastern and North African backgrounds. MENAfest will include music, activities and food geared towards these groups.


Due to the work being performed, we are recommending that only those individuals 12 & older participate. If you would like to discuss an exception, please reach out to Pastor Goodman at or 724-458-8497.


Attendance at a trip orientation meeting is required to participate. The meeting will be held on Sunday, September 22 at 12:30PM. We will discuss important cultural considerations, appropriate attire and trip details.


Registration will close on Wednesday, September 18 or when all spots have been filled.


Additional details and registration can be found at the link below.

Details & Registration

Go Mexico 2025: Build the Church


We are partnering with Bob & Cheryl Fugate of Southpointe Ministries to host a mission trip to Guadalajara, Mexico in January 2025. Participants will work on interior finishing and women’s ministry as part of their work to impact the circle of silence in Mexico with the gospel of Jesus.


The cost of the trip will be approximately $1,975 (depending on airfare).


Registration deadline is 9/22/24.


If you are interested in receiving more information and the link to register (when available), please complete our online interest form.

Email with any questions.

Interest Form

Perspectives Class

Classes start the weekend of January 10, then run Saturdays-only through February 15. You can attend the first night free! Additional details coming soon.


Learn more at

Celebrate Recovery Dinner

You Are Invited!

Celebrate Recovery’s Monthly Dinner

Saturday, August 10 at 5:30PM

CR dinners are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

Celebrate Recovery

In person - Every Saturday at 6:30PM at GCAC. Please enter through the door on the right side of the building.

Online - Friday at 9PM on Facebook.

Dinner for guests and regulars at 5:30PM on every 2nd Saturday of the month.


Follow the new GCAC Celebrate Recovery page on Facebook for LIVE messages and encouragement every week.

Connect on Facebook
Everyone struggles with a hurt, a hang-up, or a habit in some shape or form. In Mark 2:17, we see a beautiful reminder from Jesus:

"On hearing this, Jesus said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "

Our goal in Celebrate Recovery is to stop unhealthy behaviors that are destroying ourselves and others around us and help us live the purposeful life Christ died for us to live.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Did you know you can find our services directly on YouTube?

Search for GCAC Live Stream or click the button below the image.

Don't forget to click subscribe!

GCAC YouTube Channel

Follow Us on Instagram & Facebook

Follow us @grovecityalliance!

Click on the buttons below to follow us!

Click HERE to Follow Us on Instagram!
Click HERE to Follow Us on Facebook!



Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. Venue | Online


Sanctuary | C.O.R.E. Venue | Online

(ASL translation provided)

(Available on demand any time after)

Grove City Alliance Church

845 North Liberty Road

Grove City, PA 16127

724-458-8497 |

Facebook  Youtube  Instagram